The State Power Triangle and My Spiritual Awakening, White Paper Presents Case Against Forced Treatment, Self-test for Adult Symptom Deficiency Disorder (ASDD). The medical community completely minimized them. Some who consider ECT worry about memory loss. am i being emotionally abused? i feel like my confidence - Reddit Several months ago, a major news organization interviewed me for a front-page article about electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). When she was 17, in 1985, Miss Dunn was taken to the now-demolished St Luke's Hospital in Middlesborough and underwent ECT in hope that it would improve her condition. "As with all treatments for serious medical conditions - from cancer to heart disease - there can be side-effects of differing severity, including memory loss. I lost my mother on my 15th birthday., I have a very good friend that went through over 80 ECTs. I felt hopeless and useless. This year, he celebrated with his family. Season 1. Please sign this petition to the FDA to stop ECT. After three suicide attempts, ECT provided a quick and clear path out of my depression. And one of the biggest of those crimes is administering shock to the vulnerable and distressed and suffering, usually, as you say, after poisoning them into a state of toxic drug insanity It has really affected her cognition and working memory. And even many of the protesters suddenly, quite illogical stop responding and become silent. "I've Ruined My Life, Now What?" (12 Pieces Of Advice) As a doctor and psychiatrist, I know that all treatments will have potential unwanted effects, and it would be wrong to say that such problems are not possible. Does Social Media Have a Negative Impact on Body Image? Shock causes brain injury. The FDA should be held equally liable if they choose to declassify ECT to Level II. Then a paediatrician who had been in the process of qualifying as a consultant, Cunliffe found she could no longer recognise peoples faces. Shame on all of those who conduct and support this!, Im signing because a close friend received ECT, after being told that the side effects of memory loss were overblown in the literature or unlikely to happen. All traceable to those 3 and a half months intensive treatment., Im signing because a family member received shock therapy and 20 years later is still experiencing the side effects. Thank God for the support of other survivors. As the recent measles outbreak has shown, an isolated negative experience can hinder the logical use of medicine. Thousands of women given 'dangerous' electric shocks as mental health treatment in England. Those of you who know me well know that Im not a shopper of things or of my work. The thought of the FDA even considering down-classifying shock treatment is horrifying!! Annually in the United States, approximately 38,500 people die by suicide. The theory is that by sending an electric current to the brain, triggering a seizure, you can reset the brains existing electrical current, relieving the symptoms of some mental health problems. When will the psychiatrists stop committing crimes against humanity? Stock up for those summer smoothies! So sad to think of the number of new victims of shock since 2011 when the FDA, listening to similar compelling testimonies of devastating injuries and harms, did not have the intelligence, balls, common sense, compassion, or ethics to completely BAN this torture device and relegate it to the scrap heap where its sleazy, greedy, ignorant, violent, undereducated, and immoral promoters, administrators, and practitioners also belong, stripped of medical licenses. So like even when men date white women or other races ( I know y'all hate when I talk about this lol) ect this opened my eyes to a lot of issues and how men can be swayed. The information provided, which related to treatment carried out in 2019, showed around 2,500 people are still being given ECT annually in England, compared with about 50,000 in the 1970s. I havent been able to work, and my husband has been responsible for almost everything in our household including the care for my daughter. It is inhumane and not Medicine! It's mainly because ECT is out of my realm of experience. Sleep, exercise, nutrition, psychotherapy, social support groups, stressmanagement, and often medication play a critical role in maintaining health after ECT. He subsequently committed suicide., My mother was given ECT for a major depressive episode brought about by my father divorcing her. For the record, AFTER my ECT, I complained that there seemed to be something wrong with my brain. Each one of those 1000 comments were individually composed and relatively unique. Melissa & Doug Fun at the Fair! Wooden Snow-Cone and Slushie - Target Data returned from the Piano 'meterActive/meterExpired' callback event. He visited facilities and demanded to speak directly to patients, knowing that only patients would give him accurate information about the state of human rights at these places. Electroconvulsive therapy: Peeling back the mystery It is frank discrimination and negligence on their part., My dad had ECT when I was a kid and since treatment he will look at me and call me by my sisters name its like my name doesnt exist in his memory unless someone reminds him of it. That psychiatric atrocities stopped, it is first necessary to recognize psychiatry crime. Scared to eat anything for fear of more nausea. I can only hope for a miracle at this point. She lived into her late 80s which most mentally ill people dont any more. Brain Damage Caused By ECT - Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR So the hospital starting giving me these treatments and I lost the ability to speak. Electroshock erased almost all memory of an almost 25-year career as well as my college education. Then in her late thirties, she had been warned the treatment may cause headaches and short-term memory loss, but what she experienced was far from the so-called common side-effects shed been told to expect. ', I am signing this petition because I have seen firsthand what these kinds of treatments do to people (one of my own family members) and the results are horrific. The electrodes are placed on the temples. I also have no memory, ever, of having consented to treatment. This time the dosage of electricity Cunliffe received was increased, but after a total of 21 sessions Cunliffes memory had not returned and she was left with life-changing effects. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) currently recommends the use of ECT for some cases of moderate or severe depression as well as catatonia and mania. To avoid family awkwardness, my brothers had tactfully omitted naming where I am located. A Life Erased. ECT destroys social bonds. They have been hollowed out somehow as people, the connections in their brains fried with electricity so that they are no longer complete persons. Most populous nation: Should India rejoice or panic? To this day, she has permanent memory loss specifically about times/events/things related to my sisters and me during our earlier childhoods. If ECT improves your mental health, the effects are usually felt quickly. Download and subscribe to the Street News app today, for unlimited access to stories that raise the voices of marginalised communities around the world. But the Royal College of Psychiatrists said ECT offers "life-saving treatment" and should continue in severe cases. I lived two years of absolute humiliation, says Cunliffe. We want our comments to be a lively and valuable part of our community - a place where readers can debate and engage with the most important local issues. At one time he was unable to recognise his own parents. I have hope for a lot of people though. All times are GMT-5. My distress was taken for agitated depression and I was medicated to insanity dementia it says in my medical records. It happened to me. FDA is not putting consumers before the financial interests of the ECT device manufacturers and American Psychiatric Association. Youve got mail became a joy to me, just as decades ago, my daily trip to the mailbox had been the best part of the day. TMS Ruined My Life - After ECT, i feel that my personality was wiped out. I had no trouble in the class. I noted on Facebook that I am omitted from any mention when family friends sent condolences to the two brothers, again, omitting the absent sister as if she were dead. High-Functioning Depression: the Symptoms and Treatments I finished in 2003, with a 3.95 grade-point average. I didnt even recognise myself anymore. Permanent memory loss and permanently damage to cognitive functioning are real side effects which are life altering in a bad way. He explained to me that even though it was arbitrary, they had to close the period for comments at some point, and that the FDA would not be reopening the shock dockets. This was initially more obvious to others than to me; it took some months for me to feel myself, but the severity of my depression reduced within weeks. "On the basis of the clinical trial data, ECT should not be used for depressed individuals.". The people who are personal friends are really messed up and aware that its the electroshock treatment that caused them harm and depression., I have come to personally know individuals who have been harmed by this procedure for life (permanently)! She has PTSD and memory loss from these treatments. "For many, it can be a life-saving treatment," he said. Some 60 shocks, some 16 years beyond the last shock, husband passed away, the memories still havent returned, mega loss of better than 25 years. Please stop this!, Because my friends were severely badly affected after this treatment. It ruined my own mothers neurological function leading to the loss of a parent for myself. "While ECT can sometimes cause people to lose some past memories, we've become much better at mitigating . My life as I knew it has been erased. ECT's bad reputation isn't justified - The Guardian After several (or only one) of these treatments, the patient experiences headaches, nausea, loss of memory, disorientation and emotional instability, and other symptoms. Years later, you can still see these effects. Turn any day into Fair Day! Just the sound of defeating silence and a blank space in response. It is also functioning in everyday life that is effected. Coming Out of Electroshock Therapy - The Atlantic 1000 carbon copies from Pdicks I mean Pdocs? It took me 8-10 to notice a change. She wants acknowledgement for the injuries I did not gain relief of my depression as a result of the ect., I have received ECT and personally know the damage they can do and they are definitely NOT low risk!, ECT is, by its very nature, contra- indicated for ANY diagnosis for which it is currently perscribed. All without my consent and most of it without my knowledge. In the weeks after her first course of electroconvulsive therapy, Dr Sue Cunliffe found she could no longer walk through a door without bashing into the door frame. Theyre more likely to be given antidepressants, theyre more likely to be given electroshock. But an SWLStG spokeswoman said: "Electroconvulsive therapy is an evidence-based, NICE-approved treatment to be used under specific circumstances and can have benefits for certain patients, particularly for people with severe depression who have not responded to other forms of treatment. It should be banned not lowered in class., I know firsthand that shock treatment is. I was on keppra years ago and it almost ruined my life and killed me. I know. So does Vita-Mineral Green by HealthForce a green super powder supplement and Richard Schultzes herbal brain formula . If I want to be bleak, I can talk about how ECT ruined my life, how it stole my memories of my ex-fiance (and nearly everything else about my life), to such a degree that I don't even remember what she looks like or how we met or our first date or even the circumstances under which she left me. I think the reason theyre a bit loath to give the figures anymore is that it kind of shows that electric shock isnt some scientific procedure. I am not suffering, I am laughing my butt off, because I find this drama too funny, the stupidity, the ignorance, the bigotry just too comical. I am AGAINST reclassifying shock. VideoOn board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry, I didnt think make-up was made for black girls, Why there is serious money in kitchen fumes. ECT also appears to change how parts of the brain that are involved in emotions interact with each other. I was told it would simply make my brain reset itself and in a short time I would be fine It is just a lobotomy really. ConnECT group films a piece about their experience with ECT. ect ruined my life. Gym Pick Ups and ECT: 2 topics from 1 Episode of The Doctors, Shots Fired Cry Havocs take on Dallas Shootings of 7/7/16, Serotonin Imbalance Found Not to Be Linked to Depression, How Memories Are Formed and Where They're Stored, This Is Why We Avoid Difficult Conversations, Why It's So Difficult to Love People Who Don't Love Themselves, Is There Life After Death? Even more disconcerting is the feeling of discombobulation its like looking back at a dream period, where youre not entirely sure what really happened, and I find this troubling. BTW, I sent the link to a number of people, including a few radio stations and any media I could think of. I was mistreated and taken advantage of. As his ECT regimine progressed he lost all knowledge of the start we had made. To get your hands on the latest mag, youll have to buy one from one of our vendors. Have seen 2 neurologist now too. As a psychiatrist, I know that ECT is a rapid and lifesaving treatment in severe depression, when the patient is suicidal, or no longer able to care for themselves. I believe my dad was right all along. Here are some poignant comments from shock survivors (and their friends and family) to the FDA: I received ECT in 2015 from a highly respected psychiatric facility. She has lost some of her most precious memories including the birth of her only daughter. Do not change the classification of the ECT machine., Over a continuous period of 3 and a half months in 1976-77, I was reduced to a virtual vegetable (unable to think, converse or do anything but the simplest tasks) by being subjected to intensive treatment, i.e. She only had to pay $650 a month for rent, electricity is cheaper there, ect. Newsquest Media Group Ltd, 1st Floor, Chartist Tower, Upper Dock Street, Newport, Wales, NP20 1DW Registered in England & Wales | 01676637 |. In the 12 post-ECT years I have difficulty forming memories. If she is still around Linda Chamberlain ran a foster care program for pets who's owners were in the hospital for up to three mths with mental health problems. I know 1) I got away from the McLean Corporation, which had determined that my confusion was definitely a personality disorder and refused to accept responsibility. So nice to wax eloquent on something you have never endured. Canada Suicide Prevention Service: 1-833-456-4566 (phone) | 45645 (text). Thus, the report states, the probability of getting ECT seems to be a postcode lottery based on the personal opinions of one or two local psychiatrists. A Safety Plan provides a blueprint for coping when suicidal thoughts and feelings are overwhelming. Of course this earned me a mental health label because thats the way it works, right? Family and friends noticed the difference reminding me NEVER to agree to be shocked again., My mother was a victim of ECT and was never the same again. Cunliffe was referred for ECT in 2005 amid difficulties in her marriage. Difficulty concentrating. I have had courses over the years to treat psychotic depression, initially when I was pregnant with my first child, and most recently three years ago. Sounds dramatic Im assuming, but I am far from!, I had ECT several years ago and have had noticeable cognitive problems since and ECT does not reduce suicide risk., ECT treatments caused a huge change in my life. When ECT is properly administered, brain damage does not occur. The FDA can not truly believe this type of treatment to humans or animals is ok? I suspect her telling the staff how she hated the F***ing hospital is the reason she got ECT for her wonderful treatment. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. | !, Among the people I know who have undergone ECT is my mother. How the human soul accept this? "My big passion was walking, I did it every day, but since the shock therapy I don't have the drive to do it and that's really upsetting for me. The 21-Item Dollar Tree Food List For Thrifty People I am sorry I haven't greeted you here. All these tiny little fragments of positivity will help you to build the new foundational framework for how you're going to rebuild your life. It took around 6 sessions for my mental health team, the ECT team and loved ones to notice any difference. Trintellix and Restless Legs - Antidepressants - As a clinician, I am satisfied that its a very good treatment, but I will never be complacent. Hello Surviving2015. Its fairly acceptable to admit to taking antidepressants these days, less so ECT. The only information needed is your name, email and comment text. My memory was significantly affected, each time. The exact incidence of brain damage remains unknown. But it continues to wreck the lives of some patients. I cant read or retain information. "Despite its effectiveness, there are still a lot of misconceptions about ECT," says Bolton. Nothing worked and I was still severely depressed and suicidal. A mum of two talks about having electric shock therapy while pregnant. As Ann Lamott put it, somewhat paraphrased, Hey doc, If you dont like what a patient writes about you, then you should have behaved, eh?. Credit: Michigan Medicine Christina often struggled to get through the average day. At those crazy anti-ECTers!! I went from being a successful environmental designer and architect professional managing my own design business, to a stigmatized disabled person facing daily debilitating post iatrogenic treatments side effects that now impair me from practicing my profession and living my life fully. I had kept journals, which my shrinks had said were just girlish playthings. Privacy Policy. inaccuracy or intrusion, then please It breaks my heart to see her struggle with the after erffects of this treatment that was recommended by providers she trusted to help her. Mixed berry, strawberry, blueberry, and even peach! As part of the report, Freedom of Information Act (FOI) requests were sent to 56 NHS trusts. People who saw me as something other than a diseased thing to be profited from. 3) Restored my dignity. My Great-Aunt was diagnosed with schizophrenia when she was seventeen. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) May Have Changed My Life The memory loss, the physical malaise, the nausea and headache despite medication made things worse instead of better. No educational degree could possibly give a human being the status of a god, nor the right to determine who is worthy of life and which lives ones among us should be snuffed out. And apologize to those of us still living for doing the crap they did. We just want equality, and I dont care whether [ECT has] helped people, she says. "I had so much going for me before I had the treatment and really loved doing the smaller things in life. I made friends quickly, and enjoyed the class so much that I signed up for the next one. ECT permanently impairs memory and causes other long- term signs of mental dysfunction such as difficulties with concentration and new learning. My Life Is Ruined | Tinnitus Talk Support Forum I had been fully compliant and never refused anything, fully cooperative, responsible, never late and never a no-show. They made good money off of me, since they kept their numbers up at the clinics. ADHD has ruined my life | ResetEra These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussionbroadly speakingof psychiatry and its treatments. What? Psychiatric shock therapy, long controversial, may face fresh restrictions. Cookie Notice Not only did ect make my life worse and wipe out much of who I am, Im unsure of the future. As for shock, I believe that well before graduation, those experts at McLean were plenty shocked. Hi Uni it is hard the motivation to continue.its not like before where after a med change I jumped back into lifeI guess people are different.the lucky ones are the ones who medications works for and they have a few relapses or even none and life just keeps going.I had ECT because I became treatment resistant but who knows I will never know nowso the reason I cant recover now is I believe the ECT damaged the part of the brain that regulates emotions. The use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) to treat depression should be immediately suspended, a study says. This is a very dangerous treatment and in talking to hundreds of people now, Im convinced ect causes permanent disability and people can no longer go back to their former jobs. New research, reviewing huge bodies of scientific evidence, found no direct link between serotonin and depression. Myth Busting: Spreading the Truth About ECT | McLean Hospital And your brain just lets you down all the time. It insists its use of the treatment is within NICE guidelines. PostedApril 24, 2015 Frontiers | Risk Assessment of Electroconvulsive Therapy in Clinical
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