Kogan is an unusual dwarfof magic missiles but will only use it as a last resort. If 3 Half-chewed treetops fall into DC 14 6d6 Damage the players attack first or attempt to collect any of the the room Dexterity 10d6 Damage gems, the xorn will attack. Seasonal Shift - 4 sp This cocktail begins with sweet green liquor, layered under strong clear spirits and chilled tea, peach syrup, finally disturbed by frozen cubes of grape juice. through the tavern and clean out the changes brought on by Admindium. Scattered rock-like structures areeverywhere, as well as piles of gems and diamonds whichare well-polished from the constant rubbing and friction,making it difficult terrain throughout. hair is silver-blonde and she wears it in an elegant up-do. Bees constantly buzz from flower to flower. The Fibbona Chicken lays an egg. A creature that tries transformed into a cow through true polymorph. Somen GilronaBartender Insights: Verity knows that Raivo doesnt like pipe smoke,but he greatly appreciates a generous tip. Hot and spicy, it contains clear spirits, The Bugbear - 1 gp red pepper syrup, and Raivos special touch. Olins desk is covered in loose papers and notes.Searching through them, players will find several denied B6. If consumed by a creature, the creatures speech and up to 100 gallons per barrel, and 5 cubic feet per cubic actions are enhanced by minor illusions. There is an additional spiral stairway grants unarmored creatures +1 to their Armor Class, and that leads to the top floor. new horizons in front of it. The jolt passengers also embark, including another noblemanis enough for the player characters to fall out of bed and (Lord Almanor) and his servant (Bishel Voss).be knocked prone unless they make a DC 14 Athleticscheck. Somen is angotten the cause of, so frequent and inconsequential were his expert with knives and carries them with her at all timesdisagreements). vests, and tailored trousers. He wears a out its properties.number of ornate gloves, and has a pair to match every outfit.Lord Almanors neck is wreathed in multiple bejeweled If the player characters free her from the collar by casting removegolden chains and his ears are studded with gems. Amoving between the cars while the train is in motion, as cow-catcher grille on the front has saved the train morewell as a ladder to provide access to the top of the train. Some handwriting is very fine and cultured, while Courier needed for a simple delivery job. Underneaththe tables are baskets and crates full of exotic fruits andvegetables. He always gets the listings that stand out to the party. If confronted, Ham- prefer to be invisible and are not fond of daylight, theymond will try to talk his way out of trouble. The player chooses one die to roll, from the table given time. to talk Raivo the bartender into free or special drinks.6. He wears spec- will use this in combat.tacles and has never been seen dressed in anything otherthan his conductors suit: a buttoned-up formal waistcoat He has a weakness for fancy bath products and his room has thewith stiff lapels and gold braiding on the shoulders. Guidehouse D3. 4. without being provoked, but will react if touched. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHACrush. vegetables. Prim is on the smaller side, and coupled witharmor dyed black underneath her cloak. QRCode. Her face generally betrays no Preston Hillmoreemotion, though a Wisdom (Insight) check of 14 or higherreveals glimmers of resentment and despair in her eyes. Somen Gilrona, the Dining Car During the song, Lord Almanor removes his glove and pokes the entranced Lord Gammon in Staff and Ryman Thorn the neck. they imagine it might be like, it does not compare to the actual experience. Hammond Axman is on board, there is a good chance he will have lost to him in cards). Cast-ing remove curse on him will instead have a rebound effectwhere Raivo and the caster both feel sweltering heat for thenext 24 hours, suffering from a level of exhaustion that can-not be removed by magical means. If Sami or Kem sees them or learn of them, they will offer to buythe pair for 300 gp as they hold sentimental value to the couple.20 An anachronistically cozy thatched roof cottage sits in the middle of a small clearing. Last. A DC 14 Investigation or Nature check will reveal that they have entered the first stomach of The Wildaback. Prim can beDretin Dalmura found on any carriage of the Rail-Away, as she makes con- tinuous rounds. If the players accept his quest to explore upstairs, he is always on his side. Hrogar Spellgut When interacting with the players, Olin heavily impliesthat hes on the verge of a breakthrough, but is unable to A male dwarf traveler (use the bandit captain stat block),fully explain what hes after. A large chest, also belonging to the Gammons, is loaded into the cargo area, with Lord This optional event can occur at any time and is unrelated to Gammon making a fuss about it. Lord Almanor knows this tidbit of potential blackmail,until the song ends. First. Take your players on a trip through one of the 16 different taverns the. The Important Note. If they answer to store information and treasures.incorrectly three times overall, The Tender will give them ashot glass with the words Clever I am not etched into it. Many wealthy visitors around. Every time the player characters explore it, the GM can either roll 1d20or select an encounter from the following Encounter Table. One of them willit will offer a trade: if they leave the tavern and never then ask the party about the time, location, and currentmention their discovery, they will be given 1,000 gold chapter of reality they are in. Made in China Some content in this book implies and specifies the use of alcohol. This is what actually kills Lord Gammon. complete this and will be allowed to question or talk to anyone on the train, though train staff, including Lord Almanor, meanwhile, is very happy to see Lord Knuckles, will keep a close eye on them. Approaching old age, he is wise even beyondalso trusts her to use her hidden abilities as crowd-control in unruly his years and knows how to keep his own counsel, an idealsituations. While the outside of the carriage is of the The Staff Sleeper Car outwardly appears the same assame standard as the rest of the train, the inside is bare the rest of the Rail-Aways carriages, but the interiorbones and undecorated. With this variant rule, The Wildaback canenchanted rope connects the two systems, and is nearly choose to expand the face of the globe as it walks, creatingimpossible to break accidentally. The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns Includes: 17 total taverns ranging from levels 1-20 perfect to incorporating into any 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons campaign Tavern Operators and guests to introduce to your party to encounter in a tavern brawl A unique Quest board for each Tavern with a range of adventures for your players to choose from The tables are always stools line the counter, which is where most regularset with crisp linen tablecloths, fine silverware, and a lit guests prefer to sit, as they are the best seats if you wantcandle for atmosphere. The I come from cloven parent, Seeker coaxed Admindium into repurposing the structure Then worked for ages yet. Everything Sandwich - 5 sp This sandwich isnt for the faint of heart. er exchanging hugs and tears. He has reddish-brownnoble. The taverns surplus of interdimensional magic has made it unstable. Dretin carries a gray bag of tricks, which or be poisoned for 1 minute. Lady Gammon gives something Alen Trismys, Ryman Thorn, to her. If the players investigate, they may catch glimpses of Plains Hills/Mountains Seashoresomeone who appears to be a child in places no child 1d4 Bullette Abominable Yeti Giant Sharkshould be (as there are likely no families aboard the 2d4 Cockatrices Young Dragon (any type) Giant OctopusRail-Away). sumed by a creature, this soupy potion causes patches of fish-like scales to appear on the creatures body. Chimeras17 A single large outcropping of rock juts across your path. A man of few words, heconductor. clothes, his closest servant fades into the background inShe has silvery-blonde hair that she wears loose. Verity stays in one of the doublerooms in the Ruby sleeper car rather than the staff car. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one on a success.target. If the players free it, (trapped) the golem will return to the tavern and take up position inside the Guidehouse (D1). It will then about it. easily return to the location.A5. Alen would very much like to be rid of this While charmed this way, targets are entirely entranced by the troublesome guest, but has never made a move on his own.performance, gaining the Blind and Deafened conditions. It is an everlasting coldbottle (Wondrous Item, very rare. Inside is the red liquid, it gains 1d8 temporary hit points for 8 hours. The goop within E1 to E4 is The Wildabacks digestive fluids. Some have a single twin, others from the lavatories have control water cast on them toa double bed, and some two twin beds. portals in the corners of the garden. The desk has seven drawers, all of themamong the otherwise metallic features in this chamber. Jamil and Nasir's . Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage, and(Perception) checks that rely on sight. She can innately cast the Nimble Escape. Hit: 2 (1d4) slashing damage.Ethereal Sight. Discretion is a must. Restroom 6 After 10 seconds, the mixture becomes a grey ooze. The Misty Morning - 6 sp The Executioners Axe - 5 gp Attitude: Calm (1) Attitude: Angry (5)A tranquil blue and only lightly alcoholic cocktail, A drink with a bite, this cocktail contains no fewer the misty morning works well as a palate cleanser, than six different flavored alcohols that somehow combine to make something that tastes of nothing leaving a refreshing minty taste behind. check-in (A1). She needsthem found and now before word gets out that shes lost Wyvern Giant Crocodile Hellhoundher touchshe cant punch someone she cant find. Refer toBeyond the second door is a wide hallway, with the Taverns Operators section.symmetrical doors on both sides (D3). Admindium carries a wand of wonders, flings them up to 20 feet away from itself. A single loveseat with plump cushions is A small, magically locked secret door (DC 18 Perceptionin front of the window and Kem and Sami were often check to locate, DC 20 Thieves Tools to unlock) is builtfound cuddling there in the early, easy days of their into one of the bookshelves. some is barely legible. pair of toilets, a sink, and a large bath. Here, Qinlar Ravengleam checks guests into the tavern and maintains order.A1. It will for potion creation. Each of the kegs guests can gamble against constructs called Dealers. is enchanted, and converts any liquid placed inside to There are 6 dealers that run different tables, all stocked a variety of ales. of entropy, The Seeker was eventually drawn to the high The answer: A bubble concentration of magic, and met with Admindium. That or a blackout.The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns 15The Wizards Watering HoleThe Quest Board Next to the entrance of the tavern in the Main Hall (A1) If his quest is taken, Thrag will explain that hes eaten is a quest board made of purple wood. The Wizards Watering Hole of peace and restfulness. However, it will take thenoble manages to appear taller, perhaps because of the long, casting of identify or an Intelligence (Arcana) check (DC 18) to puzzleflowing, fur-trimmed silk capes that he wears. A special drink to go with your dessert course, says Raivo. Kitchen UPPER LEVELThe Kitchen has a fireplace witha small fire elemental living in it, B1. The egg grows wings and legs, becoming a fibb. Quest-O-Nomicon: Quintessential Collection $ 164.94 $ 99.99 In place of the dies 20 face is a glass and have discussions withpanel. The Cow dies only if it is hitSenses: passive Perception 13 by an attack that deals 10 or more acid or fire damage while TheLanguages: -- Cow has 0 hit points.Challenge: 1 (200 XP) ActionsActions Bite. In most contracts, he requestssuspiciously personal information almost as if hes Ryman is a fleetfoot halfling gentleman (commoner).searching for means to blackmail everyone he deals with. He does not take kindly to cheats (and, ifknowing that if Lady Gammon fails all three of them will suffer. 5 The contents of the cauldron become thick like cement. A number 1d10+1 +2 Arrows of arrows, mostly undamaged, can be seen scattered around.10 A leather pouch lies off the path, as if someone dropped it while fleeing. The most repeated code in thelivestock such as guests mounts, a cargo bay for supplies ledgers is Bpm Svqnm.and larger guest items that wont fit into their room, 3. If one is able to attract the attention of theyears of isolation, Samis arrival brought him new life, gargantuan beast, they will feel as if they have looked intobut with the success of the tavern keeping Sami busy, he the eyes of a god, suddenly benefiting from the effects ofsometimes feels alone again. Main Hall and is a feast for the senses. If engaged in conversation, Rimak will direction. items, dimly lit by ever-burning torches. The target wakes up if it takes damage or if another following properties:creature takes an action to shake it awake. If the player characters have taken on the All You Can Eatquest for Chef Sarphi, it is at the GMs discretion whether they immediately come upon the remorhaz burrow (Roll 6) or ifthey must first explore The Ruins and come upon it randomly.Roll Encounter Text Creatures CR 1 This area of The Ruins seems strangely green, with vines and other vegetation growing amongst the stone. Unless persuaded through magical means, he will either say he of his depravity, wealth and cruelty. However, it canboost with Brandr and give advantage in any interactions be used as a quest even if the GM is not running the eventwith him. However, besides her ironstays to her room. In addition to standard games and Dice gains 2d8 + 4 temporary hit points, but is unable to focus Duel, the party can also gamble by playing Trail Seeker, a on concentration spells and loses any skill proficiencies. everyone with a good time. He hasfake, as is everything about him other than his haughty attitude.) His games of choice are Knucklebones and Lady Ulume GammonPoker. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range one target. If the saving throw fails by expended charges at dawn. There are two large closets filled with ping onto the surface of The Wildaback, but no matter whatoutfits from vastly different cultures. dimensions from disrupting the extradimensional space. Qinlar keeps track of each The stage is big enough for substantial productions butweapons place, and has a master intimate enough that anyone watching almost feels likekeyword (barakor) he can shout they are part of the action.to unlock everything in caseof an emergency. same cut of beef, and is confused by how consistently delicious it is. They are intended to serve as startingpoints, rest stops, or anomalies to use at times when and any cosmos, which leads to a lot of optionalwriters block or schedule conflicts are ever-present. For example, gold foot of each crate. take the job, she cautions the party against opening the package, saying the contents are fragile. Created by Eldermancy 17,924 backers pledged $1,650,341 to help bring this project to life. Verity does, but not before enlisting As a variant, at the GMs discretion, other passengers the help of Raivo Sevara, who uses his skills to create a or staff may choose to join the fight depending on their cocktail (the Foggy Mind, whose effects are detailed during current relationship with the party members. Pipessize and number of beds. Hooves. Alen Trismys is a pretentious high elf who serves as aSecrets: Verity is actually a chaotic neutral night hag in disguise. Many are priceless yet Sami somehow always finds room for just one more. cate with the enigmatic beast and the private rooms of Kem and Sami. The Fibbona Chicken makes two attacks; one Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.with its beak and one with its talons. What is The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns?. rounds to quickly collect what it needs from other rooms. Bathroomapplications to various wizard colleges. She can usually be found hanging out near The Bar (A5) or with Sami in his office (D3).48 The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns, The words you are searching are inside this book. There are three four-seater tables and four two-Knucklebones, Checkers, and Fox and Geese. Verity Warberry, and crumples the note and throws Ryman Thorn; it away. Dretin Dalmura has advantage on saving Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16throws against being charmed, and magic cant put the drow Languages: Common, Goblin, some Elvishto sleep. The hatch through which the players 3d8 100 gp stonesentered can no longer be seen. Any character who drinks this cocktail will feel a more than the sharp tang of steel. Bishels wardrobe consists entirely of mutedfeatures are delicate and her skin is the color of ashy gray and brown clothing, with no jewelry or adornmentporcelain. Perhaps we canforward, they will see staff fleeing away from the engine discuss some business while we travel? Lord Gammon,and one of them will scream, Brandrs lost control! with a look of distaste, responds, This is purely a pleasure trip, Lord Almanor. If players investigate the Steam Engine, they willfind the hatch door to the engine flung open and a fire At the last minute before the train is due to leave, oneelemental and 1d4 steam mephits laying waste to the additional passenger shows up: a beautiful half-elf womanroom. Her hair falls in two braids.She has a small scar at the corner of her mouth, but smilespleasantly if spoken to. She mostly buy from the taverns gift shop. HeRimak has a Charisma score of 16 keeps himself in good condition, waking up early everyRimak is CR 8 (3,900 XP) morning to exercise on the shoulder patio. If the flying emperor monkeys detect the party first, they will immediately attack.44 The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsWildaback Tavern6 You find yourself in a large, roughly circular clearing with a burrow of some kind. Coop. This truly colossal creature lumbers gracefullyposts secure a stone bridge that runs along the back of the across vast terrains, supported by six towering legs. A very large nest sits atop a 40-foot-tall outcropping of the strange stone-like 1 Roc 11 substance that makes up the surface of The Wildaback. If Thrag is given The Cow, he will may be dangerous. the room Strength 2 A well-chewed amount of DC 12 2d6 Damage Attracted by the gems, 1d4 xorn are located at various leaves and thorny branches Dexterity locations within the area, sorting through stacks of falls into the room diamonds, seemingly unperturbed by their location. Player2d8 supply of +1 ammunition to his reward. Additionally, so long as they lay out a convincing theory Gammon to talk to himunsuccessfullyand uses the with the evidence they have been able to gather even if it is elaborate dinner party as an excuse, knowing that Lord not wholly correct, they can succeed at the GMs discretion. 4 The contents of the cauldron suddenly turn into snow. Upon first check-in, guests are treated to a available, as well as some pottedcomplimentary beverage. Tarmo very much enjoys his job, though every- spends most of his time in the engine room or the bar car.one knows that Prim is the one that really gets things done He has a hearty laugh and a certain magnetism about himon the Rail-Away. a bubble in an ocean, guided by a gravity-like force that it could manipulate. Additional newsound of the brake being applied with full force. The TenderThe Tavern Operators a muscular build and a forlorn expression. with each other telepathically. Anyone Bartender Insights: Kogan knows that Raivo hates it when someonewho underestimates Knuckles does so to their detriment. Description: Thrag want to know how tavern keep meat Anyone possessed by the ghosts during the fight will fresh always. worth 1,500 gold, including a diamond worth 300 gold.Her build is slim and wiry, accented by leather armor dyedblack underneath her cloak. The players must then clean he will stop stealing food if they bring him meals. Some theorize, they give a hint about the ponderings of The Wildaback itself. Lord16 It is strangely quiet as you come upon this roughly oval-shaped area. Heoutside. While Lady Gammons treatment is charismatic tool in the shed, but he is earnest and hard-much better than what she experienced working in the mine, she holds working. A couple of cloud giants are picnicking nearby and have 2 Cloud 9an entire feast laid out upon a very large blanket. They generallysurprise some guests due to her remarkably silent stride. It has an intelli- The Potion Room is open to all guests for both study and gence of 10 and can attack four times on its turn, but it recreational purposes, but can only be operated by up to otherwise has the same statistics as animated armor. Scattered papers dealing with the The side of the room directly above The Wildabacks day-to-day running of the tavern are scattered on the desk.head is an open balcony providing a clear view of whatlies ahead. The terms of the pact confused state. The exactcontents of her room are determined by the GM, butshould not exceed a value of 150 gold. Alen uses the noble stat block, but lacks a Enchanting Song. Welcome To The Twisted Taverns | Ghostfire Gaming If asked what they mean by chapter, they willin fighting. The target can repeat the savingshe will pull from at the start of combat. Fling. Qinlar Ravengleam The Buphagus are the servers in the tavern hall, and keep everything clean in functional parts of the tavern.Qinlar Ravengleam is a stout They are employeespaid and treated well. abundant plants grow in large rectangular planter beds made of carved stone, including some square planters A marble-topped table containing fruit trees such as pomegranate and breadfruit.sits in the center of theroom and is cool to touch, Nora Treeforge, the gardener, keeps everything healthymaking it perfect for and pruned and is always looking for new seeds to add totempering chocolate dishes. A carved stone hatch covers the entrance and can beThere are occasional tunnels that dip down below the easily opened with a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.ruins, into the magically expanding hide as well as the However, once the party steps through, the hatch closesactual insides of The Wildaback. The stony carriage is large enough to hold 12 mediumcreatures, but is usually operated for 6 at a time. A few potted ferns in flanked by vaguely humanoid stone statues. Meat Too Good The guardians in The Rifting (C4) are currently fighting two ghosts that appear identical to two of the Quest Giver: Thrag the Devourer party members (or two of the taverns other guests). In the most dangerous situations, hewritten down in a leather-bound journal.) Chest. Sarphi is a young pink-skinned, blue haired, tiefling female com- Sami Yanay moner. The Seeker shows up dead at Death's Door, her staff has her brother's soul in it which is impossible without killing his body or putting it in an eternal coma, the Ironstout tavern's main storyline involves a wraith and will-o-wisps, a horse whose eye is mentioned straight out d i e d by what's in it, and so on. The Copper Pennybe ordered directly to a room or a table in the otherentertainment cars. Only one legendary action option canSenses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17 be used at a time and only at the end of another creaturesLanguages: Common, Deep Speech, telepathy 60 ft. turn. Esthene can board the train either before, during, orsoon after Lord Gammon. Guests can use shape to take the form of various buckets found around the room to fill the cauldrons, which small creatures, cartoonish faces will magically begin to boil. and will regale listeners with hard-to-believe stories of hisCantrips (at will): minor illusion, prestidigitation, vicious mockery exploits in battle. seater tables, one being located in the corner for privacy. He has been mistaken on more than one occasion for a humanmade a fortune through forgery, dishonest contracts, and embezzlement. The water from this room flows into several 3a. Any character with a Passive Perception that are either time- or NPC-dependent. Main Stage The raised stage is arguably the focal point of the Main In this reception area are a set of lockers enchanted Hall, though the entire area has such ancient grandeurwith arcane lock (lockpick DC 20), which contain the ma- that it is hard to tell which part is the most impressive.jority of the guests weapons. Popping the fruit causes its unimaginably sweet insides to coat the rest of the dish. As the drink sits, the seasons slowly change. To do so, A5. three are also able to call off the golems from attacking. If The Tender The spirit that governs the fogs actions is tied to the is destroyed, a new constructEthereal Plane. Preston Hillmore is a rough but honest half-orc (commonerSecret: Trackle is cousin to Prim, who escaped their ore mine after Lady with a strength of 16).
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