But, just by having this incredible profit engine that you can pump into these other ideas, I think there are a lot of similarities. It's going to be fun. ZIERLER: When did you first appreciate the connections between black holes and quantum information? But it's only those two places where we know that quantum mechanics and general relativity make different predictions. Sequoia's Shaun Maguire on competition and conviction in - Yahoo! I'll say something that can get me in trouble. You want to live up to his name and reputation. Did you talk to him a lot about these things? I tried to do the John Preskill Socratic method: ask some questions that would reveal the other person didn't know what he was talking about. Shaun Maguire (Sequoia) + Samir Vasavada (Vise) - Yahoo Finance Shaun Maguire is a partner at Sequoia, has founded two companies (one in space technologies and another in global internet security) and holds a PhD in physics from Caltech. There have been these big evolutions, these big jumping points, and I only mentioned some of the ones related to the information paradox. I didn't know exactly what to do. Previously he Co-Founded Expanse which was acquired by Palo Alto Networks for $800M. So, we became friends. The platform lets people buy crypto coins attached. Shaun Maguire | Heritage Project Honestly, at the end of my PhD I had three full-time jobs. He taught computer science and astronomy. I still don'tno oneI don't know anything about quantum mechanics. When I had thought about itI'm going to tell you, this is the 100% truthful version. Is this like a common narrative in venture capital? It gave me a really deep intuition for that, and that led to a passion for black holes, and I came back to it later. Some of it is implicit. He emailed Mike Moritz, who's a legend in venture capital, and, Michael Abramson, and they ended up giving me a job. I am, not quite as much as you, but I'm also a student of history, and I've been a student of Valley history. The actual edge doesn't move that quickly. He is a Director of AMP Robotics, Gather, Physna, and Vise. Honestly, after getting to the cutting edge of knowledge there, it's weird. I do know Rob. In an upcoming episode on Wednesday, May 19, we'll sit down with Sequoia's Shaun Maguire and Vise CEO and co-founder Samir Vasavada. I also think we were living through a pretty incredible period in semiconductor technology. So, I did this and got to ask a question to the astronauts, and that honestly made space really tangible to me. Please dont YOLO your 401(k) into shitcoins. Adam Crafton. There's not one moment in my life where I wasn't doing three or four things, all at a relatively high level completely in parallel. Because it's an extra three factors of two you had to get. Shaun, it's great to be with you. Shaun Maguire, partner at Sequoia Capital, chats with DeSo Founder Nader Al-Naji on a number of topics across crypto, startups, and venture capital.Shaun was. That was one theme. Then it led to starting a company, which did DARPA work for the next seven or eight years. While the crypto industry continues to mint new unicorn startups, the rapid cooling of public market tech stocks has threatened to stall growth in the emerging category, which has still proven awfully susceptible to macro conditions. I can be a little more concreted if it's helpful, but I'd just say in this field, in quantum gravity, it's really hard to do an original contribution without three to five years of having learned the foundations. Our Team | Sequoia Capital US/Europe When I was getting recruited by other funds, Patrick was aware. You want him to respect you; you don't want to disappoint him. Decentralization is not a silver bullet that just solves all problems and is better for everything. Shaun Maguire, a crypto partner of Sequoia Capital, one of the venture capital firms most active when it comes to investments in the cryptocurrency space, issued its opinion on the future of many VCs investing in crypto. There are some videos of this online; it's pretty hilarious. 2020-2021. . ZIERLER: Finally Shaun, going forward, do you have a fluid view about your relationship with academia? It really is easy to say that, but doing three to six months of repeatedly showing up repeatedly and having something to say every week because you learned something new, that's what actually matters and that's actually hard to do. Some of these things are so dependent on so many other variables. So, that was one example of something. One of the most high-profile ones was Global Crossing, which was this company that was the fastest company ever at the time to get a billion dollar valuation. So, I felt like if I'm ever going to do something in business, I'm never going to get a shot this good, so I kind of had to do that in my mind. Then I got recruited to work at DARPA by Regina Dugan. It wasn't as clear that you'd be able to go to cheaper instantaneous power production than natural gas, for example. That was my passion, so I went to Caltech to work with Jerry. shaun maguire sequoia wife https://iccleveland.org/wp-content/themes/icc/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 ICC ICC https://iccleveland.org/wp-content/themes/icc . After the fact, I would say my post hoc analysis is that almost anyone that shows up for three to six month, you kind of default become his student. I honestly didn't feel like I deserved to be in that world, and I didn't know enough to even know how to get started until I was coming back. I think there's a second thing. It's easy to understand the calculations, but it gave me this really deepthe answer here is that space is not flat, and your intuition for flat geometry is completely wrong. In many ways was the core person that drove it in the beginning, if not the core person. MAGUIRE: Yeah. On the other hand, since I was a little kid, my passion was black holes and space. It took a long time. Twitter View on Twitter. I originally joined in the Control and Dynamical Systems Department. I've brought some people from Caltech into companies I've worked with. Physna codifies 3D models into detailed data for software applications. Maybe five years later the physicists will go learn the math required to talk to him. Shaun Maguire, Sequoia Capital Partner, joins 'Tech Check' to discuss the decision to back the social network, what makes it . Privy makes Simple APIs to manage user data off-chain. John rules out of love, and you don't want to disappoint him. We became friends from that. But photons are always moving, and they have a mass when they're actually moving from a relativistic perspective. Mark Wise. Those are things that Google should be investing like crazy into, because those are existential risks to their core business on a 20 year time frame. Sequoia Capital's New Crypto Fund - video Dailymotion Gather hosts virtual spaces for work and play. Rob is another legend of the field. ZIERLER: And when does Sequoia enter into the mix? ZIERLER: Yup. MAGUIRE: I think someone doing theoretical work in what I call "hard" fieldsa PhD student doing theoretical work in pure math, or in quantum gravity, or high energy physics, or whatever, those are really hard areas to do original work. There's always more to learn, so I'm always playing catch-up. But I think he's testing people's commitment, which I think is a really smart strategy that not enough people do. MAGUIRE: Others know this stuff better than I do, but last I checked, there are only two places in nature that we're aware of where quantum mechanics and general relativity make different predictions about what should happen. ZIERLER: Shaun, we'll get to this in real time, but did you always have a business streak, an entrepreneurial streak that you always wanted to actualize? He also serves as Chairman and Advisor at Vise. While decentralization allows for a certain type of consumer protections, Maguire still contends that the rulebook of traditional investor protections shouldnt be thrown out. It may seem like a really small thing, but it's the only clue we have that there needs to be something new. It tied together all of my passions, just all of themblack holes, computers, all of these things. It wouldn't be relevant to the business model in a parent company. And some of these founders dont even understand where it comes from, or how deeply ingrained it is in them. It's the first time that information had to be considered in physics. I think a lot of people were always too afraid to even ask him. I've been reading your notes from Afghanistan." Shaun Maguire, General Partner, Sequoia Capital, Quantum Information and the Venture Connection. Sequoia partners and specialists help outlier founders at every stage bend the arc of the possible. Before black holes, a prerequisite to understand them is you have to know some general relativity. Alexei traveled sometimes, and I think he was very protective of his time in that he wanted you to meet him when he would say, but he would always make time for you. Sequoia Partner, Shaun Maguire, said, "We have a long-term view on crypto that it's a megatrend over the next 20 years." In the same interview, Maguire said that the crypto fund would invest in tokens like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin. For example, the thing that motivated quantum mechanics, I think there were three main categories of discrepancies. We would have gotten there later with the different technology. By normal human standards, I'm an introvert. My job as a VC is much more about business strategy, hiring people, managing people, understanding human psychology, understanding market psychology, understanding where the puck is going in terms of technological trends, things like that. The Sequoia partner Shaun Maguire. I became really interested in the solar system. The founder of Figma is an amazing 30 year old kid who also really loves physics and computers. ZIERLER: Was Alexei accessible? About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . I think Bell Labs won nine Nobel Prizes, and there was a lot of stuff that was pretty adjacent to Bell Labs. In my opinion, no question. [few minutes pause] When you got to the group meetings with John, what were some of the big debates that were happening? Alexei is really introverted. MAGUIRE: My read is John is just testing your commitment. I had been very lucky to meet this guy, Patrick Collison, who's a pretty famous founder now. There are a lot of different interpretations, and it's more in the realm of philosophy. How did that play out? Out of the three you mentioned, I think Google is the only one that has a lot of parallels. So, we raised a bunch of venture capital. Shaun Maguire is Partner at Sequoia Capital. By navigating this website you agree to our cookie policy. Regina was a Caltech alum who was the Director of DARPA. He never tells you you're stupid. As crypto continues its wild rise, storied venture firm Sequoia is not just competing with the a16zs of the world but with a rising crop of crypto native venture funds that are seeing their assets balloon and their influence upend the traditional venture hierarchies. It's actually a directly relevant story, so I'll share it here. DAVID ZIERLER: This is David Zierler, director of the Caltech Heritage Project. ZIERLER: Shaun, with the entrepreneurial culture at Caltech, I wonder if your work has given you a broader perspective of the kinds of ways Caltech ideas, Caltech faculty and students are involved in technology ventures. I could go on and on. Don Valentine, the founder of the firm, he had been at some of the top semiconductor companies of the past, including Fairchild and National. Shaun Maguire | Sequoia Capital US/Europe They're investing in a lot of things that were notbiology, life sciencesI actually think it might be bad to invest in things that are so far away from what you're doing since you don't have the core expertise. BCS national champion ( 2013) Sean Maguire (born March 11, 1994) is an American football quarterback. MAGUIRE: I think something that's hard for people to understand about me is that I've always been doing multiple things in parallel my whole life. Honeywell I don't think is a great comp; they don't have the same profit engine that Bell Labs has. I had moved from a full-time operating role to chairman, and I was finishing my PhD. I think most string theorists have beenmost, not all, some of them have been very arrogantbut the vast majority have been very measured in how they've thought about string theory and the current state of string theory and all that. I think everyone that's been at Caltech, it has to lower your ego. What were people excited about at that point? Ive got to believe that they work incredibly hard in part to make their families proud. And that all comes from a huge amount of money that got poured into a basket of approaches, and those things were all able to compete and evolve. Another is just the network of people. For months, when I was 13, I couldnt sleep at night because there was a thought experiment I couldnt understand. Identified as v4.0.2Now with Pre-Seed Investor Lists FAQ Another thing too, to be very candid for me, I have very broad interests. One thing that I think is close to Bell Labs from a different direction right now is Deep Mind. It's a very interesting style. I had a pretty good intuition about how to solve them and ended up talking to Professor Arratia. Sequoia's Shaun Maguire on competition and conviction in - Yahoo r2C is a defensive cybersecurity automation company with an open-source static analysis tool. It's really easy to go say, "Admit me; I'm going to work really hard." I did horribly in high school. The model was evolving, basically from the time thatShockley was the first semiconductor company in the Valley, and there wasn't a venture capital model yet, so Shockley was basically a division of Beckman Instruments, a wholly owned division with a bunch of incentives. When I was 7 years old, he helped me build my first computer. MAGUIRE: When I was a Stanford and when I first joined Caltech, because I had such a weird background, I didn't have the background yet to actually be able to think about the problem or really understand the problem statement. Over the course of three years, maybe once every two to three weeks he'll ask you a question that is almost like the series of questions is taking you on a journey that he wants you to go on, but he doesn't tell you explicitly what journey you're going on ahead of time. That was the question, and what he meant by that was if you could take boundary measurements around the sounds you'd be hearing on a drum, or the heights of waves moving through a drum, could you uniquely figure out the shape inside? Feynman is the classic Caltech person. In some cases, they were wildly misunderstood as kids and have chips on their shoulders. She recruited me onto a pretty crazy project related to the war in Afghanistan. I would say a bunch of the other prominent, early investors were really more coming from the technical side. MAGUIRE: It was simply in having a stronger math background than some people. He would always offer that. Shaun is a Partner at Sequoia Capital. I led the Series A in IonQ, which is one of these first wave quantum hardware companies, which a bunch of people at Caltech knowlike Chris Monroe and Jungsang Kim, the founders of the companywell. I literally emailed John Preskill from Afghanistan. That sort of developed over time? At Caltech, everyone talks about the science all the time. Another is how the universe was formed, like the big bang. I don't want to sell for a billion dollars now, I want to sell for $20 billion. He knows where you're going. Some of the big ideasone that John was involved in was bringing in the ideas of error correcting codes, that nature might be behaving like a quantum error correcting code on some really fundamental level. His name is Doug Borcoman [?]. They ebb and flow, so I try to go where the action is. AMP Robotics is changing the face of recycling with high-speed guided robotics. I also, though, I think a lot of string theorists have gotten a bad rap. It was just announced last week that Figma is going to be acquired by Adobe for $20 billion. In some ways, one way to view whats happening in crypto right now is its almost like throwing all the old rules out and starting with a blank canvas.. It was a tiny department. Everyone was telling mepeople on both sides didn't understand why I was doing both. Knowde is the marketplace for chemicals, polymers and ingredients. That's another example of something where it didn't make sense with the classical treatment. Bored out of my mind. He was an amateur astronomer, and sometimes with my friend Brandon, he had like an eight inch telescope, and we'd go look at stuff in the sky. I think the key lesson here is that there can be certain industries where almost all of the VCs lose almost all their money on the investments because there's too much competition and the science is moving too fast, but that actually is an important part of getting the future to arrive faster. That's how I got to know Google Ventures. Being able to stay on top of it and having a lot of my friends be the ones pushing it forward, it's kind of enough for me. Jerry was this weird physicist where he had a really elite pedigree, and a lot of people with really elite pedigrees would go into the really cutting edge stuff of quantum gravity, or string theory, or high energy physics in general. The media built them up. That happened in the early 90s. A saddle is what we call negatively curved. In all the classical physics, optics, Newtonian mechanics, etc., and classical electromagnetism, that didn't make any sense. I had some aptitude. I missed more than the legal number of days in the state of California due to three or four factors, so I was just kind of sat on my computer and doing my own things. It was basically a bunch of renegade people that just loved technology and didn't want to go work on Wall Street; they wanted to make their career out of trying to build the future the hard way. His portfolio includes Stripe, Opendoor, IonQ, Spinlaunch, Lambda School, Dandelion Energy . It's not a regulated monopoly, but they havenot supposed to say thisbut they have a monopoly on search. I originally self-studied quantum mechanics, and I was able to have some intuition. There's this other thing called holographic entanglement entropy. At Caltech there was this guy, Jerry MarsdenJerrold Marsdenwho is an absolute legend in space physics. ZIERLER: You mentioned on a day to day basis you utilize your expertise in quantum information fairly rarely. It's close enough to the core business that it's a very smart strategic thing to invest in. Join Facebook to connect with Shaun Maguire and others you may know. When did that start for you? Because I had come from a math background, I found that yes, I could talk to Alexei. Moore's law had to keep running for an extra five years, and no one knew how long it would run for. Let me tell you, that's one of the lessons of studying either quantum mechanics or general relativity: your instincts are oftentimes wrong, so you have to actually go do the calculations. Patrick called Sequoia and told them they should hire me instead. It's hard to say no when DARPA is willing to give you money to go build some really advanced technology with really brilliant people. ZIERLER: Just to clarify, when you came to Caltech, you were already admitted, but it was not certain at that point that you'd be John Preskill's student? ZIERLER: The point of connection to Sequoia, how did that happen? Lessons from Academia, Entrepreneurship, and Investing featuring Shaun I try to keep up with all those fields. Dr. Maguire is also on the board of 5 other companies. What has stayed with you from IQIM and Caltech in general? Can you make time for me?" I don't think it's an accident that John's group has been the central node in quantum information over the last 20 years or so. ZIERLER: So then what happens next? You can interpret that as a lower bound of the masses of particles allowed in the space. The other groups I had been in, they weren't groups. At the time, a recurring theme through the group is that Kitaev had done a lot of really interesting work and people were trying to understand it continuously. Maxwell's demon was first in the statistical mechanics domain or thermodynamics domain, but it was what first brought the concept of information to physics in a tangible way. ZIERLER: Shaun, in your day to day role at Sequoia, are you bringing your quantum information expertise? I'm probably making this up, but it felt like 20 kids.
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