There is no human or thing that can satisfy us the way God can. I recently came under attack and for a second, its like I actually thought one. I've just returned to my religious life kinda 1 month ago, and the scrupulosity soons follow. Did I renounce Jesus? Sarcasm deals in opposites to get a point across. Typically, these are people who have scrupulosity, also known asreligious OCD. I dont want to commit the unforgivable sin. Now, not every ego-syntonic thought is objectively correct. For everyone, let's stay strong and committed, and remember that we're all in this together! I dont know which option is best suited for me because I am so burned out on thinking about this. I have struggled with blasphemous thoughts against the Spirit of Grace for most of my childhood. So another important point about intrusive thoughts is that they are believed to have power (even though they do not). It started with a thought that popped into my head about Jesus Christ and then I got worried it was blasphemy and before I know it the same thought but about Holy Spirit popped into my head. We never seen Jesus or God but we simply believe by faith that He's real. The Jews answered Him, saying, For a good work we do not stone You, but forblasphemy, and because You, being a Man,make Yourself God.. NO. You are precious to our Lord and savior. I want to give my life to Jesus. What we are saying is that we are humans and our knowledge is partial and prone to errors. Those 3 topics are real but I'm a person who needs to be reaffirmed of God's love for me and that He's truly for me. Yea, though I walk through the valley ofthe shadow of death,I will fear no evil;For Youarewith me;Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. If I tell you, whatever you do, dont think about a purple elephant! Of course, you are going to think about a purple elephant! There are a few verses we can use to understand this phenomenon and help you reduce your fears. Also, I am scared that maybe I committed blasphemy in the past against the Holy Spirit as a child (im 15 now) and I don't remember. Cant do anything but cried and feel guilty about .myself that it washed away my renewal spirit. The intrusive, blasphemous thoughts of OCD are very much like those buzzing honeybees. One of the sins mentioned in Scripture that can strike fear into the hearts of people is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Blasphemous thoughts about the Holy Spirit | Christian Forums The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. But we ought to be humble and admit that there is a lot we dont know. I started to experiment a small taste of freedom about 9 years ago while repenting from a habit that God was dealing with me on. Yet God is still with me cause I feel him within my spirit. he just wanted them to get along and work together. God is God, and we are His servants. I had a mental breakdown due to this issue. I'm feeling desperate, it hurts so much I'm afraid and worried. Therefore, we should neither think profanely nor speak profanely of the Christian faith because doing so would cause us to sin. All these are ridiculous! Father in heaven in Jesus name, I pray for peace and a clear mind over harsh, and please take this burden and battle from harsh, in Jesus name I ask and pray amen. He wants us to seek Him above anything or any human. It requires mental assent and suppression of the Holy Spirit. I'll typically catch myself on the first or second letter of the first word of the phrase, but I'm not sure if I have to handle this differently. You see that I cant fix this in my own strength. I have had really amazing experiences with God throughout my life, but also terrible anxiety. This was just the beginning. because theysaid, He has an unclean spirit.. In Psalm, King David mentioned that when he saw the prosperity of the wicked his foot almost slipped (turn from God) Psalm 73:1-2. They have dogged my life so much that they have made me quite unwell. I certainly dont agree with that thought AT ALL. I'm even to the point where in order for me to pray to Jesus i have to either see him (statue/painting) or a cross. Because i live for Him and for people who love me. And now the third time is the one that I struggle with even to this day but Im still fighting. We must seek God (this is a CHOICE, not a feeling) and if/when He wants, He will reward us with good feelings. This article really helped me on where I stand with the unpardonable sin. The core of this approach involves Biblical imaging that is, choosing a specific scene in Scripture and mentally placing yourself there. I couldn't laugh or cry, but I still had guilt and worry. I want to forget about it, my last masturbation can't be like this, I don't want to remember it and remember that my last one was this bad, that's a trauma. I try to avoid researching things now and instead I just try to repeat the things that I do believe. What about the verses on blaspheming the Holy Spirit? It was to legally restore us through adoption into the status of children, so that we no longer need to bear those responsibilities. I thought I was committing a mortal sin. This can do much to break OCDs insistence on absolutes. Every scrupulous persons biggest fear is, what if that thought was genuinely from me?. Stay strong guys. Do you have a tip I could use? During the past few weeks I had these blasphemous thoughts at the time( I didn't knew about the name of it at first) it was about God but now my blasphemous thoughts were also directed at other gods like Buddha and such. Please feel better! She got married. Copyright 2023 Scrupulosity Solutions, LLC., All Rights Reserved. God created Eve because He knew it wasn't good for Adam to be alone. Me, too! I have two questions: (1) Can a true believer, whose salvation is eternally secure in Christ, still be guilty of blasphemy? I invent syllables to pronounce with or without etymologies. This is a type of treatment that involves getting you to face your biggest fear head-on, either through real or imagined exposure. You may wish to check out my recent article on Religious OCD and Existential OCD. I learned about the unpardonable sin right after I asked Jesus in my heart. Something I fear and tremble over to not commit. This is a lifetime journey with the Lord, and Hes waaaaay more patient with you than you are with yourself! Amirrah, thankfully, nowhere in the Bible does it tell us to serve God with our feelings. The more I try to become closer to God and unite myself to Christ the more these blasphemous thoughts would come into my mind. I am so glad that GOD is my judge and not myself, because He has a better picture of whats truly going on. The end result was a blasphemous thought that I did not mean. The command to ask forgiveness of the Lord (Mt. I keep having random thoughts and it scares the living day lights out of me.I'm just a teen trying to have it easy, but yeah, ever since i knew about the unpardonable sin. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. I feel like these thoughts came from me but Im not sure. I believe I was divinely inspired to do that, then read it here! You who abhor idols,do you rob temples? Since this can always be done during one's life (cf. I've bought books, watched videos, debates, read websites and concluded that the evidence and arguments for Christianity are just much better than other religions or atheism, and I mean much better. YOU ARE WONDERFUL! I'm sorry to tell you this, but in my case this scrupulosity thing really makes me almost want to quit. When I gave myself to the Lord Jesus Christ, I felt like the heart of the Holy Spirit ? Over the next weeks, as I passed through more challenging times, I continued voicing negative thoughts about God. What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? | NeverThirsty There are many things about Chemosh that we dont understand. I was never diagnosed with OCD but everything explained here I can relate. As grievous and dangerous as this sin is, as long as you remain connected to Christ you will be fine. I don't feel repentant so to speak, but I say sorry. See what Gods cure for Elijah was. Its a horrible thought. I then became terrified about what I had wilfully done and have been living in torment and feeling condemned and far from God since and needless to say I have been tormented by repetitive blasphemous thoughts as well for years since. Started digging into it and loved it. I dont mean them. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. I have talked to pastors and other Christians, and they dont feel thats what Jesus was talking about when talking about the unforgivable sin, He was talking about their unbelief. In fact, you cant even be held accountable for your thoughts in a court of law only for actions! God, YOUR Heavenly Father, Counselor, Friend, and Creator knows EVERYTHING about You. And i've doubted the reason of my existance.. and i really, once again tell you, did not harm anyone. I ended up in a state of vulnerability and I ended up in changing my beliefs because someone had presented me with some facts. I just want to get back/closer to God again. I went to church occasionally growing up but nothing huge. Life is not random, things happen with God always watching. Sometimes, these thoughts when I'm reading the Bible or even trying to pray or praise God. Despite their wrong doings, God still forgave them, cleansed them, and used them. I encourage you to let go of everything and everyone that doesn't encourage your faith in Jesus. I never saw her again. It causes severe distress, since you typically dont know where it came from and why youre thinking about something that strikes so violently against your core beliefs and loyalties. I try and believe in my heart that God understands the promise that I made as a child and that He does not view my thoughts at the time of breaking the promise as something that I really wanted to do.. Can you guide me and help me please? What is Blasphemy? Unforgivable Sin Against the Holy Spirit May you be blessed today and each day. Thank you for what youre doing in my life already! And i never killed anybody. It occurs after someone has come to a full understanding about Jesus Christ and then finally and ultimately rejects Him. And nowhere is that more true than these scary verses about grieving the Holy Spirit (in context, they are not so scary). I just want to say thank you for this article. Its like the thought was there and I let it in. Jared, I have struggled with this also. You do not need to clean up your act before God accepts you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and may you continue in God's blessings reaching people like me. Okay so I got demons casted out of me and for the most part that helped the thoughts. If I'd gone in there remembering/knowing that, I doubt I'd have said it! I got desperate and then found this website, it again passed and I kinda forgot about it, but then last month it got realy bad again, I had doubts about the existence of God and started to blame him for everything that had gone wrong in my life, i was desperate for some relief and, obviously it didn't help. Also the more you resist the thoughts, the more they persist. How can I know the Holy Spirit is still with be and I havent shut him out? In terms of Dr Osborne's method, do we transfer the intrusive thought to God once off and then maintain trust as the thought returns? Luke 12:10 "And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.". What we need right now is a calming and child-like way of relating to God. Jaimie, This is very help full to me I believe I will be clean from this thought Because I am a daughter of holy trinity, I also have these blasphemous thoughts about god or Holy Spirit, but they bother me for the whole day, they dont ever stop, so I usually find myself repeating words saying I love god shaking my head or even trying to harm my self to make them stop, its very trying and depressing, Im not how I used to be when I first started to get real with god, I was happy peaceful and free, but now I feel Im in a dark dungeon and cant get out, sometimes, sometime I even accident blurted some thoughts about Jesus and the Holy Spirit trying to stop these thoughts which made the whole situation even worse Im glad to know there is people that go through the same thing I do, and this article was very helpful I hope these thoughts that we have can stop one day, god bless . We walk by Faith, not by sight 2 Corinthians 5:7. I hope she was saved. We want our FAITH to make decisions, not our FEELINGS, so we always want to give a bit of pushback to our compulsions so they dont call all the shots.). i just don't know anymore. In Hebrews 12:17, it says, You know that afterward, when he desired to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place of repentance. That is a literal translation; I changed what the ESV says. I think there's a reason for that, which is weird. You have to realize we are in a spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness. I have a sister in Christ who really needs to read this. It was profane and I had been telling him too stop but I smiled at the joke knowing I shouldn't have but I was telling him to stop as that happened. I said the sinner's prayer when I was 22 while in AA at the time. Think hard and try to isolate this feeling. It no longer serves the helpful function of true guilt, and you may cast it away. Where do they fit into the discussion? Of course, I want to come back to God and get closer to God. The more I tried to get away from it the more it pops. Please help me. Jaimie. I always responded to the blasphemous thoughts and the cycle repeats. Just check and make sure you choose one that is private so that your blasphemous thoughts dont accidentally appear on your friends feeds!! They are: Since most people who have OCD typically struggle with one or two main areas of obsession, intrusive thoughts can center on many different themes. Certainly! I heard that if I'm even worried that I have these things, that means I don't have it, but what if I'm worried about it because of selfish/intellectual reasons like: I'm worried because I definitely don't want to go to hell, because that would be really bad. Intrusive thoughts are highly exaggerated and false, so we respond with even more exaggeration and falsity. Do not acknowledge those thoughts. Ironically, the more anxious one is to please God, the more severe the affliction. I had a hard time believing in or contacting God. Not condemnation, and not a big lecture. I was Hospitalized for 5 months and during that time the Scrupulosity was gone. That is why I am here now. The bee flies away and the entire poison sack is ripped out of her abdomen, causing her death. He then received a second letter from Ibn Saud. I'm also afraid of being unable to truly repent, having a seared conscience or a reprobate mind. It is the presence of the Spirit that sanctifies and convicts Christians after they are saved. She doesn't know anything, but these thoughts have affected my actions and I think people are beginning to notice. Whenever I get bad thoughts these days they come with the urge or impulse like I feel like laughing or smiling sometimes what does this indicates. I didnt really want to. If you didnt have those icky feelings of guilt, shame, distress, and anxiety, the thoughts wouldnt bother you at all. I am just like you , fighting on. And why do they go along with sounds? All those swarming insects gave me the heebie-jeebies! Will God turn his back on me? I often dont get tired or it takes a lot for me to wind down.. Hi, thanks for expressing your feelings about how this is affecting you. Its not easy at all especially when you have the ultimate fear of losing salvation through it all but the fact that you explained it in terms of how they acted in the past towards Jesus. Well it started rearing its ugly head again and I ran across this article. I think the hardest step for me is when I feel as though my faith is weak and I am disconnected from God when I call on the Holy Spirit. Verbalizing your blasphemous thought can feel like a dangerous denial of your faith. He wanted some entertainment. God bless you!! They were so foreign and against what I believed, against the person I truly am. Thank you for responding to my comment. Im working on my fourth degree. We also have a bi-weekly Zoom support group in connection with my Scrupulosity Academy, which is a paid-access membership to access an 8-hour master class, worksheets, and Zoom sessions that meet every Sunday and Wednesday. I've started therapy in the middle of all of this and together with this website, it really helped. I just dont understand.. What does the Bible say to someone like you? but wow a year and a half Ive only had this for like 4 months and Ive became Numb and I have said some stuff willfully I didnt mean what I said , but then since i feel numb and lazy I feels like I meant it , idk but I feel like the ocd gets to your feeling beliefs and then actions which I dont want that , I also got into a relationship with god not knowing much really and I feel like my prayers have been useless bc Im praying to god and not Jesus ? The next day the comforting spirit was gone. I then slowly trained my mind to stop its cursing of God and quickly say "I curse NOTHING! It then led to more bitterness, pride you can say since I kept following my feelings. They labeled. In the beginning, they felt like these thoughts were strange and unwanted, but as they investigated further, they discovered truth and beauty. Hi, I have had similar struggles and find this forum encouraging as I am not alone!!! Sometimes a scary doubt or negative thought can actually be positive. At one point, when he heard of the miracles of Jesus, King Herod believed for a moment that it might be John the Baptist risen from the dead (Matthew 14:1-3)! I feel bad and I have OCD and continue to have Blasphemous thoughts but I am starting to think my blasphemous thoughts are from OCD. Just hope that God can forgive me. Because I think the meaning of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, as Alford says, is a willful, determined opposition to the present power of the Holy Spirit. I've been seeking the Lord about the repetitive thought I have that says (four letter word) the Holy Spirit. If yes Ill just spend my whole life apologising. God is a just God but He is also a loving understanding Father who fully understands the battles in our mind. Everything feels out of order, uncertain, terrifying. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Last month, in the beginning of May, I was struggling with thoughts bad. Does God still love me? We all have a burden to bearfor some it might be poverty, or blindness, or loneliness. I have a question. The hope is in releasing your personal sense of control, and this happens by recognizing your relationship to God is not that of a slave but a child. Its the hardest thing a person can go through feeling forsaken, scared and worried over something we cannot know until we die. Hello! Mine are typically reactive to some untrue thought that pops into my head, and before I can get my mind to ignore it, I think [or start to say out loud] a blasphemous phrase. I mess up the words sometimes and then the sentences become things I dont mean. Hi.. what if i thought of and imagined many times about having sex with the evil Can you help me with this? I keep just accepting they're me. Really helpful, thought I was going crazy and losing my faith in God. I read your article about the unforgivable sin of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. Oooh, I really wish I could speak/write in Spanish. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I want to be solidified in my faith. I just recently laid it all down at Jesus feet and asked Him to take all of it, the burden of it. The thing is, sometimes, i feel free, the thoughts stop, I feel like I have finally overcomes them but then all of a sudden, they just pop from nowhere, giving me reasons why I should not believe in Christ who is the one and only true GOD. They made it difficult for me to pray, attend church or even read the Bible without feeling overwhelming negativity. I just want to thank you so much for this article,it has really helped me especially in times like this when my thoughts want to come back. In the past, before I knew that I had scrupulosity and existential OCD, I also had bouts with major depressive disorder and suicidal thoughts. Because this work is spiritual, it . All of us have some lies in our worldview. In your case, it seems that your addiction to porn and masturbating is not being used as an escape mechanism but instead has become inextricably linked to your struggle with intrusive thoughts (i.e. Think of it like the way your car shuts down when its overheating. This is not, there is a sin that leads to death, but there is sin. That is the way it should be translated. Other times I beat myself up, give in, and start trying to convince myself, mentally and through prayer. Well, if youll excuse me, dear brain, I really dont have time to chat, because I have so much havoc and destruction on my to-do list for today. God loves you and will help you through this. Is this part of it too? I ended up freaking out and was sent to the psych ward in handcuffs. It would just be a matter of searching for OCD specialists and then sorting out the ones who are familiar with religious OCD themes. Im sorry but I dont have a waiting list. If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. ButJesus kept silent. Unfortunately, intrusive blasphemous thoughts arent alone when they ring the doorbell. Right after speaking to God, the song "No Matter What" came on the air. (2) Is blaspheming the Holy Spirit the same as grieving the Holy Spirit?. Mark 3:29 But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be These are truly sobering words which should not be taken lightly. He had come to such hardness of heart against God, such love for the world his bowl of cereal against his inheritance. Nada. Saying in my mind lord satan or father satan. 9:25 pm I have the same problem. Magical thinking connects a cause and effect that are completely unrelated. This is what man does but God tells us to never withold anything from Him, but trust Him and He will heal and cleanse us. I too need to talk to others in groups like this cause it is scary!! Personally, I am highly suspect of people who go around prophesying over others. Also, are there any online support groups for this topic? Blasphemous thoughts against the Holy Spirit | Christian Forums