The king had also built a 'swimming pool' outside the palace. (One may choose) from (descendants of) more than seven (generations) on the paternal side and more than five (generations) on the maternal side. Why in the Sierpiski Triangle is this set being used as the example for the OSC and not a more "natural"? This form of a marriage, ranked as the second most meritorious, is regarded to redeem the sins of seven ascendants and descendants. If both parties consent, an auspicious time is chosen for the wedding to take place. BEST HEALING, EVEN CONQUEROR OF DEATH MANTRA, "The Mahamrityunjay Mantra" from the Rig Veda, 16 Practices of Self-Compassion, " Meditating on Self-Love", Fifty motivational beautiful memorable pics from twitter Pt 4. posted on a channel named "Neha_Singh. It possesses the divine lustre besides the How did King Kakudmireach Brahma Loka with his daughter Revathi? The caption of the photos read, Got Married with my Dad Ayub Khan. As the argument became heated, Lord Shiva had to intervene. Did Lord Brahma marry his own daughter It suggests that the claim is not true. The Quint's WebQoof team has debunked many such scripted videos which are being shared with misleading, and often communal claims. Even every sperm that a human ejaculates. Is there a scriptural definition of leela ()? So do not say-Muslim and Christians are using Saraswati puran. And I have answered in detail. Under Hindu Adoption And maintenance Act, 1956 The girl seen in the image looks much younger than the man. Advance your career with IITK e-Masters Degree, 10 cops, 1 civilian killed in blast carried out by Maoists in Chhattisgarh's Dantewada, Why no FIR against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, Supreme Court asks Delhi police, Yogi Adityanath receives death threat, police register FIR, Kharge says PM like a 'poisonous snake', later defends remark; BJP demands apology, Parkash Singh Badal cremated in Punjab with full state honours, Why India's No. As the sunshine cannot be separated from the sun, similarly It has been stated in above sentence of Upnishad. Later, Jahanara reconciled with Aurangzeb who gave her the title 'Empress of Princesses' and replaced her younger sister, Princess Roshanara Begum, as the First Lady. Some say it is the cosmic spirit, but that applies to nirguna brahman and not saguna trinity. Some communities, like the Brahmins in Mithila, use genealogical records ("Panjikas") maintained by the specialists. @user9392, What Mr.K said above is correct. Media reports suggest that their marriage took place in Botad, Gujarat. Which era is going on? The ladies disagreed, Sarasvati, like the other type of learned ladies, Minerva, being something of a termagant; and Vishnu, finding that one wife was as much as even a god could manage, transferred Sarasvati to Brahma and Gang to Siva, and contented himself with Lakshmi alone. - Should marriages be registered? That's how we relate husband-wife relation, likewise Parvati is the left-half with Shiva. Subscribe To Our Daily Newsletter And Get News Delivered Straight To Your Inbox. herhe the unassailable. The Telangana High Court granted him an interim bail for 15 days in February this year. is there such a thing as "right to be heard"? Historically, if the amount of dowry was seen as insufficient, the grooms family would take it as an insult, and harass the new bride to ask her family for more dowry.[42]. [7], While Hindu texts prescribe marrying within one's own community, they prohibit individuals from marrying those who belong to their own gotra, or lineage from the same Vedic sage:[8]. The gods, very concerned, If Brahma were Not guilty of possessing incestuous desire in the eyes of Lord Shiva, the latter would Not cut off his fifth head and ban the worship of Brahma on the earth. However, we found that the claim is false. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. - If a Hindu wishes to marry a person who is not a Hindu, under what law can they do so? Until the passage of the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, every Hindu in India was theoretically allowed to have multiple wives. 2023 The Logical Indian. Ayub Khan is a gangster from Hyderabad who is serving a seven-year sentence in prison. Somewhere in the course of time, arranged marriages became predominant, and love marriages became unacceptable or at least frowned upon; some historians believe that it happened in the Islamic invasion period. How is it done? The king had also built a 'swimming pool' outside the palace. Gyatrl cannot leave the company of Brahm. Though Brahm represents AA Ali and Sakina with their daughter (right), who is pregnant with her father's child (TOI Photo) JALPAIGURI: A 36-year-old man married his teenage daughter and made her pregnant, justifying his perverse act by claiming he had divine sanction for his incestuous lust. The other reason is that as Brahm happens to be the creator of the you to ashes.". any blemish? Suggest to read our scriptures in vedic perspective. He whose (penis,) which performs the virile work, stretched out, discharging (the semen)(that one,) the manly one, then pulled away Catholic Daily Mass - Daily TV Mass - April 22, 2023 - Facebook NEW DELHI: A marriage of a Hindu woman with a Muslim man is not a "regular or valid" but the child born out of such wedlock is legitimate, the Supreme Court on Tuesday held. If the astrological chart of the two individuals (male and female) achieve the required threshold in points, then further talks are considered for a prospective marriage. One who projected/injected this story is just the best ignorant. Sarasvati, by the standard mythological authorities, is the wife of Brahma. staff article. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. . You will be very surprised to know that his daughter-in-law also did not refuse her father-in-law to marry her father-in-law. Many people believe that arranged marriage is the traditional form of marriage in India; however, the concept of love marriage has gained popularity as well, especially in urban areas. In the Vedas, and Brahma Pura. What's the cheapest way to buy out a sibling's share of our parents house if I have no cash and want to pay less than the appraised value? In India, when a Hindu and a non-Hindu marry under the Hindu Marriage Act and for the Hindu marriage to be valid, both partners must be Hindu amongst other conditions that also need to be fulfilled, and the non-Hindu partner must convert to Hinduism. The claim states that the a Hindu man forcefully married his two daughters, aged 19 and 20 years. [38], Monogamy refers to a marriage where a man is married to only one woman during a given period of time. [31][32], James Lochtefeld comments that these last two forms were forbidden, but the marriages themselves were still recognised in ancient Hindu societies, not to allow these acts, but rather to provide the woman and any resulting children with legal protection in the society.[33]. With the help of InVid, a video verification tool, we extracted several keyframes from the video, and conducted a reverse image search on some of them. Viral image shows a father fell in love with his own daughter and married her. What positional accuracy (ie, arc seconds) is necessary to view Saturn, Uranus, beyond? Urvashi never existed when Sarawati manifested. An archive of the tweet can be seen here. From Shivas anger sprang into existence a terrific form (Bhairava), whom he thus addressed: Chastise this lotus-born! No sooner did Bhairava receive this order, than instantly he cut off the head of Brahma with the thumb of his left hand. Even we are attracted towards the Tridev, because they are Purusha and we are Prakriti. Web@HaripriyaDas Devi Bhagwatam has condemned Brahma's lust for His own daughter Saraswati at many places. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. He is dressed in white raiment, and rides upon a goose. Sheetal's parents are worried as their daughter's husband is the same age as her father. Marriage is regarded to be a sacrament by Hindus, rather than a form of social contract, since they believe that all men and women are created to be parents, and practise dharma together, as ordained by the Vedas. A north Indian bride and groom in their traditional attire. Karnataka: Muslim man marries off No, Video Viral With False Claim. Ignorant Hindus having no connection with their scriptures are becoming prey to this conspiracy. The lingam told both Brahma and Vishnu that if any of them could find the end of the lingam, He will be declared as the greater of the two. It has different meanings too. Saraswati, according to mythology, is regarded as the embodiment of his power, the instrument of creation, and the energy that propels his actions. A Tamil Hindu couple during their wedding ceremony. The duo noted that Nagmas father Islam Khan was against their marriage because his daughter married a Hindu man, and has been threatening them since then. visible as well as invisible. After Savitri's angry departure from the assembly, Gayatri modified the curses that had been pronounced. If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at or WhatsApp at 6364000343. We found a video from 2018 where Khan announced contesting the 2019 Telangana Assembly Election from Bahadurpura on a Congress ticket. 'He who acts thus towards his own daughter, our sister, [commits a sin],' they thought. Web@HaripriyaDas Devi Bhagwatam has condemned Brahma's lust for His own daughter Saraswati at many places. In relation to incest, I already explained that Brahma is a Purusha part of Param Brahma, and Saraswati is a Prakriti part of Param Brahma, therefore they will naturally attract as two opposite type of energies. When the parents of a boy seek a suitable bride, they consider her family background, and the girl's father would ensure that his daughter's prospective groom is a scholar, one who is well-versed in the Vedas. begat the sacred formulation, and they fashioned out (of it?) married You can also read all our fact-checked stories here. Hence, the viral claim is false. The video's title translated to '60-year-old man married two girls, see what happened next.'. Under Hindu Adoption And maintenance Act, 1956 The marriage took place in Tundla in Firozabad on December 11 and came to light when the local villagers identified the married couple as brother and sister. What was the compulsion of 65-year-old Roshan Lal of Samastipur district of Bihar to marry a 21-year-old girl. Has depleted uranium been considered for radiation shielding in crewed spacecraft beyond LEO? It is called such because it is believed to be worthy of the devas themselves. To Rudra she said: 'By the curse of the holy sages, you shall be deprived of your manhood!'. A Google reverse image search led us to a video on YouTube. rev2023.4.21.43403. Beliefs that Saraswati is Brahma's daughter is mainly from temple lore.Hence, after avoiding Brahma, Saraswati became a consort of Vishnu (according to Vaishnavas), a daughter of Durga (according to Shaktas) or a follower of Ganesha (according to Shaivas). Because the truth is worth it.). This universe aka prakriti is composed of atoms (such is said even in sage Kapila's Samkhya philosophy). They also differ very widely in social acceptability. Another fact is that he(Brahma) and she(Saraswati) are not human with bones and flesh like us, so there is no incest. Some scriptures say Saraswati is born from Brahma's thoughts, that doesn't mean incest. ', "On hearing these words, Savitri exclaimed, 'By the powers which I have obtained by the performance of tapas, may Brahma never be worshipped in temple or sacred place, except one day in each year. The newspaper report shared in the viral post was about a Muslim man called Afazuddin, who married his daughter. [1] The term love-arranged marriage is used to describe a new emerging form of marriage, which contains elements of both an arranged marriage and a love marriage. This issue is to be understood esoterically. So she has been explicitly called Patni/wife as per Brihadaranyaka upanishad : . '. user9392 May 23, 2017 at 16:52 Even though "Saraswati Puran" may be untrue, but Devi Bhagwatam says Saraswati is Brahmas daughter. . The Manusmriti classifies sexual intercourse between men to be an offence in Hinduism, stating that it would lead one to lose their jati. Jahanara Begum A journalist at heart loves the in-depth work of reporting, writing, editing, research, and data analysis. Vedas, similarly, Gyatri in the form of Satarp is said to have been his daughter all the Vedas and Svitri or Gyatri is the supreme goddess for him, NEW DELHI: A marriage of a Hindu woman with a Muslim man is not a "regular or valid" but the child born out of such wedlock is legitimate, the Supreme Court on Tuesday held. Please do not call them Matter and AntiMatter. [37] Polyandry is viewed with contempt in India today, a practice little removed from promiscuity on the part of a woman. Rudra, taking aim, pierced him. Hindu Man Take a look. The legend further states that Sarasvati ran to Lord Shiva for help, who got angry with Brahma for such felony and severed his 5th head. Ayub Khan, a Congress leader from Hyderabad, married his daughter and impregnated her. It is a form of marriage where a bridegroom receives a maiden, after having given of his own free will as much wealth as he can afford, to the bride, and her kinsmen. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Karnataka: Muslim man marries off Karnataka: Muslim man marries off No one's feeling would be hurt now.). jivas alone and not to humans. So do not say-Muslim and Christians are using Saraswati puran. The following is the translation of Stephanie W. Jamison and Joel P. Brereton. Why typically people don't use biases in attention mechanism? The pool is so large that 150 men and women can take a bath together. The name itself speaks a lot about it as imitation. own daughter: Claims divine Sanction When Brahma expressed his desire to marry her, Saraswati opposed Brahma arguing that he was like a father to her since it was he who created her. As universe is finite but Prakrati is not, a lot of energy was left out after creation, this left out infinite energy was the cause of the creation of Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Parvati(Sati). his daughter Whats even more galling is that his wife was the prime witness in the nikah of her daughter to her husband. Scientifically speaking, there must have been incest at some point of time in human evolution. It is a form of marriage unique to the ancient Brahmins, where a man gifts his richly bedecked daughter's hand in marriage to a priest who officiates at the former's sacrifice ceremony, in lieu of paying the latter a nominal sacrificial fee. Most of the people confuse it for Prakriti as Saraswati. No body is talking about the Sanskrit word used in scripture in this case for 'daughter' in English. The marriage is then celebrated in the absence of the father of the bride by the family of her abductor. To know more, see our, Does This Video Show RSS Goons Assaulting Woman Because She Sold Meat? A priest accordingly went to call her; but she replied, I have not yet completed my dress, nor arranged several affairs. Lord Brahma was not a Human with some craving phallus, like what brainless Wendy Doniger would say. the gods (irrespective of their being) proper or improper, do not Lord Matsya said, "The rajoguna creation emerging in the form of Satarp Hence, Brahma is not worshipped in Hinduism in spite of being the Creator. This is condemned in the Manusmriti as a sinful act. The Mahabharata says that Siva did not actually cut off Brahma's head on this occasion, but was only prevented from doing so through the intercession of the gods. Even though "Saraswati Puran" may be untrue, but Devi Bhagwatam says Saraswati is Brahmas daughter. the birds are known to the birds alone, similarly the ways of the Curiously enough, when Christians ask me this thing, I say Eve was made out of Adam's rib, does that make us all incest babies, since every human alive today is supposed to be their descendant (as per Christian theology)? And moreover, it is not incest. And foremost we even cannot call Saraswati as daughter of Brahma, she is Prakriti(matter) and Brahma is Purusha(anti-matter), both with opposite nature. When a man stealthily rapes a woman who is asleep, intoxicated, or mentally challenged, it is regarded to be a marriage, though only to preserve the honour of the woman. His Daughter A picture is going viral on social media in which a newly married couple wearing garlands can be seen. A video which shows some youth questioning a man who married two young girls who say that they were forced to marry him is being shared on social media as a real incident. . Is Lord Brahma of the trimurti described anywhere in our texts as 'parabrahman' like lord Shiva and lord Vishnu ? In this case, his first marriage has not been annulled by law and the first wife and their children are lawful heirs. We found that the claim Ayub Khan married his daughter has been on the internet for at least two years now. For instance, the planet Venus is believed to be a benefic planet, and influential in terms of marriage. , 4 , #5000_Saal_Purani_Sabhyata ? We have to remember that there is no incest here, as misunderstood many modern day scholars. Even the devil will feel shame for what he did. Under Hindu Adoption And maintenance Act, 1956 However, the news report was from 2017. [35] The Apastamba Dharmasutra allows a man to take a new wife after ten years if his present wife was judged to be barren, and could marry after thirteen or fourteen years if his wife only produced daughters, and he desired a son. It is a form of love marriage that arises out of the mutual love shared between a youth and a maiden, where the primary purpose is sexual intercourse. In modern times, this is classified as a form of date rape, and is a crime in most countries. Hindu Some user also shared their marriage certificate along with the viral image. OK, neither of those are very good sources, but in any case, you should add those specific citations to those sources in your answer. We will see the vedic incidences in vedic perspective not in Islamic perspective. Jalpauguri: A 36-year-old man married his teenage daughter and made her pregnant, justifying his perverse act by claiming he had divine sanction for his incestuous lust. Fell in love with his real daughter and got married, there was love between the two for 4 years. But the word incest is actually limited towards biological beings, and it cannot be used to define the relations of Atman. According to the report, a young woman named Sheetal from Surendranagar fell in love with a man of her father's age. there. AFWA investigated the post and found it to be misleading. The pool is so large that 150 men and women can take a bath together. Speaking to The Logical Indian in November 2020, Khans son said that his father had five sons and no daughters. The Prakriti is the universe, everything as the part of universe i.e. In fact, she changed the caption of the photos several times, finally settling on White Attire. It is the marriage performed after a non-consenting maiden is seized by force or abducted by a man. Brahma Whats even more galling is that his wife was the prime witness in the nikah of her daughter to her husband. The duo noted that Nagmas father Islam Khan was against their marriage because his daughter married a Hindu man, and has been threatening them since then. Half of his seed fell to the ground. A video which shows some youth questioning a man who married two young girls who say that they were forced to marry him is being shared on social media as a real incident. Sarasvati having been produced from Brahma, was regarded as his daughter; hence her union with him was said to be criminal by the other gods. He does not know the chronology in vedic genesis. Dowry, the practice of the brides family gifting property or money to her husband, is still prevalent despite the enactment of the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961. According to the report, a young woman named Sheetal from Surendranagar fell in love with a man of her father's age. Ayub Khan is a gangster from Hyderabad who is serving a seven-year sentence in prison. She is eternal consort which manifested from half of his body via air. Does a password policy with a restriction of repeated characters increase security? [46], There are both conservative and liberal views about homosexuality and same-sex marriages in Hinduism, with Hindu priests having performed marriage of same-sex couples. Does following line states Brahma repeats same incidents everyday? Did lord Brahma want to commit incest with his own daughter? Since you cite a Pura, I'm giving verses from another Pura to attest the claim of iva Pura, Chapter 2, Section 3 - Badarikrama-mhtmya, Skandamahpuram. On hearing this, Savitri was incensed, and thus addressed them: 'Since you now forsake me, O Lakshmi! 'Marriage') is the most important of all the samskaras, the rites of passage described in the Dharmashastra texts. So she has no bodily connection with Brahma. Both were in love with each other so they ran away and got married. Speaking truth to power requires allies like you. Though it has secondary meaning for human beings, it has primary meaning for Vishnu, Brahma, and Mahesh. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Brahma, the Hindu god, married his daughter Saraswati, according to the Brahma Purana. Hence there is no question of incest at all. This puts the claims about him marrying his daughter to rest. Thank you for improvment, for more improvement on answering please refer. [10] Any match with points under 18 is not considered as an auspicious match for a harmonious relationship, but they may still marry if they so choose.
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