Non-judgmental. We made the mistake of letting her live in our home 5 months ago and my home has become so uncomfortable that we have asked her to move out. I almost feel as though she's brain washing him. He doesn't recognize it but he is being passive-aggressive. We never see him, though, and I see on facebook that they are constantly doing things together~just nothing with his side of the family. The woman that my son has fallen for is extremely, apologetically disrespectful as well. Why does it feel bad? I have proof that this girl was a stripper and a prostitute! There is more negative conversation than positive. Please remember to keep everything positive and loving or your mother will accuse your new wife as the bringing of bad feelings or coming between mother and son. What would you suggest at this point? I am going to tell you for the 6 months I have known her I have never said anything negative to her are about her. We were trying to give him support until he found his first professional job. It is natural for a mother to feel territorial. But yes, as the title says, my girlfriend doesn't love me anymore. It will drive him away like it did with us. If they are meant to be together, there is nothing you can do about it. The time to say your peace is before they reach the altar. I don't know if you read about my dream but the best thing you can do is to remind your son always about your love for him and that is a love that will never end or change. Now, my son has always been at the top of his class. They began dating when she was 16 and he 17. This woman doesn't care about those things." It's been a year now that I noticed this one girl, I think she's 15 or 16 yrs old, always come to our house to pet my dog. Parenting teenagers is not easy, but understanding the issues they struggle with can help everyone involved. If its out of control, then you might want to keep them grounded for a while. Therefore, she is the one with the greatest leverage to make something happen. Any questions that may come across as judgmental or accusatory. But those first loves are the hardest to get over. Always have an open door to your home and heart. But as long as he is aware of what could be around the corner in a bad relationship, you must back off, let him make his mistakes, and let him find his joy. She offers something that he wants on a physical, emotional or psychological level. I've been dating a guy for 2 years now and have always been respectable and kind to his family. We then see pics of he and his girlfriend hanging out at the park, or movies, or with her family (taken on the same day as the one we tried to get together). But this article gave me too a different perspective. I decided to post this comment because I am proof that doing right by your child or a person does not mean that you will be okay. How to Choose the Right Toddler Girl Outdoor Coat? But it is your house so you can draw some lines: She can't sleep over. We feel so sorry for him as it is obvious at times he feels so pulled from pillar to post. You might not like his decision. But they don't like my girlfriend we had some issues in the beginning but I don't blame my girlfriend there were alot of outside interference. My father passed away the day before Mother's day . To do it for her would only weaken her and it would only be temporary. Is there anything else we can do or are we taking the wrong approach? For instance, impose curfew hours in your home. My adult sons girlfriend hates me (jealous, father, person, member Sons girlfriend doesn't say hello to me or my wife when she - Mumsnet Your son must be a person who sees the good in all people and who tries to fix them. First, you might want to have a sit down with your son. The one who trusted you long ago and still will today. What to Do When Your Adult Children Don't Like You Fifteen years from now, she'll be on oxygen and in a wheel chair. Is that what he wanted? Indeed, it must be very difficult for you to witness the neglect of your grandchild. Everything she puts my grandson is has stains on and is usually filthy. Then, you can continue to express the positives that your girlfriend adds to your life. I understand your concerns. I'm afraid we have failed miserably with my son's recent girlfriend. also, this girl has done some things that have been very disturbing as well, that would scare any mother. She is a sad mixed up little kid who turned 18 yesterday but has been living a life of an 18 year old for two years anyway. If you wait and hes in a bottomless pit in the relationship, it may take longer for him to listen to your concerns. They're only driven by their biology and what feels good or what makes them feel "alive" which sadly, means drama. My son has a three year toddler who is in speech therapy because of delays in his development resulting from his neglectful mother. But you'll be the one who has to live with your choice for the rest of your life. We have a 1 year old son together. Let other life situations, including their immaturity, test their relationship. Unfortunately, your deeply in love son may not yet be in a position to differentiate an. #533: Can I bar my son's unlikeable girlfriend from family events? Their expectations of their daughter's fianc or husband will be very different from their expectations of her boyfriend. !Grow up. When a son introduces a new female into his world, mothers instinctually take caution, and fears and questions arise. To initiate that conversation, Burns suggested positioning yourself as a buffer to help break the ice between your lover and your loved ones. Sadly, especially sons, they do break away at some point. Learn from the experience - that is what I am trying to do. Family advice .my sons girlfriend hates us | Mumsnet I am crying because I was hurt of what he did! I think then the girlfriend deserves better than your son. Our encounter was not awkward and I was glad to see her and hear how her . My son sent me tx message saying he was sorry that he lied to me! I don't know how she is feeling about me being in a serious relationship with her son, and I'm not going to confront her about the way she makes me feel, unwelcomed and sensing her jealousy.What do I do?? Help, we don't like our son's girlfriend! - Today Your life, your choice. The Debater. The second court notice (this time with a mediator). then when his guy friends tried to warn him, he "lost touch" with them. Any advice and insight on these situations of life. We expressed that it wasn't that we didn't like this girl as a person and that we understood that everyone is "broken" in some wayand some people are worth fixingand that everyone deserves to be lovedbut this woman needs to fit into his life, his lifestyle, which includes his family. Address: 20 - 22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU Consider getting help, especially if your son is in an abusive relationship. He gave his horse back( that he loved so much) to the people he got it from because he wanted to spend his money on his girlfriend and her parents, he moved out of his apartment that he shared with his brothers that he USED to be real close with and moved in with her and her parents because he said THEY needed help financially, he bought them a 20,000 car after theirs broke down! While I still stand behind my suggestions in the article, there are times when you have to make a choice between risking a relationship with your son or having to standby helplessly to watch him suffer. Let him know that as his mother, you will always love him and support him in finding his happiness. Be sure to tell them you love them. Obviously, we must have a very different circle of friends, coworkers and relatives. However, if he can learn from patterns in life, he must understand that ultimately, he cannot fix her. Redirecting to /talk/behaviour_development/a1209810-Sons-girlfriend-doesnt-say-hello-to-me-or-my-wife-when-she-comes-to-our-home. It's just that you want him to enjoy his young years before settling down. Send him to a guidance counsellor or psychiatrist if the relationship poses an immediate threat to your son. They have been together for1 year. This article is interesting and offers good advice. THAT calls to the little boy in him. Sincerely warm and pleasant. Once your son is older, you can only nurture him gently with love and support. They will become co-dependent. Do you dislike the person your child is dating? The other family has total control over him and we do not know what to do either, but I have to thank God he is alive and we have still opportunities , as little as they may be, to talk to him nd let him know we love him. But he is happy, and you did not mention anything about the girl or her parents having a negative impact on your son's life or happiness aside from his not living the way you think he should. If his girlfriend is prone to violence, she poses a risk to your son and any future children. Now me and my husband because we do not approve. In-love with love notwith you. Whether your son brings home a boyfriend or girlfriend (these . People tell that hate is a strong word but there is no other way to describe how. Lori Phillips (author) from Southern California USA on July 27, 2010: Hi Laila, there is so much to know before I can really help. "She might have been born poor but that made her humble unlike the other women I've met who are materialistic and vain. 3 Steps To Getting Teens On Board With Your Significant Other: 1. They do not see many of their choices as being "bad" for them. Teens today have it hard. She made physical threats and destroyed any hope of acceptance again. Son's girlfriend doesn't like me | Health24 I think we are all to blame but I only get the blame. A grandmother writes in asking for advice after she thought she was doing right by her son's girlfriend when she purchases all they could ever need for their now 7-month-old child. I don't trust him with her anymore! My greatest concern is for my grandson. Why would my son stay with a girl that threatened to beat my butt and call me horrible names? Keep showing and reminding him that his family is still here and loves him. If things didn't go well, how do you get your parents to like your boyfriend? He will defend her to others because he is the only one who "truly understands" that there is a sweet girl underneath the tough exterior. This is his first true long term sexual relationship at 19 years, so obviously this is having an affect on him. If you know he has always been respectful, thechange may be because he is trying to breakaway, MY SON HAS BEEN DATING A GIRL FOR SEVERAL MONTHS.SINCE HE HAS BEEN WITH HER HE HAS CHANGED SO MANY WAYS. My son had 2 vehicles at the time and didn't need another one. That is part of life and learning. Let the girl do her thing which probably will be to move on while he is detention. Well, he told her and the woman blasted my sweet friend (and me) on social media so that the world could see!! Sad thing is, he doesn't realize that he is hurting himself more than anyone else with this hopefully short-lived experimentation. When you can talk with him, let him know that you love him and do not mean to sound as though you disapprove of his relationship. APRIL 20 ORIGINAL COWBOY DIES Former NFL running back Don McIlhenny, who in 1960 scored the first rushing touchdown in Dallas Cowboys history, has died at the age of 88. But if they do it after getting in a relationship, you should consider some stringent friendly actions that will limit their interactions with their new partner. I forgot to mention -- his girlfriend is moving away in June. What you might see as great experiences for young people may not be what he enjoys or wants to experience during his youth. He has began college on a full scholarship but lives at home. My son wants to tell me and he has an expectation that I should welcome her with open arms (she has never been welcome in my home). Bit over exaggerated but let me give the context; we started dating in early to mid July of 2022 and things were looking great. It is hard to teach young ones that breaking up feels bad but it is better than breaking up when there is so much more at stake such as divorce and children. She's 17. The only thing that saved him is that the kids were in another state. ", "Your life, your choice, son. If she hasn't visited him, that is a clear sign--and should be to your son--about her loyalty. Contact: 0208 296 9620 I feel about it! Not once did she bring her children and to be honest, she was not allowed. Young girls also are developing into who they want to be so a lot of this behavior is thoughtless and fleeting. now he drinks, does weed and cigs. Now my mother keeps on asking how she is studying and who is paying for her fees, even if i explain to her, she would go and talk about it with other family member/s. Now I never see him or talk to him. Son's Girlfriend: The Big Mistake You Need to Avoid. Then there was the mornings she would stay in bed and my son trying to wake her but she wouldn't get up. What's your favorite food? I feel I have some real concerns here. Then she began threatening suicide Not long after my son followed suit and began cutting, threatening suicide, and having violent outbreaks. After her relentless begging, I decided to let her move in because I thought the only way he is going to know her is to live with her. No one likes to throw away love. The rebel. Also her parents love him, who wouldn't he is a great person, and are now starting to manipulate him too by giving him an allowance travel card. After Christmas last year he suddenly informed us that he found an apartment closer to her. Last night, my son invited his father and I to their wedding! nice! She hates our whole family for no reason at all. He might see himself as your child when with you and with her, he is completely different. My eldest son is a well educated child, good exam results, excellent uni then he started a relationship with a woman and it totally changed him. My son told me a thing or two and informed me that he was going with her. I'll love you no matter what." They come in and the girlfriend holds up a pregnancy test. He came back after a year, when I contacted him, told him we all loved him, missed him dearly and we enjoyed the next 18 months together as a family. For the one whose son is only 19 years old, this will be harder because he is testing out his newfound independence and manhood. They want to make their own decisions and live as they like. He did end up getting an apartment a few weeks later (with our help), and is currently enrolled in a local college. Love your son without forcing ultimatums. Hi Lori. please help.I have a difficulty with my mother currently. She met him during his LAST semester of college and moved into his small dorm (apt) room in an apt that 3 other young men shared. Lori Phillips (author) from Southern California USA on July 18, 2012: It's such a hard transition to go from boy/child/son to man, a sexual being. So things are a bit strained to say the least. They attended our sons high school graduation as well as his party. Ouch. He saw that her depression, dark attitude, and erratic behavior would not be good for children and that his life would be forever difficult. He is smart. He does not seem concerned for his son's health and well-being. Well actually, our dog was my son's gift from us. Although he denies it, I have read all through the text conversations they have had that proves it to be true and I have seen the ads of her soliciting sex with my own eyes. So when he graduated she "supported" him by prostituting I believe - because after I found out that she would be in my home whenever my husband and I were at work, I put him out. My son is blinded (21) and doesn't see the red flags all of our family members have seen in his life since he has met this girl and her parents. From then on, be kind and open-hearted towards her and her parents. During that time, my son was dating this new woman and she was still pregnant and also directly after the birth of her child. I once had a dream that my family was outdoors in the backyard, enjoying our sweet kitties. I asked my son again, if she is his girlfriend, and said, no! They know that my husband and I don't like it at all. But they're in love and insist that age is just a number. My sons girlfriend is always calling him names and is always angry. Kids sometimes might be in such a relationship out of fear of abandonment. The thing was I had purchased most of those outfits for my grandson who is three and was starting headstart within that month, so I knew they weren't her childs. The real issue is not about accepting your son's girlfriend, but rather accepting the choices that you as the parent make. Hello, my situation is very hard and I truly feel like my son hates me at this point. In otherwise healthy, mature people, the thrill of life comes from love, discovery, learning or adrenaline-inducing experiences. My son began dating this girl when he was 17. To Roxanne: Yours is an extreme example of how tough it is to cope with your son't girlfriend. She sleeps with multiple men at a time and has advertised her "services" on Backpage and Erotic Monkey. I made conditions for her moving in: she would get a part-time job and go back to school. Good luck. it really bothers the family cuz we thought we brought our son up with the understanding that family comes first that you never bring trash in your family and take up for your family! Ask The Expert: My Partner's Teenagers Hate Me. What Do I Do? Im struggling and I can't sleep well at night. He does do things with us occasionally. It honestly sounds as if neither your son or his girlfriend are fit parents. Am I in the wrong? But he was not street smart before meeting this woman. no dreams now. If there is friction, it is caused by her. Her baby was born Dec 2012. Another essential step you should consider is scheduling consistent family time. Recently, her family has started coming after her for child support and her mother is entitled to this since she is caring for her kids. Some first loves are destined to be "the one" while others eventually dissolve as each person involved matures. He sees your disapproval as criticism of his life choice. Invasive or insensitive questions about the relationship, her personal life, or her background. It has gotten to the point that our son has given up all his friends and only does things with her and her parents. Thanks very much! However, I have traveled beyond the point of no return. My son is now with an old woman, closer to my age than his. However, this shouldnt deter you from educating him about healthy relationships, especially if you have the feeling that my sons girlfriend is manipulative. If they are spending much time together and less time on school or other activities. When the opportunity arose, we did mention that it might be a good idea to look into their future together to see what type of mother and wife she would make because he would have to fill in for any of her deficits there. Who is this unfamiliar creature that has attracted our sons attention? For kids who have led the straight and narrow lifestyle for all their lives, the rebel or laid back lifestyle suddenly can feel liberating. The ages of both your son and is girlfriend makes it really hard to get through. She sent me a horrible message asking me why I am doing this and it's not fair. I need advice very badly because I feel like Im loosing it. If you're feeling distant from your child, Coleman suggests proactively tackling the issue in a conversation. Both eyes open, we told him, if he wanted to avoid heartache later. Young boys with low self-esteem are attracted to girls that make them feel good about themselves. Kids. She always says speaks positively about my whole family but I know exactly what is going on in the background. Fast forward 4 years.he is dating her again and considering moving in with herughhh! A 16-year-old girl with those types of problems most likely has moved on to another guy while your son is in detention center. She and he will hear about it, and then the honeymoon is over. It is not uncommon for both men and women to want to rescue someone. Warning: strpos(): Empty needle in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/dim-wp/public/dog-breeders/index.php on line 1 Warning: strpos(): Empty needle in /srv/users . When we confronted my son with the info, he first pretended that he didn't know but through conversation we realized that he knew all along. You might also ask his closest friend, cousin or sibling to talk with him. Be honest and help him connect the dots between his relationship and the manipulative behaviour. We did not attack our son's former girlfriend but we only continually expressed our love for him. But he might have to see that "her love" isn't so healthy--or true. During this time he started dating a woman he met online from another state who was pregnant with another man's child. I have not said anything critical of her until a few days ago which was after his telling me that she was now claiming all the new clothing purchased for her baby who is now 9 months old. What should I do. She said she heard a girl laughing and when she look over the window, she saw them, my son and the girl helping my boy doing his laundry. I can't undo what I said to my son about my concerns about the neglect and stealing of clothing. You have time on your side. Its normal for your adolescent boy to separate from his family. THANKS ELIA. We sent him a cheque for his birthday and he has spent it on an engagement ring for her. You can tell him why you're upset but repeat that you love him and regret driving him out, that it was the biggest mistake of your life because he is the love of your life. My Sons Girlfriend Is Manipulative- Obvious Signs Parents Cant Ignore, 2. I have tried everything possible to promote my son and help me succeed professionally. Cus he loves her duhhh!! Please help me what to do and how would I feel better because I don't know what to say , I feel betrayed.. She is disrespectful, leaves things all over the place, waste food, milk..etc, she is rude to anyone that is not one of her few personal friends and she only has a couple. She is having a problem mainly because my girlfriends family background is of a poor family. But, subtle signs that people don't like you can also drive you nuts, making you feel paranoid. Being a mother, I spoke up and told him to be careful with this. Its your parental responsibility to take action and start a conversation with your son about his manipulative partner. You don't have to admit to anything you're NOT sorry for but do apologize for letting your anger and frustration get the best of you and do tell him that you regret ever telling him to move out. The "boundaries" you put in place made good sense in terms of wanting them to focus on their exams, for the benefit of both of them, and as a very temporary move. You may want to introduce an activity that keeps them occupied instead of spending time with the manipulative partner. Thanks for the most valuable advice. It might be understandable that your mother has reservations about this girl because your previous relationship with a woman did not survive. Generally, women who go into nursing are very nurturing, patient and compassionate people. Remember, if you read my above comments, you'll understand what I mean when I say, "Call to the kitten." Our kids, who started dating in high school, broke up at the beginning of their sophomore year in college, after dating for nearly two years. I called sweetly to the kitten who wriggled out of the monkey's arms and ran back to me. My problem is a little different. Instead of losing your son, you may gain a daughter and even a very good friend. The signs might be clear, but most parents cant help but wonder why their kid is willingly dating a toxic partner. Here are some ideas to lighten the mood and make her feel welcome. Luckily she moved in with a mutual friend and the younger child. son's girlfriend doesn 't like his family Anyway, my heart goes out to each of you for what you are going through. Use humor. In fact, I discovered later, the picture was taken several years earlier. You dont want to hurt his feelings, lose their trust or worse, and they will take you as a controlling parent. Often, controlling people fear losing power and a need to influence the world . Say, "We want to like her. Why else would a decent young man tolerate a girl who mistreats or disrespects his parents whom he loves? Will she be good for him? I feel like my girlfriend doesn't love me anymore - Reddit My son dated a young woman 4 years ago that my husband and I really disapproved of. He's going to let her ruin his life. Please help me what to do! If he really wanted to help her, he would pull her UP and not let her drag him down. Be direct: "What have I done to make you treat me this way?" He may make mistakes. I tried to open up to her about certain topics, which got a little emotional due to my time of the month and she completely ignored me and started doing something else and ignored the fact that I was crying for help and comfort in a time of need. The demands are never for us except when his dad needed help lifting things for the house move. He teacher shared that the girlfriend gets really impatient with him when she drops him off or picks him up and stated she has yet to meet my son, the father.
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