The couple also sired a son named Joseph, who would later be known as Joseph Rama Theo ben Jesus Bishop of Saraz. Merovingian saints of more than local cult Kings Guntram, king of Burgundy (region)|Burgundy (died 592); Sigebert III, king of Austrasia (died ca. Aside from these chronicles, the only surviving reservoirs of historiography are documentary sources (letters, charters, laws, etc.) - 29:183, "The Celtic Pendragons were not father-to-son successors in a particular descent, but were chosen from various reigning dragon families and individually elected by a druidic council of elders to be the King of Kings. The Merovingian bloodline (European "royal" families) is harder to track because it weaves in and out of the other 12 bloodlines. As his spouse, Mary Magdalene led the list of women who followed Jesus. Jesus was a member of the Tribe of Judah. "The Merovingian kings were noted sorcerers in the manner of the Samaritan Magic" - 29:171 Note that there are no more descendants in direct male line. //--> Therefore, I used hundreds of independent sources and documents to reconstruct and corroborate the life, marriage, parenthood, and genealogy of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, as well as the genealogy of their descendants. document.getElementById("external").src=selectedurl which claim that the Merovingians are the bloodline After Mary Magdalene, her children, Jesus' mother, and their entourage escaped to France, the Royal Bloodline perpetuated itself, intact and incognito for the next four hundred years. It was therefore necessary to appoint a King-of-Kings -- a High King to preside overall, and to lead combined armies from different tribal areas. His sons Carloman and Pepin again appointed a Merovingian figurehead (Childeric III) to stem rebellion on the kingdom's periphery. The Agilolfings ruled alongside the Merovingian dynasty around the seventh century AD. The Merovingians are featured in the book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail (1982) where they are depicted as descendants of Jesus, inspired by the "Priory of Sion" story developed by Pierre Plantard in the 1960s. If a change of governmental practice is deemed necessary, then there is nothing to gain by swapping the merchant class nobles for lawyer class presidents. Mary Magdalene even "ministered unto [Jesus]." Judith Oliver noted five Merovingian female saints in the diocese of Lige who appeared in a long list of saints in a late 13th-century psalter-hours. Its ultimate overlords were the Popes, and outside the preserved Celtic domains they appointed kings not by any right of heritage, but to suit the political motives of the bishops and the fast growing Roman Church. Popular Royal Last Names Or Surnames List 1. The Roman Catholic Church's Bible is a respected religious document within the context of (a) the time period it was written, (b) the religious messages it conveyed throughout the Roman empire, and (c) the religious interests it advanced and protected for the Church. After the fall of the Ostrogoths, the Franks also conquered Provence. Connect with us on Twitter: Universal Lighthouse: The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies, 2023 by Universal Lighthouse. Alexander was taught by the Greek philosopher, } Merovech (Meroveus or Merovius in Latin and Mrove in French) founded the Salian Frankish Merovingian dynasty. After Jesus' ascension, Mary Magdalene, her children, Jesus' mother, Joseph of Arimathea, Martha, and others were smuggled out of Jerusalem by Lazarus. Draco was a divine emblem of the Egyptian pharaohs, a symbol of the Egyptian Therapeutate, of the Essenes of Qumran, and was the Bistea Neptunis (the sea serpent) of the descendant Merovingian Fisher-Kings in Europe." THE 13TH ILLUMINATI BLOODLINE But they The "Merovingian Bloodline" is the article most often read by viewers. View Site. At length, as the Roman Empire collapsed, Egypt fell to Byzantine governors and then, after AD 641, to the sway of Islam. Clotilda was a Chris tian and is said to have been instrumental in the conversion of Clovis to Christianity. Those who stand as the leaders in this day and age are only imposters, literally stealing, killing, raping, and plundering their way into power. And the first King of the Messianic Dragon succession was the biblical 'C(Kain)', head of the Sumerian House of Kish. Merovingian coins are on display at the Monnaie de Paris in Paris; there are Merovingian gold coins at the Bibliothque Nationale, Cabinet des Mdailles. who died in 1867. Charlemagne's DNA and Our Universal Royalty. The Merovingian king redistributed conquered wealth among his followers, both material wealth and the land including its indentured peasantry, though these powers were not absolute. Upon Clovis's death in 511, the Merovingian kingdom included all of Gaul except Burgundy and all of Germania magna except Saxony. If you were of the elven races and wanted to live you had to become a Christain, denouncing your natural gifts and powers. Nobody in my past was hugely famous, at least that I know of. [16], Yitzhak Hen stated that it seems certain that the Gallo-Roman population was far greater than the Frankish population in Merovingian Gaul, especially in regions south of the Seine, with most of the Frankish settlements being located along the Lower and Middle Rhine. His ministry lasted anywhere from one to three years, depending on which Book in the New Testament is correct on the number of annual Passovers that occurred during his ministry. (meaning "bridge or passage of the Moon Goddess") on August Your email address will not be published. This is a follow up to my original genealogy of Miles Mathis. You will also enjoy: Adventuring into the Unknown, Full Disclosure, UFO/UAP Phenomenon, Forbidden Archeology, New & Ancient Technology, Quantum Exploration, New Discoveries, Our Creative Nature, The Brilliance of The Universe and Much More. His name was popularized in history when his son, Childeric I, was successful in achieving a number of victories against the surrounding Saxons, Visigoths, and Alemanni. The first known Merovingian king was Childeric I (died 481). //Drop-down Document Viewer- Dynamic Drive ( He wishes to remain anonymous for "We can now progress our story by considering the oldest Grant of Arms in sovereign history - the Grant of Arms which denoted the Messianic Dragon Bloodline for all time. [17] The absence of Frankish literature sources suggests that the Frankish language was forgotten rather rapidly after the early stage of the dynasty. Jesus!! //0 causes document to be displayed in an inline frame, while 1 in a new browser window ancient Egypt, including Rameses II (1295-1228 BC), who is Recently an attempt was made to estimate the age of the human race using mitochondrial DNA. [6] After this their borders with Italy (ruled by the Lombards since 568) and Visigothic Septimania remained fairly stable. As Rouche points out, "When he died his property was divided equally among his heirs as though it were private property: the kingdom was a form of patrimony. } bloodline and both were executed in the French Revolution. As it turns out, Miles Mathis is also directly related to the Merovingian Kings. At around that time much of Britain fell to the Germanic influence of the invading Anglo-Saxon and Angle-land (England) was born as distinct from Scotland and Wales." His Decem Libri Historiarum is a primary source for the reigns of the sons of Clotaire II and their descendants until Gregory's own death in 594, but must be read with account of the pro-church point of view of its author. The Merovingian bloodline (European "royal" families) is harder to track because it weaves in and out of the other 12 bloodlines. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Merovingian surname. From the 5th generation after Charlemagne already, only 3 direct male branches subsisted : the Count of Vermandois, the King of Lorraine, and the King of France (Louis IV 'd'Outremer'). Three key dates in Jesus' life have not been established with certainty. It derives from the very earliest of Sumerian culture wherein 'kingship' was identical with 'kinship' - and 'kin' means 'blood relative'. This series of articles resulted from two years of research I conducted in connection with an upcoming book I am writing on the Royal Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The solidus and triens were minted in Francia between 534 and 679. The Sumerians referred to this insignia as the Gra-al From biblical history, we know it better as the 'Mark of Cain'." The overriding function of a king and queen was to maintain a spiritually transcendent intelligence within the realm, thereby enabling the organism (the kingdom) to function and develop in symbiosis with its surrounding environment. There are many surnames which are part of this bloodline (Including the Smith family), however I can give one very prominent one, the Sinclair family. ), Priarios of Toxandria (324-396 ?) These armies were subject to the king's call for military support. History of the Royal Dragon Bloodline - ROBERT SEPEHR, Bloodline of the Serpent Seed - ROBERT SEPEHR. Most scholars believe Jesus' ministry lasted about three years. According to tradition, Clovis, the founder of the dynasty descended from Merovech, chief of the Salian Franks and father of Childeric I, Clovis' father. The 13th Illuminati Bloodline . "discovered" the A Mystical Origin The Merovingian Dynasty got its name from Merowig or Merovech, a Salian Frank leader from 447 AD to 457 AD. The following collection of studies reflects the nature of the authors final conclusions in 1993. The symbol of the Rosi Crucis had identified the Grail succession from beyond 3000 BC, and its graphic representation was a red cross within a circle. Mitochondria is a living sentient and separate life form from ourselves. are so many genealogical links between these bloodlines that the In the event she was made pregnant, either by the beast or by her husband, and she gave birth to a son called Merovech, from whom the kings of the Franks have subsequently been called Merovingians. All sessions are Donation Based no matter what kind of Energy work being performed. Bush Jr., and his brother, Jeb Bush, the Governor of else{ the Queen of France who died in 1589. relatives of the de Medicis and the House of Lorraine, Queen period and beyond to thousands of years BC. founded the city we call Paris and on one of their former sites of Herod ruled as king of the Jews from 27 to 4 BC. This same bloodline also includes: key Scottish families like the The Bible is no different in its biased treatment of Mary Magdalene and its protectionism of a carefully scripted but incomplete account of Jesus and his life. 2. The outstanding handful of Frankish saints who were not of the Merovingian kinship nor the family alliances that provided Merovingian counts and dukes, deserve a closer inspection for that fact alone: like Gregory of Tours, they were almost without exception from the Gallo-Roman aristocracy in regions south and west of Merovingian control. Kingdom and Brexit. region of Greece, Persia, Syria, Phoenicia, Egypt, Babylon, the including King Juan Carlos of Spain and the Dutch, They were represented by a Dragon Queen, and she empowered the Grail King, who could not be a king without her. sponsors of There were, of course, those staunch upholders of the Churchs articles of dogma who openly opposed the pre papal concept of Grail kingship.