The nuclear family may also include older but unmarried children; aged parents who are too old to look after themselves or their own separated household, or who have become widowed; and close relatives who cannot fend for themselves due to indigence or who have been left alone due to death or divorce. However, this authority was lost when many kadangyan-held lands were declared public property and large American companies staked their claim and took over the mines in the early decades of the 20th century. The matmata are diamond shapes within larger diamond shapes and resemble either rice grains or eyes. The Kankanaey have their own language called Mankayan, which is closely related to the languages of the lfugao and the Bontok, two groups with which the Kankanaey share geographical borders. If the seedlings do not show any sign of improvement, the ritual is repeated, this time with more sacrificial chickens. Among the menfolk, tattoos have become more and more scarce. But this parental arrangement can be set aside anytime by the children when they come of age. The day-eng are what could be considered the equivalent of legends and fables. The other instruments are played either to accompany songs or as a means of entertaining people. The myth of the origin of things and the way by which the external world is perceived and treated are tightly bound with the worship of the god Kabunian. In hosting their extravagant festivities, the kadangyan are not only propitiating the spirits to keep them healthy and wealthy but are also giving themselves an opportunity to share their blessings with the less-advantaged Kankanaey in the community. Like in hanging coffins, the location depends on the status of the deceased as well as the cause of death. 2014. Sagada Social Studies Series 13. By 1929, Benguet was yielding 86% of the total 6.7 million peso gold production and 92% of the 73.7 million pesos just before World War II. Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 17th ed. 1986. To summarize: The lovely Bangan lived in the land of the sunset. [11], Despite their popularity, hanging coffins are not the main funerary practice of the Kankanaey. One was given the task of performing the caao. The womens necklaces are adorned with various kinds of stones and beads. [1], Recent DNA studies show that the Kankanaey along with the Atayal people of Taiwan, were most probably among the original ancestors of the Lapita people and modern Polynesians. Threads of different colors are woven into the base threads to add patterns and other colors. Both manbunong and mangengey inherit their religious position from parents who were themselves spiritual leaders. [9], Musical instruments include the tubular drum (solibao), brass or copper gongs (gangsa), Jew's harp (piwpiw), nose flute (kalaleng), and a bamboo-wood guitar (agaldang). The courtship and marriage process of the Northern Kankana-eys starts with the man visiting the woman of his choice and singing (day-eng), or serenading her using an awiding (harp), panpipe (diw-as), or a nose flute (kalelleng). Talaw (Star) is the most popular song of Sendong, a Kankanaey musician from Bakun. National Economic and Development Authority. The Kankanaey in Benguet may also be called Benguet Kankanaey to distinguish them from the Benguet Ibaloy, who inhabit the lower half and the most urbanized parts of the province, including the vegetable-growing valley of La Trinidad and the melting-pot city of Baguio. The Kankanaey build rice terraces which have become sufficient sources of food. The Kankanaey People of the Philippines: History, Culture, Customs and Tradition [Indigenous People | Cordillera Ethnic Tribes], Kankanaey village by the terraces (SIL International), There are two Kankanaey groups: the northern Kankanaey, also called Lepanto Igorot, and the southern Kankanaey. And finally, elite recruitment into the modern political system has been possible even among nontraditional elite classes, as a result of educational attainment, experience in electoral politics, and wealth acquired through business and professional practice. Their smallest social unit is the sinba-ey, which includes the father, mother, and children. The Spaniards had occupied the adjacent lowlands as early as 1572, but it was only after a hundred years that they were able to reach the territory of the northern Kankanaey. 1972. The village also includes the rice terraces whose walls serve as pathways; a nearby peak that serves as a sacred mountain; certain places on the outskirts where omen reading and other rituals may be observed; and burial places along the cliffs and slopes. However, though they do partake of the family meals and engage in all the family activities such as chores and religious practices, they are free to come and go as they please, and can opt to sleep elsewhere if they wish. When called to ensure an abundant rice harvest, it takes place sometime during May, a month before the actual harvest. The skirt or tapis is a combination of stripes of black, white and red. An 18-year-old Kankanaey woman died of pneumonia a month after their arrival. The leadership structure is largely based on land ownership, thus the more well-off control the community's resources. The blanket incorporates red-and-blue panels of varying widths, with mortars, snakes, or some anthropomorphic figures. Above all, the institution of municipalities as political subunits of provincial governments has almost completely relegated the at-ato to history. With equipment and funds donated by supporters, Dangpa produced films in partnership with local Protestant churches in Buguias, whose members served as volunteer crew members and talents. Joel Tingbaoen, Lourdes Gomeyac-Fangki, and Brian Aliping are popular Kankanaey singers whose appeal can be attributed to their use of Ilocano and Cordillera languages and their often-local themes. The sinpangapo are blood relatives, that is, they can trace their kinship to a common ancestor. Referred to in the fair as Suyocs and miners, the 25 Kankanaeyfourteen men, seven women, and four boys, with ages ranging from 6 to 50demonstrated their skills in blacksmithing, metalworking (i.e., making tininggal or copper chains), fabric- and basket-weaving, pipe-making (making pek or pipe), beadwork, mining, and copper and ore reduction. Its lyrics are set to the melody of Brian Whites Someone Elses Star.. Manila: MCS Enterprises. It has a gable-shaped roof, short eaves, and one or two windows. Religious Beliefs and Rituals of the Northern Kankana-ey The religion of the Northern Kankana-eys is the worship of ancestors and nature spirits with whom they need to be on excellent terms and which they are careful not to offend. Mo mansamakmi, abu, si pina, ya kapi adadoi bagasna, ta waday ilaukami, ta waday iami sigalimi. The production of these films was initiated by Sammy Dangpa, a Kankanaey video enthusiast from Buguias, Benguet, who founded the Vernacular Video Ministry (VVM), through which most of the films have been produced. Initial productions were screened in church gatherings and other community events until demand called for distribution of VCD copies and further productions. They were consulted by families and individuals for the diagnosis and treatment of any kind of illness for which was prescribed the proper cure and the appropriate caao ceremonies. The kodo are individuals who have descended from lineages which have been, for generations, impoverished and working in servitude. Next in the hierarchy is the Kabunyan, who are the gods and goddesses of the Skyworld, including their teachers Lumawig and Kabigat. National Economic and Development Authority. ), Mga Lumang Kasuotan at Pananamit ng mga Pilipino sa Maynila Noong Unang Panahon (sa mga Nagdaang Siglo), Tiboli (Tboli) Tribe of Mindanao: History, Culture and Arts, Customs and Traditions [Indigenous People | Philippines Ethnic Group], The Aeta People of the Philippines: Culture, Customs and Tradition [Philippine Indigenous People | Ethnic Group], The Kalinga Tribe of the Philippines: History, Culture, Customs and Tradition [Indigenous People | Cordillera Ethnic Tribes], The Manobo Tribe of the Philippines: History, Culture, Customs and Tradition [Philippine Indigenous People | Ethnic Group], Tinguian (Itneg) Tribe of the Philippines: History, Culture and Arts, Customs and Traditions [Indigenous People |Ethnic Group], The Most Interesting Heritage Sites Around Taft Avenue in Manila: Historical Places + Nostalgic Hidden Gems, All Rights Reserved | Read:Disclaimer, Vegetable farmer with her harvest of cabbages and potatoes (SIL International), Kankanaey woven product: storage basket (CCP Collections), Kankanaey woven product: bowl with cover made of buri (CCP Collections). Accessed 7 August. [8], Their household is sparsely furnished with only a bangkito/tokdowan, po-ok (small box for storage of rice and wine), clay pots, and sokong (carved bowl). The bandala, worn by the men, is a dark blue blanket with white lines. The loss or abandonment of the at-ato can explain in part the dispersed small settlements that are now features of the cultural landscape. The kintoman, just as mentioned earlier, is more popularly known as red rice due to its color. It is reserved only for distinguished or honorable leaders of the community. The galey or ules is a blanket worn on the upper body as a protection against the cold. They also used the at-ato as their sleeping quarters. Unmarried women, both adults and young girls who had reached the age of puberty, slept in a designated dormitory. One of the ritual ceremonies already mentioned is the bayas. The largest and most important of community celebrations among the Kankanaey is the pakde or begnas. 1985. 2010. The supply of meat is supplemented with chickens and pigs. The Kankanaeys may also differ in some words like egay or aga, maid or maga. The diviners are called manbaknao, manbuyun, or mansip-ok, depending on the particular medium or method used during the ritual. Benguet: Dependency Ratio Down by Four Persons. NSO website, 26 April. Los Angeles: Museum of Cultural History, University of California. Japanese forces during World War II penetrated through the Mountain Province in February 1942. The Kankanan-ey dominate the northwest and speaks the kakali, a dialect similar to the dialect of the Mountain Province and akin to Iloko. Close to their dwellings, the Kankanaey maintain little orchards that supply fruit for their consumption as well as vegetable gardens and sweet potato patches. There are no windows, except for a small opening in the roof serving as a smoke vent. Some of these rituals are pedit (to bring good luck to newlyweds), pasang (cure sterility and sleeping sickness, particularly drowsiness) and pakde (cleanse community from death-causing evil spirits). Hand nets, poison, hook-and-line, or stream draining during the dry season are the methods used by the Kankanaey for fishing. They may have arrived at their present location due to the process of displacement; or they may have naturally gravitated to a terrain more to their liking or to one that is similar to southern China, which, according to a theory of migration, their ancestors have left behind. Batawa (Front Yard), a well-known song by Juanito Cadangen, uses the melody of John Denvers Walk in the Rain to illustrate the unrequited love caused by differences in social status. Such stories would be less serious in tone and in subject than the stories told among adults. Close to the ground is a wooden platform stretching out to the eaves. . Cabrera, Caroline K. 1977. The design of the wanes may vary according to social status or municipality. One integral part of any culture is language, with one of the most spoken languages in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) being Kankanaey. In truth, they are not a single . Cause our chickens also to live to be for keeping us alive. They are part of the collective group of indigenous people known as the Igorot people. Days later, after Annusan had finished his work on his farm, he worried about Delnagen and paid him a visit. It is geographically nearer the Cordillera Kankanaey than the Ilocano. Gatan is a mythological hero who is always successful in his undertakings and enjoys the protection of Kabunian. This leaderand each village had onewas keeper of the agricultural calendar and master of ceremonies in community and at-ato observances. On the day of the marriage, the relatives of both parties offer gifts to the couple, and a pig is butchered to have its bile inspected for omens which would show if they should go on with the wedding. Desirous of a peaceful and bountiful life, the Kankanaey utter the words Itunin sang kabunayen (Thank you, Kabunian) at every fortuitous turn of events (Demetrio et al. Mankayans copper mines were opened to exploitation by a Spanish mining company. The design of the upper attire is a criss-crossed style of black, white and red colors. 1994. Older generations of Kankanaey used to hunt deer and wild boar in forests, and catch eels and crabs in rivers. The low eaves afford protection against heavy rains. They also possess Chinese jars (gosi) and copper gongs (gangsa). The owner of the field cuts a handful of rice stalks and recites a prayer asking for a bountiful crop. Indigenous languages: Knowledge and hope - UNESCO Feathers, leaves, and even carabao horns may be used to decorate this head cloth. The coffins are usually carved by their eventual occupants during their lifetimes. [9], A blood sausage known as pinuneg is eaten by the Kankanaey people. National Statistics Office. Though married, the bride and groom are not allowed to consummate their marriage and must remain separated until such a time that they move to their own separate home. The house has only one entrance, the front door, accessed through a slender detachable ladder. A Kankanaey individual may belong to two groups of people, the sinpangapo or sinpangabong and the sin-aag-i. On the 3rd day, the deceased is made to sit on a chair, often strapped to it to keep the body upright. The southern Kankanaey are found in the municipalities of Mankayan, Bakun, Kibungan, Buguias, and the upper half of Kapangan in Benguet. The case, which had dragged on until just before Jose died, was resolved when he received a jarful of palata (coins) as payment for the properties. They tend to derive morality , ethics , religious laws , or a preferred lifestyle from their ideas about the cosmos and human nature . 1972. Historical Background of Cordilleras Pursuit for Regional Development and Autonomy. NEDA. Several types of economic activities, such as planting, harvesting, house building, or digging irrigation ditches, call for the performance of these rites. The women wear native woven skirts (pingay or tapis) that cover their lower body from waist to knees and is held by a thick belt (bagket). Its gable-shaped roof slopes down beyond the floor towards the ground, and thus the simple structure has no need for walls. The Kankanaey in Benguet may also be called Benguet Kankanaey to distinguish them from the, Kankanaey woman with freshly harvested rice stalks (Photo courtesy of Cesar Hernando), Because the foothills and coastal plains of the Ilocos region lie across the boundary to the west, the, Vegetable farmer with his harvest of cabbages and potatoes (SIL International), An informal gathering of Kankanaey men to discuss community matters (SIL International), Kankanaey Culture, Traditions, Customs and Social Organization, Kankanaey mother and child (SIL International), Religious Beliefs and Practices of the Kankanaey People, Kankanaey begnas, Sagada, Mountain Province (Jennifer Sy Carag), Kankanaey ceremonial container (CCP Collections), Typical Kankanaey dwelling made of bamboo and nipa (SIL International), Kankanaey Traditional Weaving, Ornamentation and Body Tatooing, Kankanaey woven product: pasiking (CCP Collections), Literary Arts of the Kankanaey People: Riddles and Folktales, Bangan, the opulent and powerful heroine of Kankanaey tales (Illustration by Luis Chua), Annusan Lumawig and Bangan performing a wedding dance, as an enraged Delnagen is about to attack them (Illustration by Luis Chua). A chicken is killed, and is offered to the spirits of the field, trees, rocks, and other things in the surroundings believed to have been angered or displeased. Armed thus, she goes from place to place, even entering other peoples houses, as she tries to look for the sick persons wayward soul. Mountain Province: Home of the Kankanais. NSO website, 6 February. The gold is separated using a water trough (sabak and dayasan), then melted into gold cakes. Sagada: Igorot Study Center. A whole village or a family financially capable of throwing a feast takes responsibility for the holding of big and elaborate rites. Vanoverbergh, Morice. Atawu culture and tradition. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. . The village elders may decide to hold the rites after the observance of a bagat (big feast) by a family to regain luck for the community. [9], Gold and copper mining is abundant in Mankayan. The telling and retelling of the origin of human beings and spirit-beings, as well as of the natural world, form the colorful body of oral tradition handed down through generations of Kankanaey. Relatives, villagers, and visitors from other places are all invited to the bayas ritual. Men traditionally wear a G-string (wanes) around the waist and between the legs which is tightened at the back. Gold Mining in Benguet: 1900-1941. Philippine Studies 49 (1): 3-41. Gold mining, particularly in the Benguet area, determined Kankanaey life in a very basic way. During the American occupation, they were the primary choice, as the local elite, for filling up high positions in the colonial bureaucracy. Geneva: Small Arms Survey, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. Manila: Lahing Pilipino Publishing Inc. Casal, Gabriel. The SLT on Bokoh-Making will benefit the youth of Brgy. The Kankanaey believe that interring the dead in caves or cliffs ensures that their spirits (anito) can roam around and continue to protect the living. After eight months, they left the United States on 13 November with a group of Visayans and Tinguian. Traditional weaving called impaot, impagod, or pinnagod, meaning strapped, is done by women when they are finished with farming. These communities appear to have existed long before the coming of the Spaniards to the archipelago. The Limiting Glottal Infix in Kankanaey. Studies in Philippine Linguistics 2 (1): 73-76. Manila: Edmundo R. Abigan Jr. Report of the Philippine Commission to the President, vol. Protestantism, military service, and education created a new Igorot identity for the Kankanaey and the other Cordillera people, especially those who comprised the new educated elite. In Central Luzon, there are 4,980 Kakanaey in Nueva Ecija; 18,645 in San Fernando City in La Union; and 3,206 in Tarlac. Among the southern Benguet Igorot, this festival is called chungas. . The manabig (wise old men) were keepers of the lore and traditions and were expected to define correct custom, interpret procedure in caaos, remember significant matters from the past. Since a manabig was called upon to solve personal and communal problems, he was accorded deep respect, and his services were compensated with meat, rice wine, or both. Annusan could stop him only by splitting his magic cane into many pieces, which proceeded to beat him up. Tapey is served to the dancers, who perform in big circles, shuffling, sliding, and hopping. Just like their northern counterparts, there are also two varieties of rice namely kintoman and saranay or bayag. [8], The Northern Kankana-eys believe in many supernatural beliefs and omens, and in gods and spirits like the anito (soul of the dead) and nature spirits. As a result, the total gold production of the country reached almost half a million pesos per year between 1907 and 1911, around half of which was from Benguet alone. Wild animal meat such as deer, boar, civet cats and lizards are salted and dried under the sun to preserve it. Their society is divided into two classes: the kadangyan (rich), who are the leaders and who inherit their power through lineage or intermarriage, and the kado (poor). Should he merit the final approval of the girls parents through his conduct, and if the omens proved to be good, the wedding was set for solemnization at the girls house. Keesing, Felix M. 1968. They have not been studied by archaeologists, so the exact age of the coffins is unknown, though they are believed to be centuries old. The manapat (wise elder),also called lakay (a word borrowed from the Ilocano), was part of a cluster of informal political leaders, collectively called lalakay, who formed the nucleus of the community councils, supervised litigation, became witness to special negotiations such as property settlements, and assisted in the affairs of the village, the at-ato, and kin groupings. Simpler rites, mainly for the purpose of divining the causes of illness, are also observed. [8], The Northern Kankana-eys have rich material culture among which is the four types of houses: the two-story innagamang, binang-iyan, tinokbob and the elevated tinabla. This refers to an administration area whose boundaries have changed through successive colonial regimes but was known as the missing center of the Cordillera. This made one of the two people laugh. These are good substitutes for rice that could be sliced into thin pieces and added to rice before cooking (kineykey) mixing the sweetness when the rice cooks. The old tradition has not been inflexible. This is common viand of every household and is eaten during childbirth. Louise Antonette N. de las Peas. There is also a tale that speaks of the origin of the human race: First, the gods made two people out of earth. Close to their dwellings, the Kankanaey maintain little orchards that supply fruit for their consumption as well as vegetable gardens and sweet potato patches. The celebration is held for one day and one night with preparations of food, water, and tapuy. Kankanaey communities are among the ethnolinguistic groups whose ritual and ceremonies are studied.5 In the Cordillera, the indigenous peoples have been influenced by the so-called megalithic culture complex, relating to or denoting prehistoric cultures. The Kankanaey perform a ritual to effect the return of a soul which has wandered off on account of sickness. There are often human characters in these stories, just as there are animals given human attributes and undergoing the same gamut of experiences as their human counterparts. Handbook of Philippine Language Groups. Dog meat is considered as a delicacy and pigs and chickens are used mainly for ceremonial activities. These divinatory rites are then followed by a sacrificial feast called an-anito or mansenga, which is similar to the legleg, except that it is performed to seek intercession for an ailing person. As adornments, both men and women wear bead leglets, copper or shell earrings, and beads of copper coin. Praying over it, he implores Kabunian to help reveal the cause of sickness and the type of sacrifice required to cure it. This caao or feast, the most important festival in northern Kankanaey society, is hosted by the kadangyan and involves the slaughter of many animals. Four or five long feathers of the chicken are pulled out and stuck into the site where the bonabon are planted. There are also female mediums called mangengey. The girl usually agrees to the contest because she already likes the boy. ( They were the survivors of a great deluge that occurred thousands of years ago which was caused by Kabunian, who commanded the waters of the seas to rise until all the existing land was inundated. The Northern Kankana-eys have rich material culture among which is the four types of houses: the two-story innagamang, binang-iyan, tinokbob and the elevated tinabla. The at-ato, as it flourished in northern Kankanaey society, was a subvillage grouping that mediated between the village unit and the house unit. A 700 to 900-year-old Kankanaey mummy in particular, nicknamed "Apo Anno", had tattoos covering even the soles of the feet and the fingertips. The tiktiko are either zigzag patterns representing mountains and forests, or crisscross patterns depicting rice mortars. At the bottom of the social scale are the kodo (the poor), who are individuals or families who do not own rice lands or other possessions of measurable value. Uncharted Philippines | Discovering the Sagada hanging coffins and There are sudsud for children, told to them by elders for their amusement. This, along with other reports of Cordillera chiefs and their slaves possessing gold, encouraged subsequent expeditions such as those led by Francisco de Sande in 1576, Juan Pacheco Maldonado in 1580, Luis Perez Dasmarias in 1591, Francisco de Mendoza in 1591, and Pedro Sid in 1591. Northern Kalinga culture groups include Banao, Buaya, Dao-angan, Gubang, Mabaca, Poswoy, Salogsog, Ammacian, Ballayangon, Limos, Pinukpuk, Wagud, Allay / Kalakkad, Biga, Gamonang, Gobgob, Guilayon, Nanong, and Tobog.