As more of thedistance between the nations. 10 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game(Order #33534544)Airbending Air is flexible, playful, but still powerful. Many trade in secrets to keep this uneasy peace between Throw support behind the majority or those in power nations, resorting to blackmail rather than diplomacy to get their way. Fads have a way of coming and going among the into revealing his schemes to her. You will also find new rules and mechanics on piloting mechs, engaging in vehicle races and chases, and . He sees the Guiding Winds anti-nobility beliefs as a direct threat to him andA legendary markswoman transforming archery into art is determined to stop her by any means necessary. Having been burned one too many times by in- that they must not be permitted to influence young Airbendersterfering with others lives, many Nomads are hesitant to get too in any way. Due to the nations size, its hard to generalize its Ring is the most densely populated with rampant poverty andpeoples, aside to say theyre diverse as the world itself. It is known for its sheer vastness and diversity of both geography and peoples. Eastern Air Temple 24. Firebenders can exhale fire, wield flames like daggers, and grow a singular flame into a raging bonfire. While some daofei groupsare more informal, many have long-standing traditions centered The police in Ba Sing Se often make bad decisions in theiron loyalty and strength that are important to them. For example, acknowledging the differences in the Fourlized them in the liberation of Ba Sing Se during the Hundred Year Nations of how each treats gender and sexuality is an importantWar, at which point they became more open with their actions. Your heroesby villages, only to discover the bandit is keeping a community may travel from place to place or stay in one location, but theyof people fed who would have otherwise starved. Chaejin Kyoshi is smart, decisive, and loyal. If someone is suffering from a spiritual sickness or injury,Nyahitha might be able to diagnose and treat it. He is a highlydragon hunting to assert his dominance, Sozins legacy as Fire competent Avatar who has helped to avert numerous interna-Lord looks promising indeed. Despite the turmoil in her Company, a daofei group. He blames the recent history of young people is yet to come in the Hundred Year War (page 56), membersgoing off to become pirates for the Southern Water Tribes of the tribe feel the strain of the failing economy. When Tagaka was captured and sent to prison following the destruction of her fleet, the remnants of the pirate group were left without a leader. Thus, each individual story of Avatar Legends: The Roleplay- Each player in Avatar Legends: the Roleplaying Game creates ing Game is like an episode of your own television showthetheir own hero using a playbook, a kind of hero archetypea heroes learn about problems, figure out what they want to do,set of abilities and details and story elements all wrapped togeth- engage in some action, then discover the resolution of thoseer to help you make the coolest character possible. Using the powerconsequences for stories in this era. When the White Lotus hires her to make Oasis and both Spirit Portals (page 21) for their entire exis-a delivery, its because that delivery is of extreme importance and tence. Technologists are creative and masters of solving problems that affect their daily lives. the very specific situation in your game. Though thetemples are built in mountainous areas, they are far from devoidof life, with many pockets of beautiful greenery and ancient treeswelcoming any number of local species. The Foggy Swamp tribespeople arean exception to their waterbending cousins, inhabiting a damp,warm swamp within the Earth Kingdom where strong spiritualenergy (and water) ties them to the impressive flora in the area. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. The game plays out dialogue, reacting to each other, switching back and forth betweenas if you and your friends were cooperatively telling a story togeth- in-character and out-of-character speech. They draw their strength from the immortal earth and immovable mountains. Thisgood at spirit projecting and communicating with spirits. Many remote villages struggle with rebuilding in the facebureaucratic channels to benefit the poorest in society. There is governmental instability in both this issue internally, but for the most part the Air Nomads remainthe Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom, controversy surrounding uninvolved with the human world and focus on spiritual matters.the Avatar, and organized groups of outlaws terrorizing citi-zensthis is especially rampant in the Earth Kingdom, where The Water Tribes have not suffered explosive drama andcriminals known as daofei seize any opportunity to secure power conflict the way the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation have.for themselves. Itsplace to play the game. Its a game for people of all ages who want to look at the Avatarverse beyond the scope of the existing shows, comics, and stories and explore the meaningful actions heroes take for the good of others. . When they are knocked down, they rarely stay down for long. The Avatar has an important impact on ventured forth into the spirit wilds to hunt and gather food,the world in any given era, but there are many stories to explore the lion-turtles, each with an affinity for an element, grantedoutside their impressive adventures. Why not remain on these islands are desperate to rebuild some form of stabil-isolated and prosperous? A scant few of those who disappearedreturnednot as sages, but Grand Lectors, keepers of these new Crescent Island and surrounding islandshalls, forswearing any connection to the Earth Sage tradition. 2440395_33439719_111163610 - Avatar_Legends_The_Roleplaying_Game - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Some groups go through more trouble toshots games, and those who arent careful can become pawns appear to have everything under control than they do to actuallywithout even realizing it. Jinpa may occasion-An esteemed council of Air Nomads who serve as leaders ally drop hints to Kyoshi about his involvement, but he never admits to anything outright. Though Kuruk is no longer alive, he has attempted to communicate with and help the current Avatar. Below are a few Avatarverse examples of what this may look like in your game: The Water Tribes have accepted relationships outside of the heterosexual cultural norm so long as people kept it private. Though they reformed under several different names only to collapse timeLinked theme: Law and Order and time again, some former members still want to return to their former power. In the Oasis, Tui tookgone some extreme changes throughout history. Roku spent much of his time visiting the Royal The Air Nomads do their best to keep peace on an internation- Palace and never wanted for much of anything in his life. Trending pages The Hammer The Guardian The Bold The Adamant The Foundling The Destined The Rogue The Razor All items (14) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A The Adamant B The Bold D Through the years the group focused their efforts within his people and also outlawed same-sex marriageon guiding the Avatar as a way to foster balance in the world and later in his life. PlayKyoshi first learned earthbending. It is located on Shuhon Island and Firebenders dont engage in the duel lightlynotin the eastern part of the Fire Nation. As the game becomes more widely available, fans of the Avatar series will no doubt be curious about how to begin playing the game. Legend of Akayuki 2 is the second part of the quest Legend of Akayuki 1. kmart tifton ga On soft launch server arena there are people literally 1v3ing with limit breaked 2 star heroes like this one level 68 akayuki with TWO MOBS (he just straight up queued with two 1 star trash mob so if. Much of the time, she cant bring herself to turn her back on those who need her no matter what the circumstances. You ty, guiding the conversation forward into new, interesting, andsay what they say, either describing their words (I say something surprising outcomes. In many only themselves to rely on. This ability A bronze single-shot hand cannon madeis called bending, and its origins go back to when humans built with Fire Nation explosives.cities on the backs of the lion-turtles thousands of years ago(page 16). to other parts of the Fire Nation given the relentless seismic activity, but there are few places they can go. Most Air Nomad temples are located inhigh, rocky, locations that are hard to reach for anyone exceptAirbenders, sky bison, and other flying creatures. During this time, Agna Qela is open to visitors who general- lot from her, but Atuat is fairly traditional in her beliefs. His imprisoned associate, Wai, is a daofei lieutenant who highly respects Kyoshi almost to the point of Now that she has recovered from broken legs in a fight worship. Airbending is loosely based on the real-world Baguazhang. ments. next. Chapter 2: The World of Avatar 47(Order #33534544)RFoirkue ENraationThe Fire Nation in this era is generally stable and more or less ety. taining an uneasy peace. His father, a staunch traditionalist, allowedthe Fire Nations internal politics to proceed as they had fordecades. Many Elders Roku travelled the world for years learning to master the ele-denounce the Guiding Wind for their disruptive actions. Take an index card or a piece of paper and draw an X on it, and then put it in the middle of your table. Techno- logical innovation can be found throughout the Four Nations; heroes who use technology spring up all over the world. Clans in general become less significant; common people unhappy Some Sages work to return to their spiritual roots with their current clans ruler begin to look to the Fire Lord to away from the corruption of politics. some of the most important recent events that have influenced that era. Prosperous cities must contend with daofei no qualms with stealing from those he feels undeserving, as heinterference and engrained political corruption. The Earth Kingdom is the largest nation and has the mostvaried landscape. personal gain. In particular, and Kirima gladly looted Jianzhus mansion and lived off theBa Sing Se (page 22) is home to numerous daofei groups in- profits for a time.cluding several former Yellow Necks. In addition to its military, the Fire Nation is known for its robust economy and industrial achievements. He sawand theyre spread too thin to help everyone. Chenbao 22. For instance, a wealthy antiquarian might hire a thief to steal a relic for his collection, or an Air Nomad who wants to create a new sect might take them as leverage.Gyemtsen ExileAn Air Nun fighting her secret desire to exact revenge Linked theme: Loss and AbandonmentGyemtsen is an Air Nun from the Eastern Air Temple. The Roleplaying Game [OEF][2022-02-22].pdf. Also, thank you to our Team Avatar over at ViacomCBSJeff Whitman,Elizabeth Chaipraditkul, Brendan Conway, Miguel James Salerno, Alexandra Maurer, Russ Spina, and Linda Lee. Dragonfly bunny spirits fa- its back. To counteract his sisters influence, hes begun nationalisticpropaganda campaigns targeting the poorest members of soci- 48 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game(Order #33534544)General Oraso Eiko Threats and ChallengesA famous general who wants the Fire Nation isolated Crescent Island DisasterGeneral Oraso Eiko, a decorated military leader, led the united Linked theme: Internal Conflicts vs. The wars end did not resolve the problem. struggle to maintain other spiritual sites in the world, the Water Tribes may face unexpected opposition from the spiritual sitesChukagnak theyve lived in harmony with for so many years.A healer-turned-pirate who wants to climb to the top PiracyChukagnak is a young Northern Water Tribe healer who has em- Linked theme: Law and Orderbraced a life of piracy. The Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game core rulebook features: 8.5" x 11" Hardcover Book Official setting material for five eras of the Avatarverse 10 Playbooks + GM Materials Free PDF via DriveThruRPG Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game brings you and your friends into the beloved setting of Avatar Legendsas new heroes of your own stories! Kyoshi struggles with vengence and balance. Her closest allies arethe country into chaos. The type of on a Firebenders plans.bending a person is born with depends on the nation they comefrom and those who have parents from different nations might The Hundred Year Warbe born with either of their bending abilities. During the war the Northern and Southern Tribes people from one location to another via the massive canals allstopped communicating with one another, isolating the Southern throughout the city.Water Tribe. Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game An officially licensed tabletop roleplaying game set in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra Preorder Now! balance of the world, a conflict that defined the world even as humans remained largely unaware of this struggle. Throughto only be a matter of time before the stresses overwhelm them his travels Roku learned many things about the world. With many people forced to extremes just to survive, a life of crime is an appealing option. Test unbreakable bonds Reveal shocking betrayals GM MOVES: Turn former enemies into allies and vice versa Provide justifiable reasons for a life of crimeAbuse of Authority Display the familial structure of criminal organizations Erupt into open conflict between law and order on the streetGovernment and criminal leaders alike abuse their influence Harmony Without, Turmoil Withinover others in this era. game; veiled content can be included, but it is never shown directly. She feels a loyalty to kill, and gain legendary firebending abilities from its death.her homeland, but is conflictedthey seek to change her artistic Bolstered by Sozins leadership, many see the dragon hunts as agifts into crass violence. It is a dynam- ic element, subtle but powerful. Due to its size, importance, and uniqueinnovations, Omashu has always competed with Ba Sing Se forprominence in the Earth Kingdom.Si Wong DesertA vast and deadly desertThe beautiful and deadly Si Wong Desert lies near the center ofthe Earth Kingdom. hand and knows its only a matter of time until he makes a bigKaja is concerned with what he sees from his own nations subtle move to show off his power. Stories of Legend Levels Battle Cats Wiki FANDOM. after the failure of the Autumn Bloom Society (page 32).Lao Ge Auntie MuiA suspiciously long-lived member of the Flying Opera Company A knowledge broker and former servant of the AvatarLao Ge is an old member of the Flying Opera Company who Auntie Mui is the former head of the kitchen staff at Avatar Man-may or may not have the secret to immortality. Chukagnak loves the little luxuries in life, whether to avoid poverty. Perreault 5 he/she finds things, the actions the player's avatar carries out and the player's "imaginative projection about the characters, plot and world of the story" (Gee, 2003, p. Many Fire Nation citizensto a difficult situation. Chapter 1: Welcome to The Game 7(Order #33534544)The Avatarverse The ErasWhile all the rules and advice in this book are designed to Each game of Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game begins with yoursupport stories in the Avatarverse, there are a few core ideas you group picking an era as the backdrop for your game. Xu Ping An was also relentlessly cruel and encouragedpillaging and murdering law-abiders, including children. The Middle Ring, where the middle-class citizens live The Upper Ring with the Royal Palace and where the wealthiest Even after Avatar Aang and his allies brought an end to theHundred Year War, the Earth Kingdom struggled with the citizens live alongside military and government officialslong-term effects of colonization. The White Lotus originated from a The Fire Nation was relatively tolerant until Fire Lordgroup of scholars dedicated to improving the world and uniting Sozin. Five Dramatic Tips For Your First Game of Pasin de las Pasiones. As a small offshoot of Air Nomadscalled the Guiding Wind have caused trouble with the buildingof the temple, Sozin has sent his military guard to the location toprotect the local populationa move hailed with great respectby many of the common folk on the islands who question theGuiding Winds motives.Notable Figures and GroupsFire Lord SozinA competent ruler with imperial ambitionsWhen Sozin ascended to the throne, he was eager to make aname for himself. His people hadbanished him into the spirit wilds when he refused to return the The fusion of Wan and Raava created the Avatar Spirit andfirebending gift after a hunting expedition. Its tempting in those moments to try to un-dermine the costs and consequences, to argue that things should The X-Card is a handy tool originally developed by John Stav-be easier or that your decision mattered less than it did. HappyEaster2020 - Enter this code to claim the Eggy Title. If, on the other hand, a character is jumping from one building Very importantly, the GM isnt playing against the other to another when theres no fire and the two buildings are practicallyplayers. Slotted to be High Sage,Nyahitha fell out of favor when the eldest uncle from an opposingclan to his own took the position. The pirate group is a challenging composed of people of many different backgrounds and includesbenders and non-benders alike. No two fleets are exactly alike, as newleaders command them based on their own personal ethics. In the ever-more-connected world, its their alliances with one another. Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game Republic City expands the play material found in Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game by providing expanded background and lore on the famous Republic City found in the Korra Era including details on the ten different districts, NPCs, and plot hooks. . The element stands the test of time; it is a steady element, bold and unyielding. There is no alignment - instead every character has their own ideals that they are torn between. Eventually, once. high stress, and can even manifest the appearance of a past self during it. New Release! She originally founded the orphanage to help childrensome mission if they truly believe it serves the greater good. assisting the defeat of the Fire Nation. In truth, Kuruks life was marred by tragedy and loneliness, and he turned to unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with the pain caused by hunting dark spirits. Its been a dream toLead Designer work on this project!Brendan Conway The staff at Magpie Games is supported by a number of wonderful people,Core Designers many of whom helped bring this dream into reality. to solve a matter with spirits. Here are a few of our favorites!Discipline and Destiny Lines and VeilsPlaying to find out requires discipline from the players and theGM, a commitment to the mechanics of the game and how they Lines and Veils is an exercise developed by Ron Edwards andplay out over time. However, she knows thatKaja is unworried about the Air Nomads influence on Fire when Sozin is angry he gets sloppymaybe she can trick himNation nobility. Heroes may be pressured to reveal their loyalties while in the Those who belong to noble clans may start to see theirFire Nation, or have a target painted on their backs for associ- peoples power slipping away, and they either have to adapt orating with members of the Saowon clan. AvatarYangchen, an Avatar born into the Air Nomads, acted as a dip- During the Hundred Year War, a group of Earth Kingdomlomat and negotiator in matters regarding the Spirit World, and refugees, including a man known as the Mechanist, made thestruck several deals with spirits to maintain peace between them Northern Air Temple their home and installed many newand the human world during her time. Kyoshi was forced to end his path of violence when named Jesa and a thief named Hark, founded the Flying Operathey fought and she killed him. Time to go to the rules!elements like major characters or events from the setting. They pledged for 50k$ and within 1-2 days the goal was reached and it ended with over 9.5 million $. Sozin has formed an elite taskforce to ingboth have a lot to gain from marrying one another,deal with these occurrences and keep them under wraps from and they are working together as allies to take downthe general population. Additionally, a smaller settlement of Waterbenders lives in Agna Qela is the capital of the Northern Water Tribe. refused to allow humans to enter the library and eventu- ally moved it back into the Spirit World. Even the most skilled survivalists of the WaterTribes wouldnt make the trek unless such a journey was of theutmost importance and many take this as a sign to leave thespirits at peace. He is not afraid to put himself in harms way in service to his friends and has sought Like the outlying villages, the Earth Kingdoms cities face revenge when those friends were hurt or worse. According to the story, Shu knowledge for military purposes. This issue was exemplified by Zigan Village, a settlement Making a show of bringing down or spectacularly humiliating ain the northwest of the kingdom brought to the brink of ruin corrupt figurehead would likely get Lao Ges attention.because of the Earth Kingdoms lack of oversight and terriblemismanagement by the teenage Governor Te Sihung. (Order #33534544) The rolePlaying GaMe Chapter 1: Welcome to The Game 1 (Order #33534544) Credits Acknowledgements Project Manager The Avatar Legends shows, comics, and books have inspired us for years. vive or those who have so much and refuse to share. Thetemple on the island is made of several stone pagodas, and un-derneath is a cavern with a pool of water that can heal the gravestof injuries. He need of help who arent strictly on either side of the law mightwould love an excuse to kill Chaejin and would not hesitate to turn to Rangi for insider so if his half-brother escaped house arrest. They sealedVaatu away into the Tree of Time, a large tree situated in theSpirit World, and closed the spirit portals so that humans and Chapter 2: The World of Avatar 17(Order #33534544)20 1 19 6 28 31 2 30 3 22 1726 11 7 5 9 1814 10 15 23 27 21 4 12 8 32 13 16 24 29 25Map Key 1. ians and kicked out into the street, and many were forgotten.When people cannot avenge or rescue their loved ones them- Now these people must learn to trust again. Despite that support his bid for the throne before he was defeated.external mistrust, most of the Fire Nations problems come fromwithin as they recover from the Camellia-Peony War. In addition, it is Over the years, the two polar tribes have harbored tension be- home to a skilled army, waterbending warriors, and some of thetween them and the chaos of the Hundred Year War only aggravat- best healers in the world. He can make them available in exchange for his freedom,Though the Four Nations are at peace, the Fire Nation is pre- or at least his mothers. Heroes who need to find someone who grew up in the orphanage may seek her out, but she only gives information if she trusts them not to hurt her former charges. Size . He knows the surrounding area well, traveling throughout the world, or they may feel similarly aboutincluding places where local daofei frequent. After the era of Wan, the first Avatar, thepoles, especially during the harsh winds and snowfall. they trusted may have sworn to never rely on others ever again.GM MOVES: GM MOVES: Call revenge justice and vice versa Focus on quiet moments of connection and healing Put allies on the side of revenge, or enemies on the side of justice Lash out against an offer of kindness Force the companions to decide what justice looks like Provide opportunities for people to earn and reciprocate trustBetrayal and Loyalty Law and OrderSometimes the people you trust the most end up hurting you Conflicts within and between daofei groups, as well as betweenthe worst. Its long history, large numbers, and impressiveconsequences for stories in this era. Yet, it is also a world defined by strug- ple of this world have faced centuries of trials and tribulations,gle in which there are no absolute villains or perfect heroes conflicts within and between nations, peoples, and even spirits!only people with complex motivations who come into conflictwith others while striving to forge a future they believe is best.