[A shoe hits him. "Ed: "Autograph, Eddy! ", [Eddy is shoving things into his suitcase. The kids back up as it lands in front of them. ]Eddy: "What happened? "Kevin: "You are so on fire today, Nazz. [Ed is pointing at a whale-shaped trailer.] ]Ed: [drenched and shivering] "Cold! I'm so sorry! Though they have the same first name and live on the same cul-de-sac in the suburbs, the three youths have very different personalities, which contribute to the confusion, contradiction and just plain awkwardness that defines growing up. "[Sarah grabs Jimmy's legs and manages to pull him free. "[Kevin is picking up speed when May is suddenly stuck into his path. "Wilfred?" ]Kevin: "How do you like your faces? "[Nazz smiles. "Eddy: [offscreen] "Bro don't! Hoop-ba-da, hee hee hee! Tears of gratitude fill Jimmy's eyes. The gum then proceeds to give him a severe electrical shock. [finishing] "I got it!" Jonny, Rolf and Kevin grab on to the car as it breaks through the doorway and smashes through the second floor, sailing outside. I thought you wanted to hang with your hero." [She runs into Lee. "Jimmy: "What'd I ever do to you?" "Timber, the Dark Shard:The Gourd: "It's the end of the movie? "[Eddy's brother sets Eddy down and laughs as Eddy spins uncontrollably. Spotting the steaming engine, Rolf cracks the egg on it; the egg begins to fry. "Kevin: "Dusty dusty dusty? ]Edd: "Yes, well, where could one groom this tendency to pranks and puerile practical jokes? [whispering] "I'm frightened. ]Edd: "Get me down from here! Edd looks behind him and sees a worried Ed. He then looks around and realizes that there's nobody there. [A bus pulls up to the curb. Rolf sips deeply of the milk. "Ed: [running around] "Eddy's big bro! "Nazz: [pointing to the lever] "I fell on that thing! "[At this point, Eddy is clinging to the trailer door while his brother is trying to yank him back to be punished. "[Kevin is torn off by the pressure, and he flies off, slams into the slide and falls on Rolf. "Eddy: [looking at Ed's glasses] "Man, that joke's old. This could provide the very clue we need!" ]Kevin: "Cowards run and hide, right? ]Kevin: "Gah! Save yourself" [He crumples to the ground. Aww. ]Edd: "Eddy! ]Edd: "Your shirt, Eddy. Edd walks to the factory floor. "[Edd is still in his seat, there only because of his seat belt. "Eddy: "What doesn't? "[The Kankers jump his hero. ]Kevin: "Lemme through! EDDY!" Stay calm. "Edd: "A postmark should lead us directly todrat! The boy looks exhausted, as though he's been up all night. [He falls out of his pants.] "[Captain Melonhead zooms off again. All for nothin! Ed then grabs at the door and continues to run. "That didn't even hurt." [She throws Jimmy down.] The door starts to buckle as something pounds on it. In this category are the full scripts for episodes of Ed, Edd n Eddy. [to his sponges] Be free, dear friends! Eddy leaps up, terrified. "[Wilfred noses into the bushes and peeps out. Kevin kicks open the door and it crumbles to dust. ]Eddy: [awestruck] "Really? [He yawns.] ]Eddy: "What's with my brother and these stupid bricks?! "[Rolf takes out a key and unlocks a suitcase. Excuse me! Edd is using a strange device. ]Ed: "Ed pooped. It'll be worse than soap in your eye! "Edd: "It's commonly known as a sextant, Eddy" [Ed and Eddy burst into laughter. "Eddy: [after a yawn] "I would if that stupid scam worked. "[Kevin puts his arm around her, and Nazz reciprocates. "Eddy: "You heard him, lumpy. THIS CAN'T BE!" This knocks them forward and provides the wheelbarrow with momentum. "Lee: "You see em, May?" Suddenly, Wilfred rams him from behind. We are three no more, Eddy! Rolf smacks it against his hand. Get your mitts off my wallet. May then turns Sarah's head on its side, and Lee holds her finger above Sarah. A classic. [He clutches his forehead before turning back to Eddy, grinning.] Discussion. I'm pretty sure they won't be going back to the cul-de-sac. The Destruction of the Lane | Ed, Edd n Eddy | Fandom "Eddy: [excited] "It's got a sauna? The title flashes on the screen: A backyard is shown. "Edd: "Thank you, Eddy! "[Rolf climbs down. Shortly thereafter, the Eds fly out of the car and hit a sign over the amusement park's entrance. "[Ed reaches into his bag and pulls out Edd. "Like this one? My skivvies ain't gonna wash themselves. When he does so, he breaks the tree in three and falls in the water. What's with all these stupid snake things? "Ed: "Got that right, Eddy! ]Kevin: "Time for payback! [She pins Edd against the trailer.] We're really sinking now! ]Eddy: "Yee-haw! "Eddy! Kevin quickly removes his shirt and uses it to sponge off his soaked bike as an angry Nazz arrives. [He runs through the factory.] "Sarah: [annoyed as she walks towards the others] "Jeepers, Ed, you're still in one piece! "[Edd walks through the swamp until he reaches a dock. "Quickly, take hold of that"[The rope lands on top of the sand. ]Nazz: "What do we do now? [Wilfred noses at Jimmy. [quieter] "Buses sure pack a wallop, huh, Plank? [She stomps off. "Nazz: "What about his brother? "Marie: "He don't look so tough. "Edd: [shocked] "May? [He halts Wilfred and throws down a bucket.] From here on out, it's nothing but smooth sailing! Eddy scrambles into the drivers seat. ]Ed: "Wiggle my toes, wiggle my toes. As we watch, it lifts its head a few inches before dropping the beak back into the murky water. ]Eddy: [throwing Ed off] "GET OFF!" "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "Huh? [He blushes.] Ed Edd n Eddy's BIG PICTURE SHOW A backyard is shown. Seeing his bike about to topple, he panics. Where are you?! "[The Eds look up and spot Wilfred's tail acting like a bottle opener on the roof. We're finally in, baby! "Eddy: "What? IT'S ME! SHAKLAHAM! [She empties the wheelbarrow of its cargo: Kevin, Nazz, and Rolf. ]Rolf: "Peel your onions, Ed-boy!" [through a megaphone] "What the heck was that? [He throws it back down. The destination name changes from 160 Downtown to VENGEANCE. We then see the ants again before getting a long shot of the destroyed area. His friends are no more. "Eddy's Brother: "Pipsqueak? "[They break into raucous laughter as Edd, upstairs, fiddles with the files. [He kicks Eddy off.] Suddenly, Eddy grabs it. "[He notices the "Out of Order" label Edd stuck on the trunk. [She pulls Jimmy out from the pile. They are but a few blocks from Mondo A-Go Go.]. Has anybody seen my pal? No sudden movements now. ", [The factory bulges and explodes, raining down a tremendous amount of rubber snakes. Ed Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show Post Credits Ending ]Nazz: [angry] "How's your bike?! ], [The Eds are walking through a field of sunflowers. ", [Nazz and Kevin are tearing down the road, looking for the Eds. Eddy jumps in fear and clambers over a rock to a hiding spot. ]Ed: "Double D's dark side makes my armpits sweat, Eddy. [He laughs as he runs away from Ed. [Jimmy's pants split, revealing his teddy bear underwear.] ]Eddy: "Come on! Find me an omelette, Ed! ]Kevin: "It was totally my fault!" "[Rolf has clamped down on Ed's leg with his teeth. "Ed: [cheering] "WE ARE FRIENDS ONCE MORE, GUYS!" "Oh, for Pete's sake. ]Rolf: "Rolf will have the Ed-boys on a spit by nightfall! He bounces off, back to his brother, and the torture is repeated. [He tries to open the lid twice, with no success.] Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show / Recap - TV Tropes He tugs on rubber gloves and a surgical mask before entering. "Ed: "Who? "Edd: "The collision was unavoidable, Eddy! "Edd: "I've had enough!" The door flies towards Eddy's brother and smacks him squarely, knocking him over. It was Double D."[Eddy ducks into Ed's sleeve. What do you think? The lights come on and a bell rings. "Don't forget about me!" "[Rolf slams into the dumpster. We got boyfriends to save. You just have to figure out where it is. "See ya. Ed!" ]Eddy: "Ed! "And you Double D can be the clown! What? He must have mailed it from this amusement park! "Eddy: [snapping] FINE! ]Rolf: "Run like my worn stockings, Wilfred! When he arrives, he has on a new cape.] [Ed casts the sponges skyward, grabs his bag, and runs off.] You're a bloodthirsty scourge of the seven seas, silly!" [He hugs his friend. This-a-way, guys!" "[Ed leads them into a clearing and sits down. ]Sarah: "Cut, cut, cut, cut!" ]Captain Melonhead: "Your time of reckoning is now, rapscallions! [He collapses to the ground. A key! [ecstatic] "That's gotta be his house! ]Kevin: "Um, I got a peanut butter sandwich. No! He turns it, and the engine barely coughs. Fingers! "[To emphasize this, he punches Nazz in the shoulder and heads up the stairs. Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show: Directed by Danny Antonucci. Suddenly, Edd jumps up.] Unfortunately, on the way out, his mask gets twisted, rendering him blind. "May: [getting up] "I coulda sworn they went this-a-way! "Eddy: [hides behind his brother's legs] "Yeah! "Edd: "We seem to be on a Ferris wheel! Hasn't Eddy always steered you right?" But Vekar's Cyber Squad's members: Kilobot, Labyrinth, Vanny, and the Panthogerms are working with Eddy's Brother to destroy Peach Creek as they'll chase them up . We're done for!" "Eddy: [cowering] "Okay! Has your thinkbox collapsed? Eddy, belly sad!" "Eddy: [tugging on the doors] "HEY BIG BRO! ]Eddy: "Here, hold this!" [He shuts the gate.] ]Kevin: "Grab him! So tell him how you're gonna beat up his little bro. ]Eddy: "RUN DOUBLE D! "Edd: [considering] "I suppose one could get used to the confining nature of tights. Search metadata Search text contents Search TV news captions Search radio transcripts Search archived web sites Advanced Search. What'd ya, fall off the back of a truck? Yes? "Jimmy: "Isn't it touching, Sarah? He looks down, and his eyes bulge. "Thank you. [He walks over to Edd. You're it! AAAH! All 3 are tied up. Edd stands up.] [He hugs them close.] He looks at it; it appears to be Eddy. [She attacks him. ]Edd: "An appropriate place as any, I suppose. Eddy hangs on to the door as it flips and crashes. ]Marie: "Get back to work, snoutface. "Edd: [scared] "Eddy, the laws of probability can be a real mean"Ed: [garbled] "Shut my mouth! They are going to be in one Epic Adventure to get to Eddy's older brother's place. [weeping] "Why oh why didn't you listen to me? "Ed: "I upped your chuck, Eddy! [Tears leak from his eyes. ]Rolf: "Has the world lost its mind? Eddy did it." Suddenly, he spots something, and his eyes bulge. The factory awakens, grumbling into life.
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