)59.9( )]TJ <> [(/July-August 2010/V)75.9(o).1(l. 36/No. 14.275 0 TD T* .2216 Tw [(attend, and providing some overall)]TJ /GS2 gs .147 Tw 1.0218 Tw .1813 Tw BT T* [(analysis)14.8(. (Data Analysis )Tj /GS2 gs .9706 Tw f .0069 Tc [(Jour)-24.8(nal of)]TJ She wonders if a debrief would be helpful. T* [(T)79.9(a)0(b)9.8(l).1(e 3. 0 Tw By the time you answer the question five times, youve usually uncovered some fundamental issues that are holding you back. This is where you put event planning debrief questions on the table and ask How did we do this? More than a casual conversation about what did and didnt work, a debriefing digs into why things actually happened or happens. [(debr)-14.8(iefing sessions w)14.9(a)0(s de)29.8(v)24.8(eloped, and 113 sessions w)9.7(e)0(re held in a three-y)19.7(ear)]TJ q The bereavement coor-)Tj .2236 Tw 0 0 0 0 k .0521 Tw /GS2 gs ET [(post-inter)-11.9(vention \(in 1999 and again)]TJ T* .2391 -1.125 TD .0277 Tw BT f Q /F10 1 Tf T* Group of answer choices Chi-squared, Analyses performed in studies with more than 2 groups often indicate the groups are significantly different but do not identify which groups are different. /GS2 gs T* [(CISD sessions with several important)]TJ 20.501 0 l 1 0 0 0 k .441 5.109 l 9 0 0 9 338.2845 601.1976 Tm .1765 Tw [(Debriefing \(CISD\) sessions. ET <>/ExtGState<>/Properties<>>> [(Reder)49.9(, E.K., Rushton, C)29.7(. By only debriefing against the results desired, you have the opportunity to refocus the group when someone starts to lead you down a "rat hole.". The Art of the One-on-One Meeting is the definitive guide to the most powerful tool for managers. WebThis debriefing guide provides some ideas for doing these things, but a word of caution is necessary: this is only a guide, not a set of rules to be followed exactly. -.0403 Tc 339.815 481.325 l -16.5531 -1.125 TD 0 0 0 0 k /F2 1 Tf BT (234. [(Support from nursing leadership is)]TJ .0376 Tw .4162 Tw .3055 Tw f -.0288 Tc /GS2 gs -.0344 Tw 507 0 l Examples include a one-on-one discussion with a healthcare professional who made a medical error or discussing the actions and outcomes of a code blue event with the personnel who were present. [(there was a death on a medical-surgical)]TJ )]TJ 1 i .3381 Tw 0 Tw [(for the facilitator to note demographic)]TJ .019 Tw 0 0 0 1 k .25 Tw .4286 Tw .1412 Tw 4)]TJ [(Good relationship with f)29.9(a)0(mily)]TJ Techniques of debriefing vary, but usually include an emotional release component, a review of the facts and objective data, inquiry into the mindsets of those present, and clarification of takeaway points and/or indications for follow-up. Such a focus increases the probability that positive performance can be reinforced, and new ideas can be generated for changing performance that was incorrect or otherwise below the desired standard. 1 i -.0293 Tw [13] Dehoaxing 14.4311 0 TD .4233 Tw T* .0272 Tw When they make themselves vulnerable and admit to errors, it gives everyone else permission to do so too. Telephone: (301) 427-1364. -.0279 Tc [(debriefing sessions focus on the emo-)]TJ -.0151 Tw T* )59.9( P)49.7(eer-suppor)-39.7(ted sto-)]TJ Priorities should be co-developed for discussion with the participants, balancing participant priorities with any other critical safety concerns that were noted during the event. T* [(pation in HLCC program activities and)]TJ /GS3 gs .3953 Tw [(debriefing sessions\). /GS3 gs ET 211 642.486 258.9 15 re is a directed, intentional conversation that can be used for knowledge or skill attainment, or to answer questions about threats to patient safety and patient care based on a recent event or a hypothetical situation. .6031 Tw T* 0 J 0 j .5 w 10 M []0 d .0277 Tw T* With the amount of meetings that employees and managers attend in a week, it can be extremely difficult to remember and recall important decisions, deadlines, and responsibilities. At Johns Hopkins)]TJ startxref Before you start discussing each event function, quickly go through your goals and objectives. (Structure)Tj 9 0 0 9 69.125 550.6354 Tm .1912 Tw )59.8( Caregiv)24.8(ers in)]TJ [(ing session, and participants complet-)]TJ Keep meeting notes in one place by bringing everyone you work with vendors, clients, agencies into Fellow. -.0292 Tw S (, 649-663. -.0343 Tw q 1 0 0 1 387 593.758 cm 0 0 m ET )0( The evalua-)]TJ -.0174 Tc It cant be stressed enough how important it is to have a meeting agenda prepared before everyone comes together to meet. 0 0 0 1 k Praise your people for a job well done and then challenge them to ask the question, "Why were we successful?" 0 Tw [(aring for children with life-)]TJ [(patient died, appropriate details about)]TJ T* T* )]TJ <> T* .5 0 0 0 k .6834 Tw -.0015 Tw BT ET .2294 Tw [(the self-reported impact of participa-)]TJ T* W n [(/July-August 2010/V)75.9(o).1(l. 36/No. -.0403 Tc [(Mar)-29.6(y)-.1()49.8(s)0( Health System, Le)19.8(wiston, ME. Common methodologies for debriefing include: For those interested in developing skills in debriefing, training courses are available in several of the methodologies listed above and there are several best practices to consider. T* /GS2 gs /GS3 gs Strategy, Plain -.0281 Tc [(threatening conditions. Safe Communication: Evidence-based Core Competencies with Case Studies from Nursing. T* [(Reason f)19.9(o).1(r Requesting Berea)14.9(vement Debriefing Sessions)]TJ [(\(2003\). -.0446 Tc .0277 Tw .0523 Tw [(Long-ter)-24.8(m).1( relationship with patient)]TJ -.0231 Tc [(pediatric palliative care program of)]TJ -1.3333 -1.1111 TD -4.2399 -1.125 TD -3.5694 -1.1111 TD [(described their experience of grief as)]TJ )]TJ [(\(Davies, 1996; International W)75.9(o).1(rk)]TJ S /GS2 gs .0277 Tw 0 0 0 1 k [(death. It is unclear)]TJ /F11 1 Tf 26.446 13.511 l )59.9( \(2000\). S 1 0 0 1 -331.75 -.25 cm 0 0 m [(essential for the success of this type of)]TJ 0 0 0 1 k 0 783 585 -783 re 0 Tw 0 -1.1111 TD .0287 Tw /F9 1 Tf .3856 Tw T* .2913 Tw -.0192 Tc 0 481.325 l ET T* T* This is not because each side doesn't want to debrief, but simply because we are all so busy that the debrief will easily get brushed aside to take that additional phone call or fit in one more meeting. )]TJ This phase of debriefing is designed to identify and summarize the main learning points, connect them with real-world thinking, and consider how they can be incorporated into future practice. T* .2723 Tw f endobj .0315 Tw 8 0 0 8 37 421.1815 Tm )0(H., Reder)49.8(, E., Hall, B)19.6(., Comello)39.7(, K.,)]TJ characteristics T* /GS2 gs If one of your objectives was to have each event of the day's meeting start within five minutes of the scheduled time, and you hit your objective as planned, stop and celebrate that success. 0 0 0 0 k 9 0 0 9 215.5 601.688 Tm -9.439 14.729 l BT The plus-delta method defines successful actions and results (plus) and those needing improvement in some way (delta).8 Typically, three columns are created (see example below) on a device viewable by the group such as an erasable or paper board. .1165 Tw Debriefing takes place soon after the activity, so that the events are still fresh in mind. A long-term relationship)]TJ .2295 Tw 1 i -.024 Tc [(Results from the post-inter)-11.8(vention)]TJ .1062 Tw 0 Tw endobj 16 What is a characteristic of an effective debriefing .202 Tw [(ipated in bereavement debriefing ses-)]TJ [(Bereavement debriefing sessions)]TJ T* T* (189)Tj BT .0277 Tw the 9 0 0 9 501.2134 465.4705 Tm 9 0 0 9 299.6236 16.8862 Tm 0 0 0 1 k When the necessity of a debrief is recognized, its timing and location should be determined. 9 0 0 9 46.5 601.1976 Tm .0286 Tw T* .0873 Tw -.0279 Tc T* T* 1.3333 -1.1111 TD .1239 Tw 300.583 642.556 73.417 15.224 re f [(per)-14.8(iod;)49.9( data w)9.7(e)0(re collected to capture themes discussed. Research specific to clinical events debriefing provides support for debriefing as a means to improve team performance as well as. The most powerful change processes are usually the simplest. /GS3 gs This can illus-)]TJ [(attendance at the bereavement debrief-)]TJ 22 0 obj -.0279 Tc [(patient/family)73.9(. 410.094 0 l 0 Tw 2.25 -1.125 TD Efficiently gather and document comprehensive 360 degree feedback for all of your direct reports. .035 Tw T* 0 Tw T* .4081 Tw (professionals. 0 Tw Debriefing .1966 Tw 0 Tw )Tj .0114 Tc )]TJ BT 8 0 0 8 238.4499 653.2578 Tm When used with simulation, debriefing often involves expert facilitators with significant experience in reflective inquiry strategies or a synthesis of leader and learner inquiry strategies. /F2 1 Tf S 1 0 0 1 0 2 cm 0 0 m Steps should be taken to avoid a perception of hierarchy or one person presenting to the group. T* T* [(Objectives and posttest can be found on page 190. If your debriefing meetings are boring, theyre probably not going to be effective. In business, debriefing has been widely documented as critical to accelerating projects, innovating novel approaches, and hitting difficult objectives. .7149 Tw /GS2 gs -.0418 Tw S 1 0 0 1 73.167 0 cm 0 0 m T* 542.999 759.247 -55.952 -24.888 re [(tions are extended to the key health)]TJ [(this inter)-11.8(vention related to the integra-)]TJ A typical debrief recap might sound something like this: "Team, overall we ran a great meeting today and the client is very pleased. .0315 Tw [(Redinbaugh, E.M., Sulliv)24.8(an, A.M., Bloc)19.7(k, S)19.7(.).1(D)69.8(. .4131 Tw .0556 Tw .0356 Tw S .0548 Tw 317.581 540.595 231.419 37.405 re Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. )59.9( )]TJ .1112 Tw .0287 Tw [(remember most about this patient)]TJ -.0288 Tc [(sessions is the timing of the session;)]TJ -.0116 Tc T* [(sionals. T* [(includes a welcome from the facilita-)]TJ [(and at the funeral can provide reas-)]TJ ET [(health care professionals to express)]TJ [(Nursing, 25)]TJ /GS3 gs -1.857 7.31 -.651 7.31 .699 7.31 c .0948 Tw In 2011, when the NY Giants won the Super Bowl, they held debriefings 1-2 days after every game to understand what did and didnt work. /GS3 gs .1587 Tw /GS2 gs (responses\))Tj -.0112 Tc (Methods )Tj Results: Introductions, rapport-building, and identifying intentions for behavior change were very positive features of the sessions. .9798 Tw .1521 Tw [(pediatr)-14.8(i)0(c palliativ)24.8(e care and reduce health)]TJ W n T* Debriefing is the process by which the researchers explain the goal, aim, and purpose of the study, in addition to the use of possible deception, and prompt the /Document /MC1 BDC [(life care, and the relationship with the)]TJ WebIn effective debriefing sessions, participants are guided to assess the effectiveness of their own performance and that of the team, provide constructive feedback, and correct -.0231 Tc Debriefing in Psychology | Meaning & Process - Study.com [(with the patient/family occurred most)]TJ (-)Tj T* .1538 Tw Debriefing Techniques Utilized in Medical Simulation -.0031 Tw 1.189 Tw Try not to blame anyone and deal in the most polite way possible. YL>331Htp74j\carz`/ OAWaACfTY#vpUCb 5 endstream endobj 12 0 obj <>/Metadata 2 0 R/Pages 9 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 13 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Shading<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 14 0 obj <>stream .7165 0 TD [(ph)29.8(ysical, emotional, beha)19.8(vior)9.9(al, cognitiv)24.8(e)14.9(,).1( or spir)-14.7(itual)]TJ )59.9( Cr)-14.8(itical)]TJ endobj A debrief meeting is a powerful and productive way to improve the recollection of crucial information, consider important learnings, and ensure that everyone on the team is on the same page. ET 12.752 29.684 l -.0231 Tc T* T* Staff members may vocalize distress or may note emotional reactions in others. (\(3\), 165-168. )59.9( P)49.7(ediatr)-14.8(i)0(c inten-)]TJ .0278 Tw 9 0 0 9 221.5 446.0823 Tm 0 0 0 0 k -.0001 Tc -.0227 Tw T* [(Une)29.8(xpected death)]TJ [(care professionals who attended\). Q endobj People participate with a desire to truly understand root causes of their successes and failures so they know what to repeat and what to change. /GS2 gs (therapeutic relationships. 0000002447 00000 n BT T* See how high-performing teams are using Fellow to level-up their meeting and productivity habits. Ive found 30-60 minutes is optimal for most debriefing meetings. /F10 1 Tf [(T)79.9(a)0(b)9.8(l).1(e 1. [(forums for information support,)]TJ [(\(as opposed to CISD sessions, which)]TJ 211 476.381 258.583 15.223 re How long does a Debrief Meeting usually take? .0193 Tw -.0001 Tc /GS3 gs [(Rushton, C)29.7(. [(the HLCC program outcomes of inter-)]TJ 1 w -552 0 l Send action items generated during your Fellow meetings over to Asana so that their completion status stays in-sync between both tools! .3837 Tw 9 0 0 9 221.5 530.1351 Tm (the facilitator shifts the conversation)Tj BT <> 0 Tw Make it a safe forum. [(In addition, an IRB-exempt, anony-)]TJ As a general rule of thumb, before you can determine how often you and your team need to debrief, try hosting these meetings once a week. -.0288 Tc 0 Tw T* )59.9( A proposed model of)]TJ Streams are digital notepads to help you organize projects, share OKRs, and whatever else you dream up. .0286 Tw [(MD)69.6(. .0277 Tw .3195 Tw .0277 Tw -.0245 Tc T* .5 0 0 0 K If students in your class are struggling with team roles in the high-performance teams activity, what. -.0148 Tw T* 0 -1.1111 TD [(intensiv)24.8(e care unit. -.0184 Tw [(nursing also per)17.9(ceived this as part of a)]TJ Awareness of human factors in the operating theatres during the COVID-19 pandemic. .4237 Tw (,)Tj [(The sessions are facilitated by the)]TJ .0406 Tw f 211 672.486 258.9 23.514 re .5 w /F5 1 Tf As a general rule, I tell teams to start with one debriefing a week to figure out what works best for them. 8 0 0 8 475.2342 544.2578 Tm The next)]TJ (27)Tj (threatening conditions can)Tj -7.5972 -1.125 TD 0000009102 00000 n 0 Tw All Rights Reserved. Techniques of debriefing vary, but usually include an emotional release component, a review of the facts and objective data, inquiry into the mindsets of those present, and clarification of takeaway points and/or indications for follow-up. (sions for emotional support, and ritu-)Tj 1 0 0 0 K hbbd```b`` "A$2dB RD .1923 Tw [(patient? can elicit responses about)]TJ Writing Act, Privacy /GS3 gs .2938 Tw -.0318 Tw (6)Tj 0 Tw )]TJ -.0391 Tw T* Q T* 8 0 0 8 274.4702 608.2578 Tm What caused our results? (22)Tj q 1 0 0 1 594 735.081 cm 0 0 m [(nurses and found that physicians)]TJ 0000008841 00000 n .441 5.109 l S 1 0 0 1 -331.75 -.25 cm 0 0 m Youll also need to consider how youll store this information and access it in the future. [()-994.5(What lessons did w)9.8(e)0( lear)-24.8(n from car)-14.7(ing f)29.9(o)0(r this)]TJ 8 0 1.7005 8 348.0161 617.2578 Tm BT .2338 Tw .326 19.293 -1.092 19.292 -1.736 19.292 c (ordinator)Tj T* W n 317.581 634.555 231.419 44.843 re .1455 Tw .0871 Tw 0 0 0 1 k .0312 Tw S 0 0 0 1 k T* 22.877 24.762 l -8.3702 -1.125 TD T* 8 Which is an example of a Goo D event debrief? .5 0 0 0 K BT .1138 Tw 1.3333 -1.1111 TD ET -.0288 Tc -.0116 Tc 13.139 0 l 13.139 0 l 0 0 0 1 k .2034 Tw ET f .0277 Tw -.041 Tw ET T* Certain objectives are harder to meet than you had hoped. (to a more cognitive level and inquires)Tj )59.9( Greek n)9.7(u)0(rse and ph)29.8(ysi-)]TJ f -.0059 Tc [(care or coping with emotional and)]TJ [(Rashotte)14.9(, J)29.7(., F)29.9(o)0(thergill-Bourbonnais)14.8(, F)150(., &)]TJ T* BT 211 582.486 258.9 15 re S 0 Tw 8 Steps to Run an Effective Debrief Meeting It may be helpful to have a second moderator to take notes or serve as secondary support for stressed participants. 1.3333 -1.1111 TD .15 0 0 0 k (patient, health care professionals may)Tj /GS2 gs BT T* There are top five parts of a successful debrief: 1. Stay on top of your teams goals by clearly recording, defining, and tracking the progress of your OKRs in Fellows Objectives tool. .0043 Tc -.0113 Tc [(form for that particular session. /GS3 gs .0021 Tc .0287 Tw T* T* Originally published in December 2011 by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco. 0 0 0 0 k [(patient care conferences for clinical)]TJ .1094 Tw .4298 Tw It offers workers clarity about the critical incident they have experienced and assists them to establish a process for recovery. T* What Is Debriefing and How Is It Done? | JUMP! Power of .3583 Tw [(\(2002\) compared Greek physicians and)]TJ -1.3333 -1.1111 TD BT [(for requesting the bereavement)]TJ .15 0 0 0 k .3875 Tw .4148 Tw ET .1625 Tw [(Review of Literature)]TJ f [(professional responses to the death. [(W)29.8(o)0(r)-14.7(k)-.1(ing as a team)]TJ <>/ExtGState<>>> ET [(debriefing sessions\). -.0382 Tw Q )59.9( Berea)19.8(v)24.8(ement debr)-14.8(ief-)]TJ Jennifer J. Edwards, MS, RN, CHSE, Sage Wexner, MD, RN, and Amy Nichols, EdD, RN, CNS, CHSE | November 18, 2021. .0941 Tw T* -.0116 Tc 9 0 0 9 321.8306 530.1351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k ET -.0334 Tc 0 0 0 1 k T* T* endobj Davies \(1996\) found that the)]TJ 2.25 -1.125 TD ET W n [(to the patient: What will you)]TJ The duration of your debriefs are mission dependent. [(most distressing and the most satisfy-)]TJ 0 0 0 1 k T* 0 0 0 0 k T* BT 2.376 24.762 l 42 642.556 258.583 15.224 re -.0116 Tc 0 Tw T* [(incorporating more objective data is)]TJ .0334 Tw 8 0 1.7005 8 77.6446 394.1816 Tm Analysis: In this phase, the experience is further explored to enhance learning and new understanding is generated through discussion, deliberation, and teaching. Q [(Several open-ended questions are)]TJ Team members must be direct with each other during this phase, and moderators may need to actively facilitate team members sharing what they were thinking and how they were affected by the actions of others. .1332 Tw 8 0 0 8 234.225 554.2578 Tm 5.808 14.729 l /F10 1 Tf [(/July-August 2010/V)75.9(o).1(l. 36/No. .2522 Tw 1 0 0 0 k 1.3333 -1.1111 TD f [(ing sessions which are specifically)]TJ (2)Tj 9 0 0 9 46.5 616.4217 Tm 0 0 0 0 k [(the experience of providing physical)]TJ /GS2 gs /GS3 gs [(emphasized skill for health care profes-)]TJ -.0116 Tc T* 155 0 l T* .2291 Tw -.0287 Tc (for how health care professionals)Tj [(family \(see T)71.8(a).1(ble 4.\) )]TJ -12.3235 -1.125 TD 3. Review the meeting objectives. 17.446 24.773 l (scale, these questions assessed partici-)Tj .0623 Tw T* For example at Procter and Gamble, R&D professionals submit Smart Learning Reports (SLRs) to a database, based on monthly research lessons learned, that can be searched by anyone in R&D worldwide.. .75 0 0 0 k .4152 Tw 0 0 0 1 k .1927 Tw For the purposes of this primer, we will describe the easiest and most common debriefing method, plus-delta (see box below). .2849 Tw Please select your preferred way to submit a case. -6.0376 -1.1111 TD .5 0 0 0 K [(Education Development Center)74.1(. /GS2 gs 1 i 10.103 24.762 l Think about who may benefit from what youve learned during your debrief meetings. [(opening for participants to discuss)]TJ Methodologies for debriefing vary widely. 9 0 0 9 501.2134 389.3508 Tm (Health care professionals experience)Tj 469.583 369.313 73.417 15.724 re 0 0 0 1 k 0 783 585 -783 re [(2003, seven additional questions \(27)]TJ Most often, it was)]TJ f T* 0 Tw /GS3 gs T* (key faculty and staff who cared for the)Tj 0 0 l [(er inter)-11.8(vention initiated by the HLCC)]TJ [(an expected death, and ever)-11.8(ything)]TJ [(data/2006A)29.7(ugust/0608HHN_FEA_Clin)]TJ [(patients in the future \(Davies, 1996\). If thats the case, pick some small projects and an intimate team to pilot the process. ET )59.9( \(2004\). .0278 Tw (51)Tj (, 59-77. [1] As a technical 1 0 0 0 k ).1(,)]TJ .0277 Tw T* 157 0 l [(death or if this is someone)55(s first expe-)]TJ 0 0 0 0 k 0 0 0 1 k -.0284 Tc BT (recorded the data for all bereavement)Tj [(uate the sessions. Debriefing can be used in a therapeutic intervention, an empirical investigation, or to facilitate education. T* .0287 Tw ET .0871 Tw Q 4.472 -4.74 l -.0001 Tc One structured process devel-)]TJ 1 i (Occurrences)Tj 211 369.313 258.583 15.724 re 0 783.015 585 -783 re ZdcD(chB A;rev$gbu*XFKa]?l[ C'E1#vcg20 T* )59.9( \(2008\). 0 0 0 1 K This holds each individual in the team accountable and responsible for tasks assigned to them, and paves a clear way forward for the project to progress on a specific timeline. /F1 1 Tf .195 Tc .0287 Tw .0233 Tw /GS2 gs -.0061 Tc How Fellow helps leaders improve their meeting culture, foster accountability, and stay organized. .5075 -1.1818 TD [(the patient and family)73.9(, and reviews)]TJ [(experience of the facilitator)74.1(. What happened last night?Nurse JA is the clinical nurse supervisor on a trauma unit. T* Sessions were guided by a pocketcard tool and did not require faculty training. f Q -.0114 Tc .0277 Tw S [(to maintain their professional integrity)]TJ Thats not always easy. [(tion in HLCC. [(dying of cancer)49.9(. )]TJ [(were asked to rate how much partici-)]TJ -.0173 Tc 0 0 l [(program\) increased \(Rushton et al.,)]TJ T* 0000005328 00000 n (their professional practice \(Behnke,)Tj 0 Tc Simply asking how or why, being mindful of mutual respect and careful not to jump to judgment, is often the first step to debriefing. BT (Redinbaugh et al., 2003\), Papadatou)Tj .0419 Tw If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. T* ET (21)Tj What were we trying to accomplish? Multiple departments responded and there was disagreement about the treatments and interventions. .1819 Tw .0277 Tw .63 Tw .2521 Tw .5589 Tw Natural feelings of denial and avoidance predominate during the first 24 hours. 8 0 1.7005 8 505.5006 644.2578 Tm -.532 -1.1111 TD 9 0 0 9 321.8306 446.0823 Tm q 1 0 0 1 300.895 673.043 cm 0 0 m .398 Tw (warranted. 0 15.609 l 1 i .2867 Tw -.0168 Tc 469.583 445.933 73.417 15.224 re -.0288 Tc [(Papadatou \(2000\) proposed a model)]TJ ET [(Hear)-39.7(t)]TJ -.0001 Tc )59.9( )]TJ [(manage grief. Multiple debriefing frameworks, scripts, and tools are available to assist leaders with planning and implementing debriefings.