? ", The four eldest Loud brothers are voiced by the same men who voice the. Lincoln now afraid to tell any of his other sisters cautiously walks into Lola and Lana's room. The Loud House Fanon Wikia Explore Oh, and.I know this must be a bewildering situation to be dropped into. - I have same feeling I had during your birth, bro. -Alright, all done!-Lincoln said happily.-I better leave before the science committee gets here. - Leni commented hugging Leo. - I wanted to be like her? -Come on Lynn!-The coach said to her.-If you make just one basket we'll win the game! In the Latin American dub of the episode, three lines are silent: "Clear!" - No wonder as you as little came to one of us quite often. Lynn is the only sister whose male counterpart shares the same name as her, as Lynn is a unisex name (although it is more common as a girl's name). - Lincoln asked, - For you always, my little brother. - Lincoln once told me Lori yelled at him a lot when he was a baby. She draw lines on it by chalk, then she cut from it cloth parts by scissors. - Lincoln said - I wish you were like me so we could play together. I finally have a brother I've always wanted but he doesn't want to play with me. - Rita said giving Leopold to her arms - Now rub his back and gently pat him. Try my name. Everyone was focused on Leopold carried by Rita. This is my own version of the Loud House where I move to Royal Woods, Michigan. - Lola yelled, - Why couldn't this be another girl? So the girls try to fall asleep by remembering their happiest memories of Lincoln. LUCY'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP. I just hope that whatever part of the spacey thingy you've been wished into, you can hear this. Lincoln only had 24 hours to leave the dimension, which began and ends at 10:30. The story begins in her small bedroom.] A Brother's Love , A Loud House Fanfic Chapter 1 - FanFiction.Net Calm him down. Lincoln leaves and enters Lynn and Lucy's room. If that doesn't show that we messed up, I don't know what does! They nodded their head. - Don't you dare yelling at our brother. This is the first episode where Collin Dean voices Lincoln. - What's happening, Rita? -Look girly, you know how many girls behind you would pay full price for these?-The cashier said as Leni turned to see 12 girls who were holding up money for the shoes. You can hang out with me. -See!-Lincoln told her from the bleachers.-I knew you were gonna make it! The kids begin eating, but eventually a food fight ensues. - I want to calm him down. Linka is playing some girly VR dancing game. When Lincoln wishes he had ten brothers instead of ten sisters, Lisa gives him a glimpse into that reality. - Lori yelled, - It's also my room and Lincoln can go wherever he wants. - Lucy took hair from her eyes, - Oh, hahaha. I don't understand. "Sorry buddy, now please step father away from the house, Thanks." Lynn Sr said, as the family agreed and went back into the house. ( We open on close up on a flower in the middle of a front yard and behind it is the Loud House. - Lori, take care of your boyfriend! - Luna took Leo from Lincoln - Look, he's calm now. -That's cool.-Lynn replied.-Wanna play a quick game of football in the front yard? Category:Fanfiction | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom I try to be for her who you are to me. -Lincoln honey!-Mrs.Loud called for him.-We got you into summer camp, the bus will be here for you tomorrow morning! -What if he removed himself from your tracking app!-Lucy said sounding just as scared as everyone else. One of the Boys | The Loud House Encyclopedia | Fandom -Well considering as science hasn't debunked this rumour.-Lisa said.-And he isn't anywhere in my tracking system, there's a good chance that happened. - Lincoln took Leo and tried to calm him down but it didn't work. -Hey Lis!-Lincoln said barely sticking his head through the door.-Mom and dad left for the week! - She sang for you when you were in mom's belly. -I wouldn't let whatever was taking me out of existence take me.-Lincoln replied.-I love you guys to much to leave permanently! First choose your colour. Luna lifts her blindfold, and sees she's standing right in front of an arcade. Around here, everything isn't always nice. -How was I supposed to-Lincoln gets interrupted again. -Never mind that.-Lincoln told them.-All you need to know is mom and dad are gone for the week. - Rita replied - Because you gave him comics to read he became quite lazy. Leo cried even more. Building Suspense-Richard Myhill[Lisa describes the watch.] This is also the first episode in which someone calls Lincoln "Stinkin'. Why don't they find sports fun? So be patient. Lincoln is looking for food in the refrigerator.] I wanted to be with you so much I competed for you with the other sisters. The only thing that could calm you down was my voice. The Loud House Fanfic #30-No Bullies A-Loud Add to Favourites By jgodzilla1212 Published: Jul 22, 2021 56 Favourites 19 Comments 20.7K Views (Caution: This story may contain violence and severe bullying that may be disturbing to some readers, viewer description is advised and read at your own risk) All except for Lincoln and Lucy who were sitting in their rooms and reading comic book and poetry dairy respectively. "Boys! Descent into Madness. Lynn limps over to the free throw line, and misses the first shot because of her knee. - What a lovely little boy. - Highly unlikey. - Take him already! Meanwhile in Lola and Lana's room, they have gone a full 12 hrs. That's a lot to read. - Hair isn't not a good material for chains. - Lynn commented. Hope Never Dies: An Obama Biden Mystery (Obama Biden Mysteries) - You competed for me? -A collaboration with UnderratedHero. - Lana yelled - Leo, please don't cry. - Lincoln asked surprised - Has Lori always been like this? Next morning Lucy and Lynn woke up. - Never mind. They starts smothering her with kisses.] - Lucy agreed. -You could have just said you didn't want to play!-Lynn said getting red with fury.-You didn't have to pop my lucky football! - Lincoln said - I made you happier and you made me more sensitive for your pain. - Lana grabbed Leo, - First time in my life I said "Little bro", strange feeling. Lincoln then walks over to Lily, and picks up the sleeping baby. Lincoln is happy with his ten kind sisters, instead of ten rough brothers. -Yeah Luna, you seem more distraught over this than anyone else.-Lola added. Why doesn't he want to play with me? -We need your help with something.-Lana told him. However, the brothers mysteriously have looks of concern on their faces and are asking him if he's okay. - I can't believe mom and dad will have another baby. -But we think there's a monster downstairs.-Lana continued. cosmic horror. - Maybe he's afraid of your deep voice or pale skin. - Lana tried to calm Leo down. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! - Leni suggested smiling - I always like when you acompany me. Suddenly, the ten brothers burst into his room, making Lincoln think that he didn't escape the brothers' dimension. After Lincoln explained his girlfriend everything all Loud siblings agreed for making a name family photo with Leo. -Say no more.-Lincoln replied taking the dollar from Luna and putting it in the machine. - Luan commented laughing, - Are you finished, Leopold? -Alright!-Lincoln yelled.-You can take your blindfold off! - Leni explained. ["Pile on Romeo!"] - I got used to be called bro, how will you call Leo? - You like reading and writting poems and I like reading comics. I played with you, sang for you, I conforted you in hard times, we used to memorize songs from films we watched together, we played with my toys. Gentheatre. Lincoln packs up some bags with all his belongings, and leaves the house. - Lana commented, - I can be tomboyish if I wish to. -Hey, mom and dad are gone for the week and wanted me to tell you that they'd be gone.-Lincoln said to them. - Lisa said and left, - I'll keep Leo from you so he would learn such meanness from you. - I don't know why I always do that. - This shade of green? - That's too harsh, Linky. - Leo calmed down on sight of Lucy's eyes, - You see. We will teach you how to do this. LYNN'S FLASHBACK FROM 3 YEARS AGO BEGINS. Suddenly Rita and Lynn Sr. came to Lincoln's room with Leo. Now he will play with me. - Luna told me this once. -Oh, chicken nuggets.-Luan said upset.-I haven't seen these since Lincoln was here. He joined his family at the living room. A Brothers Duty Chapter 1, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction . When she received no answer, she opened the door only to find out that her brother was nowhere in the room. - Luan took Lily to Leo - This is your younger brother. - You want a spit bond? - Lincoln said with depressed tone. - No, I'm your younger sister who just doesn't want to feel lonely. A Brother's Duty. - Lana commented. - Lynn Sr replied - Now I have two sons. - Lincoln yelled, - Win-con wove Weo mo-we dan Wi-Wy. -Yeah, you look like your day has been terrible.-Lola finished. The football misses Lynn, hits something sharp, and pops. - If you could talk I wish you could promise me one thing. - You just spooked him more. Me, you and him? - Lynn Sr. replied, - Wha..? Loud house ( 2 boy +10 girls+ 1 alien) 16 pages June 24, 2021 Yuu Adventure Fantasy Fanfiction Loud House Lonard Loud is a young inventor of the family. - How can I tell my jokes without saying anything? Later a "werewolf" howled at them, but they didn't even notice, and they kept walking forward. - It already happened earlier. - Leni asked, - Who cares about the recording, if we can speak with Lily? When siblings tried to hold him he cried because they were strangers to him. -Look!-Lincoln exclaimed.-We topped the game's leader board! Linka and the Loud Brothers: Get the Message - DeviantArt - Lori said - Can you take him? Luna realizes they're not listening to rock and roll. We all kept you safe. Linka Loud - Works | Archive of Our Own After Lincoln takes the watch, Lisa warns him that he needs to return to his original world within 24 hours, or else he'll be stuck in the new dimension forever. - Leo cried because of the stinky chemicals. - I used to share room with her before I received my own. - Lucy asked surprised - Thank you, Lincoln. -Attention.-Lucy called to her siblings, while Luna and Leni stood behind her.-We would like to perform a little song for you. Luke (Luna), having been woken up from Lincoln's complaining, agrees that the bathroom is messy and says that they should clean it. Rita's nurse summoned her family to her room. Lana took Leo to her room much to Lola's annoyance. Linka: Uh oh. - It's his feeding time. -I highly suggest you recount that cash.-Lincoln told him. - Lori said. ? - Aah! Luna changes it back to the correct station. - He seems to have very strong senses. One big Family 37 parts Ongoing Lynn Sr and Rite put Lincoln up to adoption because they still think he's bad luck they thought put. He thought nobody is around so he made a really sad face and fell on knees. - Lincoln explained. -Lincoln, all I have to remember you by is these embarrassing videos.-Luan said sadly. - Leni commented - Now I need to measure you. - Blah, blah, blah. - Do you remember when she came to us? -I'd rip the head off your dolly, but I'm not feeling up to it.-Lana said sadly. Lincoln walks into Lori and Leni's room to see Lori on the phone and Leni using her sewing machine designing a dress. - I waited 12 years for a brother and now I have him. - Lucy suggested. - Lucy said - Hey, let's play with both babies in my room. An unsuspecting pedestrian that was about to have the fury of the Loud brothers unleashed upon her. - Lincoln commented crying. - Just let the artist work. -We took that yesterday?-Lincoln asked himself confused. - Lily, I will never stop loving you. - Lisa asked, - Yes. -Nope.-Luna answered sounding really guilty about something.-I said all that, with a swear word in between each of those words. - Lori said touched - Let's go then. - Lori commented - You need to seek a job you can do and prove you deserve this. The baby cried again because his sleeping was interrupted. - Bobby asked confused - Please stay quiet. - Look, Lily. [The brothers appear.] More Lincoln heardmore regretful he felt . Feedback is appreciated. - Me too, it was more tolerable than her jokes. - Lynn commented - I hope he didn't inherit your non-sense of humor. - I felt so very much of famliy warmth then. Loud Stories - Wattpad - Absolutelly no! - You could hardly endure her presense. - He has a taste of fashion. -Guys it's me Lincoln!-Lincoln exclaimed. -That was bad.-Lynn replied.-but I wouldn't have been beating myself up all week just for that. - What? is spoken in Lana's early-. A pact made between three sisters, don't pursue Lincoln. - Lincoln approached his baby sister - I know how it is to be the youngest no more. - Listen up, kids! LISA'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP. After Lincoln brought Clyde back to his home Lincoln returned to his one. - Maybe you're right but still I'm worried what will our children grow up to. - Leni said - Scissors are sharp, you could get hurt. - Luan said and began doing funny faces. - You two were unable to separate. -The house went silent, the girls spirits sank low. I thought you love my sisters so much that you don't need me. LANA AND LOLA'S FLASHBACK FROM A YEAR AGO BEGINS. She has no sense of fun. Linka: Yello? - Poor, naive Leni. - Lincoln asked joking - You said like you were reading my mind like an open book. ? - Rita commented - You're lucky. Why is Leo crying? LANA AND LOLA'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THEY'VE FALLEN ASLEEP. Luan walked up to the front door of the haunted house where Lincoln was, grabbed his hand tightly and walked into the house, they walked a few feet when a "ghost" fell from the ceiling, it startled them but they kept walking. -Well, we did already walk this far.-Luna said.-Of course I do! On his first day at Archetype Academy, a school that trains its student to harness their potential, Lincoln Loud worries that his lack of powers will ruin his attempts to follow in his exceptional sisters' footsteps. The Loud House Fanfic #30-No Bullies A-Loud - DeviantArt LUNA'S FLASHBACK FROM 2 YEARS AGO BEGINS. Lincoln chooses normal, and the music begins playing a little faster, and so does the routine, but not backing down, Luna and Lincoln claim a second perfect score after doing the routine flawlessly. - Lucy, it's your turn. - Lincoln commented. Linka and the Loud Brothers: Pilot - DeviantArt - I'll show him my room. I love all my sisters and you too. - You were working hard to support us. -Just get out of here you big screw-up!-Lori and Leni tell him furiously. That wasn't a good start for me as the older brother. - Luan said - Look, they both enjoy it. - Lincoln kissed sleeping Leo in forehead. LYNN'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP. Bad Guys (a)-Dick De Benedictis[Lincoln gets swarmed by bats.] My 6th fanfiction. -It's your fault!-The twins told each other growling. LENI'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL SHE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP. -You have to!-Lincoln said.-Come on, it'll be fun! - Lincoln is the closest to me in strength. He thinks all what moves must have eyes. - Glad to hear it. They then inform him that because they didn't have any clean shirts at the moment, they decided to wear his shirts instead, much to his annoyance. She grabbed him and took him to her room. -Hey Lincoln.-Lana said.-What's going on? - Bobby asked - Date? This makes Lincoln complain that life in the Loud house is a pain because of his sisters (like the long bathroom line, crowding him whenever he goes to hang out with Ronnie Anne, rejecting his ideas on where to spend their day by going to the mall, and going overboard to heal him over minor injuries), and wishes that he had ten brothers instead. - Lincoln and Leo screamed out of surprise and the latter began crying, - I just made him stop crying and you spooked him again. The Loud House (Cartoon), The Stanley Parable, Steven Universe (Cartoon), The Amazing World of Gumball, Bendy and the Ink Machine, The silent age. - Lori commented - Let the newborn be with his mom. - Thanks for introducing me this. - I am the quietest of us along with you. - You say this every time mom expects another child. Don't worry I still love you. Loki charges his brothers to the portal. Lane (Luan) pulls Lincoln's pants up to his chest, and messes with his hair, annoying him even more. - He played with you because you hypnotized him with your voice! - Lynn said embarased - Come here my playful companion. - Better. Let's make a blood bond. - Take care of him. -Nope.-Lucy answered.-The spirits talk to me, but they're all busy haunting other people. - Lincoln grabbed Lily - He just needs time. Lincoln backs away from Lori and backs into Leni's sewing machine moving the machine and ruining the dress Leni was sewing. -Luna.-Leni overheard her.-Maybe if you told us what you told Lincoln, you won't be beating yourself up over it. -Great!-Lincoln said putting the dollar into the machine. This revelation causes Linka to scream loudly. loud house brothers fanfiction lake turkana massacre Emergency Force-Richard Birdsall["I'm in the wrong dimension!"] Causing Lincoln to turn and look at her. I have it from Leni. - For you always. - We can discuss after you read every next tome. - How about sleeping on the couch in the living room? - Luna commented. - Lincoln explained. -I'm so sorry, I didn't-Lincoln is once again interrupted by the furious girls, both with bright red faces. Lincoln prayed for brother this time when the girls expected another sister. - I will introduce you to my pets. Although being casted in the credits, Leon has no lines in this episode either, but he was listed in the credits because he was heard crying off-screen. - Lincoln said - I promised to hang out with you to avoid this. He trips and hurts his thumb, and instead of consoling him, Loni (Leni) tells him to shake it off instead. One Girl with Ten Brothers Chapter 1: Us - FanFiction.Net Mixed genres. - Lincoln said - Do not give your younger brother or sister a rough time like Lynn does to me. Can you let me hold him? - Lincoln said - Lucy, please help me. - Lincoln rubbed Leo and took him, - Bah! - I didn't this but at least Leopold will have some peace. - Luan replied - Puppetery is for boys and girls. Lana reached Lynn's room and woke her up. -What name should we use to program the score into the game? When the brothers came to aid Linka, Luke's line "You want some water?" - What am I doing wrong? - Take him out of here, twerp. - Lincoln said - You will welcome our new family member. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Self Insert OC story. - Lori said entering Lincoln's room, - Lucy, please leave this book and come. I'm sorry, Linka. While Lynn and Lana were playing Luna and Lincoln came to the bathroom with Leo. - Lucy gave Leo Bun-Bun. - Chunk said waving his right hand, - Chunk, sorry but its not good time. - Lucy asked annoyed, - So be it. Let me make you smile. - Lincoln commented - This will make you an older sister. - Luna grabbed Lincoln's shoulder - I still love you as my childhood with you was the happiest part of my life. -Oh alright then.-Luna told him.-I'll wait another minute or two I guess. - Lisa replied - Can't a genius have sense of humor? ? - At least he'll have fun with me. - What are you afraid of? - Exacly. - What is happening, baby bro? You were envious and didn't want to play with her. - Lincoln commented. If you do this to Lincoln, no wonder he prefered to play with me over you when he was a toddler. - Leni said walking with Leo. Realizing he has been called a girl's name, "Lincoln" discovers that his room is all girly, and upon seeing his reflection on the mirror, "Lincoln" soon realizes that he's now in a dimension where he's the only sister, named Linka, in a family with ten brothers. -That would be stupendous!-Lisa exclaimed.-Thank you Lincoln, I would really appreciate some help. - Lucy commented surprised - In fact I've always considered you as the closest sibling to me. -No thanks, it's kinda windy outside.-Lincoln replied throwing the football back to her. - Lincoln said confused - Why isn't he crying? - Leni said - Leo also will love you. The pain of silence (and the beauty of loud noise) - Chapter 3 Lori overslept on Saturday morning and Lincoln comes in to wake her up. Credit to Harburton81 for the title. -All you have to do is go in, and I'll walk through it with you.-Lincoln answered. - Lucy said smiling and showing herself to Leo, - What are you waiting for? The Loud brothers notice this and fix themselves in response. Angry Luna approached window. Luan performed shadow puppetery to take the babies' attention. Real Boys Chapter 1: Lincoln's Brothers, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction One day he will meet 626 an alien escaped from an evil empire. - Lincoln said to Lily - You don't have to be worried about making any noise. Lynn continues to hold onto hope that her brother is alive. - Lincoln hugged Lily back. - Don't worry, Leo will share room with me. However, Luke's method of "cleaning" involves him using Lincoln's head to scrub the toilet. - She keeps telling me it's stressful to be the oldest sister and I believe her. - Why Weo? -Thanks Lincoln!-Lucy told him.-That means a lot coming from you. Lincoln's voice remains the same in other international dubs. We already have same blood, even same group. - Lynn Sr. said allowing Lincoln to enter his room and glare at Leopold. We used to take bath together. - Leo was confused and scared when Luna was putting him to water. - Alright. Lincoln observed this and overheard what Lynn was talking to Leo. -There's this invisible barrier that's keeping me from punching you!-Lana complained. Suddenly, the sisters (who are now boys) exit their rooms. The bus drives off, and the girls wake up a few hours later. But when he's finally sorted, he's revealed to possess a completely new Archetype: Harem King. - Lincoln said. You may see this as I have fun with her but only she has fun when I suffer. - Luna covered Leo's ears - He'll get rid of your odor. - I thought I'll be happy if I have a brother. - I don't get it. - Lily said smiling and kissed Lincoln in cheek. [We open in Lincoln's room, where Lincoln is dialing a number phone and it start ringing. She put it back on her table. - Lynn Sr. said, - First bring Lincoln and Lucy, you all need to hear it. - Once she had to bathe you and Lynn after you had a mud wrestling. - Leni said - What's up? - Rita said leaving with Lynn Sr. - Ahh. Lincoln didn't hear Leo crying because splashing in toilet was louder. Luna's voice actress did not work in this episode (although the Polish and Italian voice actors did), but Lucy's voice actress did already work in it due to voicing Lynn and their gender-swapped counterparts (although not for the Brazilian Portuguese dub). - Why does he live alone? - Lincoln explained - Touch it and say "Hello". Lincoln asked Ronnie to make the picture and she agreed. - He was born yesterday so we didn't form a bond yet. - I don't get why is Leo so unhappy. -Oh shoot!-Lori exclaimed.-I only have 12 minutes to shower and put my makeup on! - But you are a good brother and we all love you. - Lincoln commented excited. I hope you'll be as lovable brother as him. - Lisa commented - I didn't cry then and I learned how to speak before reaching my first year. Being an older sibling is both joyful and troublesome. No one knew what to do after that, people who walked past the house thought the Loud family moved it was so quiet. -That's correct!-The "boring guy" said.-Congratulations caller, you will be on going on Mick Swagger's DayDream tour, spending the whole year with Mick Swagger! - Lincoln said - I just realized we two are the quietest in our big loud family. - Lincoln catched Leo who began crying - Lily! Steven Lucas in The Loud House: One of the Boys (FANFIC) - I spoke about it with her. Now I try to be for her the best brother I can. Lynn opens the door and sees the empty room and empty bed. -Can you please give me a break? - I thought you were going to Detroid. - Lincoln asked. Lincoln hands Lucy a book engraved Lucy's Journal. - He seems confused. - Lincoln and the older sisters said in unison - Hey, I want to do this. - Terrific realization. Rita (Original): Hey, girls! Lincoln prayed for brother this time when the girls expected another sister. The sisters are unable to hear what's going on in there when Lincoln runs out looking terrified. Rita took Leopold to her room. -Maybe alone, but it's not when you've got a partner!-Luan told them.-Thanks again for that Lincoln. - Lincoln said smiling, - So do I. ? -Really Lincoln? -Hey Linc.-Luna said.-I know this was a today only thing, but do you think we could start coming here just to play the game?
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