I was at An Hoa with India Co. 3/5,from 8/68 to 10/68,I transferred to CAP. GENERAL ORDERS: CITATION: The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pride in presenting the Medal of Honor (Posthumously) to Hospital Corpsman Second Class David Robert Ray (NSN: B-308634), United States Navy . I enjoy hanging-out with Hill-Tribe people) but people say you can NOT because the Lao Government wont allow it because it is still a sensitive area because of the Hmong fighters even today, 2021. I recall that orphanage which was in front of Bravo Sector where we had a line of bunkers. Was part of the LSU (Logistics Support Unit). These were the first official combat units that were sent to Vietnam. It was built to enable the Marines to move men and material across the Song Thu Bon south to An Hoa or to a jump off point for Operations to be conducted on Go Noi Island. Picture taken from a CH 46 on a routine mail run with HMM 164 to An Hoa. This was the main route between Danang and An Hoa. Please take a look at some of the links below to learn more in detail about Liberty Bridge and other places of interest in the Quang Nam region in Vietnam. Semper Fi.Doc! For the general traveler there are certainly reasons to visit the area. Liberty Bridge Connecting Jersey City to NYC The 8th of March 1965 US Marines landed on the beaches of Da Nang. During an attack on our base two of the German male nurses where driving their white painted (with red cross) jeep near the village and where attacked and one was killed and the seriously wounded. If an internal link led you here, you may wish . For those of us in the Navy Medical Department these individuals are symbols of service and sacrifice in the most trying moments of our history and standard-bearers for what one Medal of Honor recipient later described as acts of true spirit [and] determination. What Was The Significance Of The American Victory At The Battle Of Saratoga In October 1777. My best friend wound up at Khe Sahn during TET and over the years we had our share of alcohol talking about who had it worst. Thats what we called him. I am glad you made it out. The Antenna Valley is located across the pass to the west from the Que Son Valley. Division: 3d Marine Division (Rein) FMF. Thanks, Jon. When the attack began at 22:00, Marine tank and artillery crews on the perimeter began direct fire against the advancing PAVN/VC, using Beehive anti-personnel rounds. Good talking to you,take care and Semper Fi. We were told he came from 81 Mortars at Phu Loc and his Father was a navy Admiral.I have no name as only several Squad leaders were introduced and they are either gone or never knew him. My mom kept bringing them out until the last day we were there. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 4 - Wikipedia His battery commander later related that when you were as tall as Ray, had a southern drawl and were serving with the Marines you know youre in for some rough kidding. And he raised his hand (Im sorry, I still get emotional thinking about this) and I popped him square in the chest. Hill 41 was the sister hill to Hill 10. One of the last Air Traffic Controllerswatched a CH53 hook up to our control tower (actually a box about 6x6x6 feet) North of the river are also located Hill 65 and Hill 37 in Dai Loc, the remnants of the Victory Bridge are just a few kilometers north east of the base. I saw a C-123 at the Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio. Nadine Dymond Trcka. I was at An Hoa from 68-69. God Bless, My father was also corpsman Robert Dymond he passed about 10 years ago. His name was Kinh. | View Image Page. I really learned something and I am thankful you shared a part of your story. I served with CHARLIE 1/5 during TET 68-69 i was a machine gunner in the AZ VALLEY IT WAS THE VALLEY OF DEATH. The Liberty Bridge, completed in 1928, connects downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to the Liberty Tunnels and the South Hills neighborhoods beyond. He kept coming and kept coming, making like he was drinking from the can, and he wouldnt put it down. They left 17 of us to guard what was left on 2/5 base We could hear orphans screaming but could not help. 106mm RR View directly south from a 106mm mounted on a Mule guarding the approach to Liberty Bridge. A women saving food. Wade. Always busy. Heres an aerial view I found on YouTube. I was in Vietnam in from April 1968-April 1969 with the USMC. Chuck, thank you for checking out the article and for your nice comment. THE WALL OF FACES - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Tom I First Force Recon and our compound was right by the artillery battery. As we got 20 to 30 yards into the paddy Kinh and the other Chieu Hoi had killed a half dozen NVA that had dug spider holes in the rice paddy and hid. Yaa, way remote. My name is Richard Vesper I was in AN Hoa 69 and 70 untill we turned it over to the ARVNS I believe in Sept. of 70. 1969, a Marine combat base at Phu Loc 6 near An Hoa, A Portrait of HM2 Bobby Ray, Heroic Doc of Liberty Bridge, Strategic From Jon. Paul Conrad Sr. On an operation to Liberty Bridge, Vietnam, 1970. The one Seabee Ican remember had handlebar mustache and was nicknamed Gunsmoke. Hey Michael, I served as a combat engineer and was assigned to the Liberty Bridge from mid 68 to early 69 and maintained and operated the pontoon ferry while the Seabees were building bridge #2 . South end of the runway by the artillery battery. On 10 September, 1965 the Commanding Officer of the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment LtCol. Vietnam War Huey Helicopter Radio Chatter, Liberty Bridge - YouTube With the redeployment of the 3rd Division north, Hill 55 became the Command Post of the 7th Marine Regiment in April, Colonel Ernie Cheatham was our battalion commander. We were bulk fuel, ammo, radio relay, etc. But my B Battery had been split off from the battalion on arrival in Vietnam and placed in a defensive position near Da Nang. Da Nang. I was at An Hoa for much of 1967. Janes Graham, a very bold and capable leader. Thank you for your comment Michael. At An Hoa we were right down by the wire by 2|5 and the little chopper pad LZ. It was an honor to be taken in by grunts like you ,dont regret one minute of our time together. S/Sgt Greg Smith H&S 2/5. I dont know how An Hoa compared to other places in Vietnam We never slept even when not in the bush. Hi Leslie. Today if you Google David Robert Ray you will come across a portrait showing a gangly, smiling youth in service dress and a Dixie Cup hat. Photo By Andr Sobocinski | Additionally, Delta 1/5, which had been on our right flank, was also badly mauled. Changing tubes on 175s at LSU 1 in 1970 was the hardest work I have ever done in my life . Viet Nam, Summer-Fall 1969 Campaign 09June69 to 31Oct69 Liberty Bridge, Que Sons, An Hoa 1969 Vietnam Service Medal Criteria The Vietnam Service Medal was awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the United States who served at any time between July 4, 1965, and March 28, 1973, in Vietnam or its contiguous waters or airspa. Looking for a Lt. who came to Fox 2/5 2nd Platoon on 11 July 69 And stepped on a box mine less than 12 hours later. When I awoke Roger Doc Lansbury was at my side. Hey Mark why dont I remember you. New one of the KIA ( Gunny, Floyd Keffe) . I went through four operations while I was in Vietnam, including the Durham Peak and Pipestone. By days end 36 of the Marines were dead. Bad night at The Bridge. I have a picture of your gun with the round in the air I earned the Bronze Star for the time I was in the Quang Tri province, where we had a little outpost with a concertina wire gate around it. there were 6 or 7 of us at a time at Anhoa with the Airwing3 Air Traffic Controllers and repair/maintenance men for the radar equipment and generatorsNormal cleared to land & cleared to take off stuff plus advise the pilots on which batteries were firing & what direction/grid.Remember the night we were supposed to get over-run.& instead the Did we meet during the time between your arrival and my departure from An Hoi ? Only in Que Son Valley there were at least fifteen firebases on different sites at some point in time. I do have some specifics, but you understand my hesitancy, considering the length of time and the fog of war effects on my memory.. Captain Graham attempted to get permission to go around tland llflank the hedgerow on the left. A few kilometers south of the base, across the mountain ridges is the Que Son Valley with plenty of old firebases including LZ Baldy and LZ Ross that are also very interesting to visit. My house is in the front of the district administration build, across the grassy field. These kids were told they had to protect their families from being killed, and they were just doing what they were told to survive. Beautiful country Laos. Battalion: 2d Battalion. I never made it back still today after all the years wonder what happened to some of the guys I left behind. But at the same time, we knew that they were enemies because theyd check out where we had things and then come back at nighttime. That night the orphanage was mortared and VC in our lines at An Hoa. The doctors and nurses would regularly eat in the 5th Marines mess hall. I remembered seeing tanks with flame thrower keep burning the area. Me and a Sgt. Maintenance window scheduled to begin at February 14th 2200 est. 46 KIA says it all. Finally, my image of An Hoa can be put to rest after seeing all the changes to the former combat base. Then he took a little step sideways and I thought, Thats not right. One of them I knew. Rupnik, E.J. beginning in 1966. 58 captured. Hard to believe Liberty Bridge, An Hoa look so different, not much left. With ready built structures the temples were used by the VC forces as a hide out and served as a launch point for their operations against the An Hoa Combat Base and other targets in the area. Take the village from the front. According to some accounts it was here at the western perimeter, that PFC Dan Bullock was killed in 1969 during an attack on the base, making him the youngest American casualty of the war. 1967 with the 7th Marines remaining there for most of their deployment in VietNam. I have so many memories from An Hoa. Done. Hi Boone, This is Doc Vek. Makes me cry! as the Marine build up began in VietNam, Hill 55 eventually became a Command Post for various Regimental Commands I was there with you. Even if you try to access that area from N.E. [2]:20410, In August 1966 the Marines completed the construction of the MSR (main supply route) between Da Nang and An Ha, naming it the "Liberty Road". 2nd Marine Brigade. The force of the explosion knocked me head over heals, and knocked me unconscious. Thank you all for your service. The ride back to An Hoa was a quiet one. The 2,040' "Liberty" bridge built by CB 4 over the Song Thu Bon river in 1967. Liberty Bridge was constructed and located at coordinates AT 923532, in Dai Loc District, Quang Nam Province. We had two Chieu Hois with us for the Op. I was lucky to be inside the COC bunker on the night shifts when most of the incoming was happening. I made so many great buddies with 2/5. This mission covers another insert near at Liberty Bridge, which I believe was near the base at An Hoa. It was February 13, 1968. Now 66, Frew is a public speaker and philanthropic volunteer who lives in Sarasota with his wife of 35 years, Anita. 2512. [2]:209 It was decided that a bridge would be built to shorten the route. No mistakes. First Force Recon. I am happy you found also our website. Seabee History - Vietnam - Navy I went through four operations while I was in Vietnam, including the Durham Peak and Pipestone Canyon operations. . I am happy you made it out. Grim Reaper 14 was the ground unit call sign requesting the medevac. It was piloted by Major Sharr, co-pilot unknown, the crew chief was Dwight Williams, the gunner was Mike Sprinkle, and ground unit commander onboard was a colonel whos the first name was Bill. He was stationed at An Hoa when he was wounded by mortar on July 4, 1967. 1st Bridge Co. Wed pull bunker duty and convoy runs to/from Da Nang over Liberty Bridge. We left An Hoa for Phu Bai on 16 January 1968. only thing that remains of this structure are several pilons that project out of the water. Cpl David Paul Bagwell (rank when i was discharged 1970) When Seabees weren't building bases in Vietnam, they were fighting the I had no shrapnel wounds and felt lucky to be alive. My dad worked in the SVN administration office below the french fort, hill 37. Her bomb shelter, her livestock, her food stock was destroyed. We visit the remnants of a bridge formerly constructed by US Marines in an area of high conflict during the war between the US and Vietnam.These videos are possible thanks to all the servicemen who have posted information on the web about Liberty Bridge and places like this all over Vietnam, including detailed maps and personal accounts, photos and other information. Lived in a tent and used tents to store rations for the mess hall as well as C-rats. We may have seen each other and dont even know it. I also recall hearing that after we turned An Hoa over to the ARVNs the VC came right through the orphanage, and attacked the base. It crosses the Monongahela River and intersects Interstate 579 (the Crosstown Boulevard) at its northern terminus. He told him that the NVA we in the horshoe hedgerow that surrounded the paddy. Dont remember much about that year my mind must off blocked it off. Can anyone tell me about the disposition of Hill 300. Worked FDC, then sent to 2/5 to work with them at the other end of the base. That night the orphanaged was mortared and overrun with casualties and wounded who were brought to our BAS. Service: Navy. From April to September 1967 Seabees of Mobile Construction Battalion 4 built a 2,040 feet (620m) "Liberty bridge" (T Do bridge, now the Giao Thy bridge) over the Thu Bn river. Simper Fi Leo, I was with F 2/11 1st Mar in the first quater of 69 stationed in An Hoa on the 105s then we went from hill to hill to support the grunts. Thanks for your comment Tom. The day the doc released me from the hospital, I went on an ambush patrol that same night.. Talking now, I can still see him. I was Alpha Co CBMU301 (Seabees) from June67 -Dec-68 Our main job was taking care of the Base and Runway at An Hoa we were located on the South End of the Runway We replace the runway twice while I was stationed there Lots of Memories lots of picture I have Many convoys to DaNang and only one time across Liberty Bridge rest of the times were by Marine ferries Pictures - Securenet I was in An Hoa from 12 /69 to9/70 when we left for LZ Baldy Was radioman for E 2/5 and one of last Marines to leave AnHoa We could hear B52s coming our way on our way out. Visions never leave my Ming. I watched the whole thing from my foxhole and listened to the Marines crying out on my radio. This meant that on at least one occassion the area was bombed by US jets as they tried to drive out their enemy. Posted by Dave at 6:38 PM. He was a Staff Sgt. TogetherWeServed - Sgt Steve Bosworth The Liberty Bridge is a pedestrian friendly bridge that would connect Jersey City to Manhattan. Back to Nam: Hill 41 - Blogger It was operated by the Maltese and the nurses would visit there from time to time. In the act of saving this Marines life Ray ultimately sacrificed his own. My dad was there that night Dan bullock was Kia. I Served at An Hoa with 2/5, in January 1967 to 15 January 1968. That area was known to us as Dodge City located about 10-12 miles South of Danang. We would not have allowed this to happen if we had been there still. Ba Na is often referred to as a fairyland which attracts flocks of visitors everyday. We landed at the bottom and walked up a path to the top where we caught another chopper and headed back to An Hoa. He was walking up to the gate and I was telling the boy to put the can down because he wasnt allowed to come in with the can. All that remains of the old bridge are pilings. I am happy you made it out. Plan. Iv talked with some of the Marines I was with but most have Passed on. NVA went into the orphanage still cant believe there were hundreds of us Marines just yards away playing defense while a few NVA killed all those kids!still my worst memory of my year over there, As C O of B1/5 I served at Liberty Bridge for combat operations in the Arizona Territory and later out of An Hoa & the 1/5 battles at An Bang 3 in the Arizona territory as we named the VC/NVA location 80 plus days on patrol or fighting from May 15th until July 31st, then because I complained of poor logistic support the 5TH Regt C.O pulled me out of Bn to be the Regt logistics officer S-4 & An Hoa base security officer as a Capt. Taken at Hospital Corps School San Diego, Calif., in October 1966, it is a heavily cropped image that conceals the fact that at 66 Ray towered over his classmates and he typically shied away from getting his photograph taken. I watched the firefight from our trench line. Nice to see a post from you on An Hoa, Took a swim to cool off while on sand bag duty. Not a word was said. There is a brick factory here but no memorial. Getting to the base is very easy. The guy in front of me jumped out and hit something, and I got peppered in my knee, head, side, arm and leg. Those who knew him best would recall his sophisticated taste in music, love of books, natural charisma and a sense of service. Liberty Bridge-Longest Timber Bridge in Vietnam at 2,040 Feet and 35ft Above the Thu Bon River. Many thanks to all the veterans out there! If any of you Marine were with me in 1969, please contact me. L knew the people i arrived with but he was the first to take us and show us around and draw M16 and other gear. There was a stone monument built at the spot. Say Ashley, question for you?where did you start you trek in Lao? Went back the next day. years of 1970-71. An airfield in Dong Ha and Liberty Bridge south of Da Nang were on the Seabees' endless "to do" list. Hello. I was surprised by how many civilians with chickens and pigs got on with us! I got to Vietnam in May 1969, to a little town called An Hoa, and went to the Liberty Bridge. A platoon corpsman in the field and then at 1/5 BAS Liberty Bridge for 4 months (still remember the night we were overrun) and served last 3 months at the BAS 1/5 at An Hoa. Bulkeley, John. He had been an NVA machine gun leader and had spoken about the number of Marines he had killed. to be conducted on Go Noi Island. The book is replete with battle maps, seldom-seen photos, an array of. He served as a platoon leader Thomas Murry Frew Jr. see less Mort Hurt here. Vietnam (way remote N.W. 3/1 comm plt. Kinh told Captain Graham not to take his company into that rice paddy. Harvey Watson was killed there. History. Ive seen Colonel Cheatman and you Marines on you tube. The airstrip is/was still there (2008) but had grass growing up thru the cracks in the asphalt. I remember the constant rocket strikes and the base being overrun on May 7 and F 2/5 Dan Bullocks death that evening. I remember while serving at An Hoa that 2 nurses were abducted from the Hospital by the VC and when my tour of duty was over in Aug. 69 they had never been found. Still remember all the rockets all too well. [3] The airfield was capable of handling C-7, C-123 and C-130 aircraft. 69. Cant remember his real name but he looked dead on Lee Marven. Arizona Territory, Vietnam Topographical Map - Battle Archives Built in 1967 by Navy Seabees (nickname based on the pronunciation of C-B, for Construction Battalion) , under constant harassment from enemy forces, it was 2,040 feet long, 32 feet above the low water level. He blamed the Doc. I didnt know if there were any caualties and didnt know why. I was in An Hoa with CBMU 301 from Aug 69 to Aug 70, Hi Jim, I came down with Alpha Co when we first established our camp after being on the advance party at Dong Ha we set up at the North End of the runway.. Chuck, I should know you. Google Guns of the DMZ for more on my 8/4 Battlion. The audio was taped by Dwight Williams. Those 175s would rattle our teeth. 1/5 Third Platoon, USMC An Hoa Base, as A Grunt Marine, from October 1968 to November 1969. Kilo 3/5 Im so sorry. I remembered one time farmers brough young rice plants to wash in the river upstream and the solders fired recoiless canon at them. Their goal was to first overrun, then annihilate the fledgling base. What marine units were on Hill 55 in Vietnam? Was an artillery battery beside us. Operation Taylor Common - Wikipedia I know you still miss him. I was with Echo during that time frame, 2nd platoon i believe it was. E- 2/5 69-71, Your email address will not be published. Ray performed his duties as his units life line with great pride earning their respect while on patrol and on each successive search and destroy operation. The children were healthy there and I remember their straight lines waiting to see us. I was with Echo also 67-68 Oct to March when evaced out of country. The lake might have been called Alligator Lake . Starting out, the Marines established a stationary defense around the base that reacted to threats and attacks. Liberty Bridge View westward along the flood plain. Harvey Wade. Audio: Donovan- Hurdy Gurdy Man (this track is the property of it's respectful owners, and it's use in this video is not for monetary compensation). The base is abandoned and has reverted to jungle. Moments in the An Hoa Valley - Vietnam 1968 Just found this site and thought Id say HI. I was short by that time. comm. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Discovering the hidden places from the Vietnam War, Copyright 2023 Vietnam War Travel Activation WordPress theme by. Casualties and losses. Have any thoughts/advice on that?
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