On the other hand, weaknesses can also be identified while monitoring playground activities. Lastly, students may want to consider seeking professional help from counselors or therapists if they feel their weaknesses are impacting. Character Strengths for Students | Greater Good In Education For example, one of my students was originally receiving occupational therapy to address fine motor skills and visual motor skills. PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School. %%EOF Strengths-based IEPs are rooted in the belief that all students have strengths and that students motivation increases when the adults around them point out those strengths. Student strengths can be identified by observing the different types of activities they participate in and their level of interest. sent right to your inbox! And sometimes, during a meeting, were put on the spot. Required fields are marked *. PDF. Do you want to dive deeper into the science behind our GGIE practices? One of the things that I've /really/ tried to emphasize as a Special Ed teacher is that we're trying to capitalize on a student's strengths to address their needs/areas for growth. __________ is best at __________ has an amazing ability to, __________ always takes pride in his/her work when __________ is frequently recognized for __________ participates the most when __________ does this better than any other student, __________ is highly motivated by __________ is highly interested in. A teacher once remarked, It is clearly beyond time for us to value the unique qualities of every individual in our classroom.. Creative strengths: Creative students have the ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas, as well as their artistic and musical abilities. Todays post highlights solutions to four of these common barriers. A strengths-based IEP looks at abilities as well as weaknesses. It is merely a representation or guideline to get you thinking on the right track. Others may prefer quieter activities such as reading or playing board games with friends. You may put off studying or procrastinate, creating chaos in the process. Get the latest tools and resources It is our duty as special education instructors to discover and publicize those assets in order to develop them further. Accessibility | Nondiscrimination | Privacy | Terms & Conditions | Credits, Develop students intellectual humility through concept mapping, PreK/Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College. These register items are grouped into six different categories: Attitude, Academic Skills, Executive Operate Skills, Social Key, Car Skills, press Sensory Data Special. Sure, lots of kids struggle in this area, but many excel. ), Is resilient (again, disabled students have to put up with much more than non disabled students), Shows independence (seriously? But more and more schools are shifting the focus from deficits to a strengths-based approach. These list items are grouped into six different categories: Attitude, Academic Skills, Executive Function Skills, Social Skills, Motor Skills, and Sensory Processing Skills. Processing speed: A child with fast processing speed is often able to quickly understand, complete tasks, and remember new information. This graphic gives you 5 great examples of what that sounds like (just give it a click to see it full size): What do you think? List of Student Strengths and Weaknesses for IEP Writing A team can also add strengths to an IEP by area or discipline. These kinds of student self-assessments can help IEP teams develop a strengths-based IEP. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Whos at the IEP Table? There are many different kinds of student success goals, but all student success goals must meet these basic criteria: student strengths, observable and measurable student behaviors/actions, and student success criteria. Additionally, taking an assessment such as the CliftonStrengths assessment can be a helpful tool for students to identify their strengths and weaknesses. This can be an issue because it can take away from learning opportunities for others. When working towards an IEP goal, she has a growth mindset and perceivers through challenges. There are many different types of student strengths, and each student may have their own unique combination of strengths. Subjective language. Use phrases such as excels at, does at grade/age level, or does well to describe student competencies, and use these strengths to inform the IEP teams approach when writing goals and objectives for student growth. This form includes a checklist (teachers love this option because we are SO busy), and also areas for teachers to note student strengths/weaknesses, current grades, observed skill deficits, and much more. Student likes. ECSE: For students Birth to three the IEP must address Physical/Motor Development; Basic Senses including Hearing and Vision; Self-Help Skills; Academic Performance/Cognitive Development/ Intellectual Functioning; Social/Emotional/ Behavioral Development; Communication and Current Health and Medical Status. Have them fill out what their best answer is and then compare to find commonalities. Sydney is alsoa childrens author and illustrator and is always working on new and exciting projects. (You can also try a fun hands-on activity to help identify your childs strengths.). But by shifting the focus and putting a big emphasis on strengths, this new kind of IEP helps adultsand kidssee that theres more to these students than their weaknesses. If there are student strengths examples that you would like to include for your student, make sure you add them on your own. By focusing on what the student can do, and then using those strengths to set goals to help address a particular need, teachers provide students with greater opportunities for academic success; they build resilience and a growth mindset; and finally, self-esteem, self-determination, and self-efficacy are fostered. This deficit-based approach to setting goals, determining benchmarks, and deciding on programs and services downplays the unique contributions and capabilities of students, focuses on limitations and labels, may promote a negative understanding of the student and their potential, and ultimately discourages parental input and student participation in the IEP process. Has a strong number sense, like knowing which is larger and which is smaller, Sees and understands patterns in nature and in numbers, Puts effort into making friends and keeping them, Accepts personal responsibility for actions (good and bad). Plus the snippet from IDEA about a child's strengths. Joint attention is the ability to attend to what youre told, with another person. Well email you our most helpful stories and resources. 2023 A Day In Our Shoes with Lisa Lightner. Reasoning: A child who is good at reasoning is often able to understand and think through complex problems. And so, in the spirit of that, you will not find a list of child strengths and weaknesses examples here in this article. A child with strong short-term memory skills is often able to remember things for a short period of time, such as a list of items or a set of instructions. Strengths: Emotional intelligence is a term used to describe a person's ability, strong communication and presentation abilities verbally, strong analytic abilities, fairness, etc. Being cooperative is a vital aspect of any successful educational experience because it allows you to work in pairs and groups, as well as do what you are asked by the person that is leading the activity. Use of this website is subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Thanks again for your support! The common goals and the strengths-based goals set the same expectation for student progress. Taking a look at specific student strengths in the classroom is a great place to start. Examples of good executive functioning skills would be the ability to stay focused/on tasks, organizational skills, time management, locker and backpack organization, and planning. How to Write IEP Student Strengths | TeachTastic Or just swipe them for your IEP parent concerns letter. (Though literal shouting in an IEP meeting may be frowned upon.). Disruptive students are more interested in following their agenda in class such as talking or making others laugh than completing the work assigned to them by their teacher. This questionnaire is applicable to students ages 4-17. Making a note about the strengths of a students family or community supports on the IEP report is not always recognized in the list of student strengths IEP section, but it is worth noting. This is an area of the IEP that needs more focus and attention. The team not only identifies strengths, but leverages them to help address weaknesses. Some examples of social-emotional skills include resilience, problem solver, positivity, optimism, pleasant and easygoing, adapting easily to unexpected changes, flexible thinking, and creativity. Is she able to use a calculator? The idea of desirable character traits has existed since ancient times, but research on them is more recent, spurred by the rise of positive psychologya movement that endeavors to use the tools of psychology not only to identify and fix problems, but also to recognize and foster positive qualities and flourishing. It can also give kids a sense of ownership when they get to help make decisions about their IEP. It also tells the kids about their own abilities. Proper nutrition, exercise, and adequate rest are also important components of academic success. Helping students identify and leverage their strengths, interests and preferences can lead to more self-awareness and self-advocacy. Creating a positive environment and developing good habits can also help students overcome their weaknesses and achieve success. Leadership strengths: These include a students ability to inspire and motivate others, make decisions, and take initiative in appropriate situations. Additionally, if there are any special interests of the student that are community-based, this may be a great opportunity to highlight that. Do you consciously try to flip weakness statements into strengths and needs statements during IEP meetings? From student work habits (work independently) to academics (reading comprehension), every area of a child's development can be highlighted using this easy to use, step-by-step guide. Examples of Family or Community Strengths to list on the IEP. Remember that student strengths can be based on work habits or personality traits. This kind of IEP gives much more weight to a students strengths, interests and preferences. Not some resource list you found on the internet. This student strength list can also be used during the development of student transition goals. 3 Step How-To Answer Guide, What Are Your Strengths? In this post I will provide a few examples of items to add to your list of student strengths for IEP writing, to help you get the ball rolling. I just needed better coping mechanisms, which no one taught me. Disorganized 7. Student strength lists should not focus on student weaknesses or deficits. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Involving students in IEP meetings can help the team think about ways to develop strengths and work on weaknesses. Critical Thinking: A child who is good at critical thinking is often able to see different sides of an issue and make logical decisions. Is not a superficial look at strengths.Strengths & abilities are thoughtfully integrated into IEP goals & objectives. Child Strengths and Weaknesses Examples, Social Skills and Social-Emotional Strengths, Executive Functioning and Processing Strengths, children who chronically lie or are liars, Advertise with Us | Newsletter Sponsorships, Understanding IDEA and Your Parental Rights, Disability Acceptance, Advocacy and Activism, Section 504 Plans and 504 Plan Accommodations. Additionally, developing a good support system of friends, family or mentors can be helpful in helping students identify areas of improvement and commit to working on them. (iv)the academic, developmental, and functional needs of the child. Everyone also knows a student's strengths can be leveraged to support self-esteem and growth. The teacher can use this form to assess what the child's strengths and deficits are during social behaviors during the school day. Sam will use his creativity and interpersonal skills to develop and lead his peers in a class vocabulary game with 90% accuracy in three out of four weekly opportunities. A strengths-based approach is a pathway to increasing parent-school partnerships because it shows parents that their childs teachers believe in their childs potential, and students begin to understand that they are capable and valuable contributors at school and in life. But, it was not because I am of low moral character. But only the strengths-based goals use the students abilities and interests to help chart a path to progress.
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