Ask your doctor to figure out the best choice for you. It's common for women to experience flu-like symptoms and even a fever between ovulation and the start of their period. "The other thing that's going on as we get into our periods is that the uterus cranks out a chemical called prostaglandin," says Mary Jane Minkin, MD, clinical professor in the department of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences at the Yale University School of Medicine. So its not surprising that an oncoming period would feel similar to an illness. "All of these symptoms can be [due to] lots of things. Elevations in progesterone followed by steep declines can also impact neurotransmitters, like serotonin, that affect your mood and energy levels. Your immune system activates antibodies and other chemicals like prostaglandin to destroy the virus or bacteria. But many women also change up their lifestyle habits before their period starts, Dr. Dweck points out. Cleveland Clinic: Dysmenorrhea, Can Tracking Your Basal Body Temperature Help You Conceive?, Columbia University: I keep getting a fever with my period., NHS: Periods and fertility in the menstrual cycle., University Park OBGYN: Can You Get a Fever During Your Period?, UpToDate: Patient education: Painful menstrual periods (dysmenorrhea) (Beyond the Basics)., Chemistry Libretexts: Prostaglandins.. One of their roles is to stimulate uterine contractionsneeded when you're pregnant and trying to give birth and to shed your uterine lining during your period. These molecules bind with receptors in the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls your bodys temperature. In addition to heavy muscle pain, cramping, bloating, and headaches, individuals with PMDD may also experience more mood-related symptoms in the days or weeks before their period. We created Right as Rain to serve as a resource to connect you with health and wellness information you can trust from researchers, healthcareproviders and faculty from UW Medicine and the University of Washington. Learn how to limit the bloating and gas that precede and accompany your period. When this happens, your body temperature goes up. Villarreal recommends chatting with your doctor to find other options that might work better for you. O'Shea noted that prostaglandins, hormones released before your period starts to help dislodge your uterine lining, can lead to some pretty unpleasant symptoms, too, including "diarrhea,. The bad news: Its still poorly understood and not always acknowledged in the medical community. Still, some people have flu-like symptoms like headache, fever, digestive distress, and fatigue before their periods. Reed B.G, Carr B.R. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. No single medicine or lifestyle change can end the period flu. One of the best ways to get some relief from period flu is by taking over-the-counter painkillers. Periods arent gross or shameful. And period flu's symptoms (many of which are the same as those of PMS) normally ease off a few days after your period starts, says Christine Greves, M.D., board-certified ob-gyn at Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies in Orlando, Florida. When the levels of prostaglandins are high, they can cause cramping and pain. This includes going outside for some fresh air, sipping water throughout the day, and avoiding spicy or high-fat foods. The first day of your period is day one of your menstrual cycle. While the exact cause of period flu is still TBD (remember: there's not a lot of research on the topic), the most likely cause is the dramatic drop in hormone levels during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (aka the time between ovulation and your period), says Dr. Shirazian. "Some warm compresses can also help with back pain," she adds. Prostaglandins. Heres what to know. Here are some things you can do to ease your symptoms: Here are some things you can start doing to improve your periods and prevent, or at least reduce, those icky period flu symptoms during your next cycle: Some discomfort during your period is normal, but symptoms that interfere with your daily activities should be discussed with your healthcare provider. If you cant take NSAIDs, try an OTC acetaminophen product. This also reduces muscle contraction. DOI: Mayo Clinic Staff. Studies also point to the positive effects of consuming increased amounts of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B6 on premenstrual symptoms. Period flu symptoms can make it hard to function, but there are several things you can do for relief. At this time, levels of the hormone progesterone increase to help prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy. If you regularly have flu-like symptoms around the time of your period and its affecting your quality of life, check in with your OB/GYN, a doctor who specializes in womens health, or your primary care doctor. Increased fatigue and difficulty sleeping are often associated with fluctuations in progesterone and decreased levels of melatonin during the menstrual cycle. PMS is pretty common, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with. Period flu symptoms run the gamut of PMS ailments and include: It's important to note, though, that common period flu symptoms don't include a fever, sore throat, and congestion signs that indicate you might truly be suffering from a cold or the flu virus. Symptoms usually resolve one to two days after your next period starts. Lastly, healthcare providers may take a blood sample to test for other possible health conditions with similar symptoms. However, if your symptoms prevent you from going to work/school or carrying out your daily responsibilities, thats the appropriate time to make a doctors appointment. Feeling queasy and fatigued as you wait for your period to turn up could set off alarm bells and have you running to the drugstore for a pregnancy test. It's also important to mention that the more severe form of PMS, known as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), can also share some of the same symptoms. In fact, more than 100 symptoms have been linked to PMS. This can be done by simply logging in how you feel in a notebook or in a period tracking app. Your menstrual cycle. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. One reason for these symptoms is that prostaglandins are high just before and at the start of your period. Healthcare providers use synthetic forms of prostaglandins to treat several conditions. When it comes to the effectiveness of herbal supplements for treating period-related symptoms, there is limited scientific research available. These contractions help expel the uterus lining. Alexis Jones is an assistant editor at Women's Health where she writes across several verticals on, including life, health, sex and love, relationships and fitness, while also contributing to the print magazine. A fierce patient advocate and completely dedicated to uncovering the root cause of hormonal imbalances, Dr. Brighten empowers women worldwide to take control of their health and their hormones. If we're talking pelvic pain, nausea, and vomiting, then it can be ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and even pregnancy, so it depends on the specific symptoms," explains Dr. Shirazian. If you don't become pregnant (i.e. Period flu can be referred to the situation when prostaglandins or the fatty acid compounds responsible for dislodging the uterine wall and starting period, get into the bloodstream and begin affecting the intestine, causing flu . Some of us need to cut back on sugar, while others need to bump up intake of fiber-rich fruits and veggies. may occur because the immune system is reacting to higher levels of prostaglandinshormone-like substances present . One reason for these symptoms is that prostaglandins are high just before and at the start of your period. Read on to learn more about why you might feel like you have the flu before or during you period and what symptoms warrant a visit to a doctor. Treatments for Period Flu. Sleep and Premenstrual Syndrome. This blocks the formation of prostaglandins, thus reducing symptoms, but the catch is that you need to take it before things get bad. Research has found that some of those conditions may include the following: Don't hesitate to tell a healthcare provider if period flu symptoms strike hard during each menstrual cycle or linger longer than a few days. Unlike the flu, which can leave you sidelined with chills, body aches, a sore throat, and nasal congestion, the period flu is not contagious and unlikely to lead to anything serious. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Khayat S, Kheirkhah M, Behboodi Moghadam Z, Fanaei H, Kasaeian A, Javadimehr M. Effect of treatment with ginger on the severity of premenstrual syndrome symptoms. But after a few days of your period, prostaglandin levels decrease so your period flu pain (should) subside. 2016;3(1):25-27. doi:10.1080/23328940.2015.1130520. Early symptoms of pregnancy and PMS cause many of the same symptoms, like nausea, bloating, fatigue, and breast swelling and tenderness. Temperature (Austin). Many doctors consider period flu as an exaggerated form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) due to the severity of its symptoms. Prostaglandins are also responsible for period poops (yes, that uptick in bowel movements is real, and you aren't alone if you have them) and menstrual cramps. Your hormones shift dramatically between ovulation and your period, as you saw above. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Some people feel pain thats more sharp.. National Library of Medicine. You should also speak with your doctor immediately if you are struggling with mood-related symptoms around the time of your period, such as extreme mood swings, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, or thoughts of suicide. It also causes the muscles to contract and can give you gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhoea. Another thing to discuss with your doctor is whether a change in birth control could help. However, an overproduction of prostaglandins exacerbates the body's inflammatory response, explains Dr. Gersh, and that's not great when it comes to PMS. Get to Know All 4 Menstrual Cycle Phases and How Each Impacts Your Mind and Body, Outsmart Your Hormones All Month Long (Plus 9 Surprising Things Making Your PMS Worse). Sadr SS, Samimi Ardestani SM, Razjouyan K, et al. "Prostaglandins can cause intestinal cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of being flushed, and general achiness." . The influenza virus that causes the flu is not the same as the period flu. We may earn a commission from links on this page. How to Track Ovulation and What That Can Tell You About Your Health, What to Know About the Period Hack Sydney Sweeney Used to Try to Stop Her Flow, Yes, TikTok Is Right: Butt Pain During Your Period Is Totally Common, 12 Less-Known Causes of Irregular Periods, The Causes of Runner's Diarrhea and What You Can Do About It. They're fatty acids that collect in the uterus and help shed its lining during your period. What is period flu? The best way to approach it is to keep track of your symptoms by using a period tracking app or even a journal, and if any new ones pop up or if something feels off, reach out to your doctor.