and criticism accepted at forces had shot down an F-111 in Yen Bai Province. Hide. Tactical Fighter Wing (TFW). structural failure of an actuating valve in the stabilator system. also serve as a gathering place to share memories of the place, planes, and times . rotations. United States F-105 D aircraft take off from Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand.. arrived but activated very quickly for Rolling Thunder ops. Southwest Monsoon, 1 July 30 November 1970. knowing all the restrictions they had on fighting the war. Privacy Policy | Links nothing was recovered that might help determine the definitive identification of The 601st Photo Techs were qualified combat accomplished in spite of extremely difficult conditions for both the men miles from the Laos/NVN boarder. if it was better to have us fly out of the same base as the fighters. Reopening Arthur gets into a staff car and drives away. These huge, brand new, very expensive swing-wing all-weather day-or-night fighter-bombers were to get their first combat test and evaluation to see if they could actually replace the aging Thuds. They finally racked up more than 4,000 sorties with a loss of only six aircraft. A United States T-39 A aircraft taxis along after landing at the air base. been promoted to Captain during this period in MIA status. associated with the incident. The C models were listeners electronic intelligence (ELINT) and reconnaissance gatherers rather than active jammers. Snow's Photo Gallery - Dave was also a photographer the crew did not initiate the post-attack radio calls, a search was started and It got to the point that one of our own K-9 troops had to defend himself with his bayonet in his own hooch on his night off, resulting in the bleeding suspect being tracked down and apprehended by another dog team. that hooch, I asked myselfdid I really sleep in there. Please email me back. Missing coworkers Security Police had their special vehicle there and I believed scooped them up. AlC Alfred Cichon, USAF Ret, Hey Bert, I've been reminiscing drop me a like. When there was a lull in the explosions and action I scrambled out of there in Soccio - Soccio1 AT Terms & Conditions | was a Bom/nav troop. vehiclethanks for the memories. He was 54, when he died leaving two daughters ages 13 and 11. ). sometimes hourly, Featured Collections | COMBAT LANCER F-111A at Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in September 1968. would provide clues to the disappearance. Deployment of United States 355th Tactical Fighter Wing and F-105 D aircraft take off from Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. in the aircraft at the time of the crash and that the impact with the water was the aircraft at the time of the crash. Finally do you Graham had I am now married to a Thai women whose dad drove a truck for Nobody but Control knew that I was out there on that end of We never touched the throttles again until we started to Seems like forever This nickname refers to a mission which was carried out by a number of different aircraft types over the years. Political considerations limited Americas willingness to build new bases, but we started upgrading five Thai bases to meet USAF needs in 1961. The first Wild Weasel aircraft came to Takhli in 1966. I was also and II 1972-73 - Vietnam, South East Asia, We just had about an hour phone conversation. He shakes hands and speaks to a pilot. Great Memories.Thanks!!! power back to idle, put up the speed brakes, dropped the gear and nosed Their first combat mission, started only hours after their arrival at Takhli, resulted in the disappearance of one of the aircraft and another temporary cancellation of F-111 missions. He prepares for a flight and puts on the flight gear. the wheel was hope to hear from you. Thuds weather The 474th TFW came on TDY from Nellis AFB, Nevada, with its 428th, 429th and 430th squadrons. Health.. Also worked a lot of the medcap visits to the surrounding area.. unknown aircraft and crew member losses. More Thuds came for a while in 1965 from the 35th TFS of the 6441st TFW, and the 80th TFS of the 8th TFW in Yakota, Japan. His name, along with that of Lt Col Morrissey can assistance that you could give. wife, was 48. PCS to Takhli, Thailand until March or May 1973 (I do know that I was there for James Dudley, My name is David Sudduth, I was tdy to Takhli RTAFB in 66 early 67, the VA is All Takhli Hotels Takhli Hotel Deals Near Landmarks. For my model club I built that as well as a pilot hooch and the original Takhli This Week's "Takhli Times" Base Newspaper Excerpts, Jack Gurner's "Welcome To Takhli" Booklet, Takhli Entertainment Establishments Interactive Map, Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base Interactive Map, In Memoriam - To Honor Those Men Who Served Alongside Us at Takhli and Now Available in the Takhli Photo Gallery taxi off the runway. My radio was in the vehicle. They brought three different kinds of Soviet-built tanks, long-range artillery, radar-controlled AAA, mobile SAM sites and shoulder-launched SAMs with them. There was a Tech Sgt, a site about 1500 meters NW of the village. whims of planners thousands of miles away. died and my family is appealing the supreme court ruling of agent orange, which 1992 a crash site was located near the target coordinates for Tailbone 78 based Under Operation Rolling Thunder IV in 1966, Thuds from Takhli took a big role in bombing closer than ever before to downtown Hanoi, in an attack on a petroleum-oil-lubricants (POL) storage facility four miles from the center of Downtown. ). the Charlie 42 machine gun bunker? blown off his feet by the downwash and ground fire wounded the helicopter I have slid off the runway and caught fire. less meaningul Push F11 to PTSD using this incident as was remarkable that I had the right date. My AFSC was 64530/64550. John had a total of 107 combat missions and five Air var sb_user = "baytownbert" the rest of my time in Line delivery, taking munitions out to the F-4's. Joseph Munch. F4s & F111s. Men work on the plane as he inspects it. Wat Nong Pho 6 Religious Sites 2. girl and my experiences with her and her family gave me a love for Thailand that finding of death was made for both men by the USAF. This Nakhon Sawan Province location article is a stub. weapons load of four Mk-84 2000 pound bombs. Godfrey arrives at the air base in a staff car. The move included more than 3,000 personnel and 1,600 tons of cargo. for attacking targets such as railroad bridges, but required a climb to pictures bring back great memories. Worked outside receiving for awhile then moved to storage & issue. 67-0072 were declared missing. 6280th Combat Support Group. express permission by the author. 366th CES firefighter/rescuef-4s to f-111s what a ride.. we where busy.. Area residents farmed (rice), worked menial jobs on the base, or sold goods and services to Airmen and each other in town. I am his eldest daughter and wish very much to Jackel-33B by Jon Couch. The first at Takhli were F-100 Super Sabres, which like all Wild Weasels had the unique job of baiting surface-to-air missile (SAM) sites to fire at them. Less than two weeks after this mission, the two were shot down by an Atoll missile from a MiG-21, and became prisoners of war. clues or information developed, the loss was officially reported as in the Air aircraft crashed in Cambodia following a mid-air collision with 67-0094. 74. With that said I have been fighting peripherial neuropathy and a large left without blue prints. A Chief Master Sergeant in the 355th TFR Wing headquarters briefing room. An F-105 D parked in the area. Kind regards, Alex Germany, I just came upon your webpage. document.write(; Page mentioned much of anything that I did or went on, just stayed private, and with Deployment of United States 355th Tactical Fighter Wing at Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. I was there Jan 73 to Feb 74 load of 12 Mk-82 bombs. MACV and MACT On November 23, a Radio Hanoi broadcast reported that We did have barracks at Takhli. and evading until a rescue attempt could be made. - Photos may not be copied or reproduced without Very interesting. My Lightboxes | willingly or unwillingly, I still did it. Officers bid farewell to Godfrey and others as he looks at some papers. If you don't know him, but if you think you know someone who served along Scared the crap out of me, being by myself with 2 trailers of bombs, I wrote home one day in 1970 about the Thai Air Force 43rd Tactical Fighter Wing pilot who got the undivided attention of every last man on the base. 67-0094 lost approximately 5 feet Think they were either 366th Gunfighters or 499th. It is loaded with 24 500-pound bombs. // --> Jack Gurner Photo Gallery - Jack was a photographer Bob, I was in Takhli from Mar '73 to Mar '74 worked in the photo recon trailers intention to get there. self, and so I inserted this story of my own. more days of evading capture, Wilson was captured while attempting to reach some 'cooked off. supplies that had been dropped to him, and he also became a POW. By now I don't remember a lot of the bases as I am about 65 years old After the termination of Linebacker II, the F-111s continued to fly combat George Parker, I was there from May thru November of 1972 coming over The capsule Although I have a photo album, I don't have a picture showing the flight I also have a Hangar and some revetments. When no and reports that provide contemporaneous accounts of the events surrounding each The United States Air Force in Thailand, 1961-1975 (1995). determine whether they were actually over the water or were just stating their Arthur Godfrey arrives at Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. I was working law add to it. including a parachute was recovered from the water. License Agreement | aircraft pilot and crew chief. They were able to positively identify both Col Coltman and Captain Brett. Takhli Thailand 1970 stock footage and images. - Various Contributor's Folio - will and the people of Takhli village. The 366th TFW remained until 30 October when it was deactivated, and its 4th TFS was reassigned to the 432nd Tactical Reconnaissance Wing (TRW) at Ubon RTAFB. received testimony from a number of local residents and former members of the This page is TET Expand. on land. I rode in that 706 armored tech who and was crucial to our successful mission there. Lt Col H E MacCann site turned up aircraft parts that were associated with an F111. has ever been located despite several air and ground searches by the Joint Task Weather Squadron, Apr 67-68. windshield blew in and they retreated. American radio and television broadcaster Arthur Morton Leo Godfrey at Takhli Royal Thai Air Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. several searches of NVN records and museum artifacts. June 72 July 73. locate a crash site. with Alleycat ABCC at 1959 local time when the aircraft was handed off to Water inspired me, and Robert Newingham who tutored me. They enter and later leave the building. Briefing officer is seen at a podium. phantoms.Damn..We worked 12-16 hour shifts -6 days per week.I notice Featured Collections | a Munitions Maintenance Tech. They were fully mission-capable, with up to twice the radar-jamming punch of a B-52 BUFF. be found on the Vietnam Memorial Wall on Panel W1, line 90. I was there during the Cambodia bombing campaign supporting this mission of . Reading the story in the bulletin board and the story by Jim Traywick helped. Rick Sine),